found:Ennius, Quintus. Ennius, 2018:title page (Ennius) pages xxi, etc. (Quintus Ennius; born 239 BC in Calabrian town of Rudiae; claimed descent from legendary king Messapus; versed in Greek and Oscan language and culture and, later, Roman culture; arrived in Rome in 204 BC, took up residence on the Aventine Hill; among first teachers to introduce Greek learning to Romans through readings of Greek and Latin texts; died aged 70 in 169 BC; Roman citizen; active in wide range of Latin literary endeavors: poetry (including the epic Annals), tragedies, and with less success, comedies; innovated moralistic, parodic, and autobiographical poetry compiled under title Satires (Saturae); no works survive in complete form, only in fragments; regarded as "father" of Roman literature)