found:Barrios, M. Cartas del pueblo andaluz, 1980 (subj.)t.p. (pueblo andaluz) p. 8 (Andalucía)
found:Spain. Legislación preautonómica, 1980:t.p. (Andalucía) p. 59 (Real Decreto-ley 11/1978, de 27 de abril (Jefatura), por el que se aprueba el régimen preautonómico para Andalucía) p. 60 (includes provs. of Almería, Cádiz, Córdoba, Granada, Huelva, Jaén, Málaga and Sevilla)
found:Webster's new geog. dict., 1972(Andalusia)
found:Bernitt, M. Die Rückwanderung spanischer Gastarbeiter, 1981:t.p. (Andalusien)
found:Jean, R. Sur les sentiers d'Andalousie, c1983:t.p. (Andalousie)
found:Internl. Colloq. about the Europ. Convention on Human Rights (6th : 1985 : Seville, Spain). Sixth International Colloq. about the Europ. ..., 1987:CIP t.p. (Autonomous Communities [sic] of Andalusia, Communauté autonome d'Andalousie) p. 11 (Autonomous Community of Andalusia)
found:Ruiz Robledo, A. La Comunidad Autónoma de Andalucía, 1988?
found:Encyc. Brit.(Andalusia; corresponding roughly to the ancient Roman province of Baetica)
found:Spain. Legislación sobre comunidades autónomas, c1982-c1984:v. 1, p. 184 (from the Estatuto de autonomía de Andalucía: the Junta de Andalucía is the institution in which the self-govt. of the autonomous community is organ. politically; the Junta is composed of the Parlamento, the Consejo de Gobierno, and the Pres. of the Junta)
found:Organigrama de las admin. pub. de las comunidades autónomas, 1983:p. 2 (name of govt. given as Junta de Andalucía)
found:Arquitectura en Al Andalus, 1996:t.p. (Andalus)
found:Padilla Monge, A. La provincia romana de la Bética (253-422), 1989:intro. (Andalusia)
found:Encic. univ. ilustrada europeo-americana, 1907?(hdg.: Bética; one of the Roman political divisions of modern Spain; from the time of the Arab emirate in Iberia, the name Al-andalus became the dominant name for the region, which is today written Andalusia)
found:GEOnet, July 9, 2004(Andalucía [short form], Comunidad Autónoma de--ADM1, 37°36ʹN 04°30ʹW; SP51)
found:Endülüs'te Yahudiler, 2022:page 4 of cover (Endülüs)