found:His Mao Tse-tung tʻung chih lun chiao yü kung tso, 1958:t.p. (毛澤東 = Mao Tse-tung)
found:Mao, tấn thảm kịch của Đảng cộng sản Trung quốc, 1985- :v. 4, p. 5 (Mao Trạch Đông)
found:Li, T. Poems, 1989:t.p. (Mao Zetong)
found:Mao Tse-tung chʻing chʻun sui yüeh, 1992:p. 5 (b. 12-26-1893; t. 詠芝 = Yung-chih, or 潤芝 = Jun-chih; alias 李德勝 = Li Te-sheng)
found:Mao Tse-tung ssu hsiang ti che hsüeh tʻou shih, 1992:cover (Mao Ze Dong [in rom.]) colophon (Maozedong [in rom.])
found:His Sanniphon, 1968:v. 2, pt. 1 (Maočhœ̄tung [in Thai])
found:Membetulkan langgam Partai, 1955:t.p. (Mau Tje-tung)
found:Mao Tse-tung yü Chou En-lai, 1994:p. 18 (d. 9-9-1976)
found:Mao Tse-tung fang fa lun, 1993:t.p. verso (Mao Zhe Dong [in rom.])
found:Sela ḥezbāwi dimokrāsiyāwi diktātarenat, 1968 i.e 1975:t.p. (Māʼo Sétung)
found:Nūr̲u pūkkaḷ malaraṭṭum, 2003:t.p. (Mā Cē Tuṅ) cover (Māvō)
found:SILAS, Oct. 12, 2005(hdg.: Mao, Zedong, 1893-1976; usage: Mācētuṅ)
found:Wikipedia, WWW, Feb. 15, 2011(b. 26 Dec. 1893 in Shaoshan, Hunan Province, China and died 9 Sept. 1976 in Beijing, People's Republic of China; a Chinese communist revolutionary, guerrilla warfare strategist, author, political theorist, leader of the Chinese Revolution and architect of the People's Republic of China)
found:Māʼūze Tūng, 2013:t.p. verso (Mao Tse Tung)
found:Mao Runzhi, 1998:t.p. (毛润之 = Mao Runzhi)
found:Bai du bai ke WWW site, June 4, 2018(毛泽东 = Mao Zedong; Dec. 26, 1893-Sept. 9, 1976; zi: 润之 = Runzhi (originally 咏芝 = Yongzhi, changed to 润芝 = Runzhi later); pen name: 子任 = Ziren; alias: 石三伢子 = Shisanyazi, 二十八画生 = Ershibahuasheng, etc.; b. Hunan Sheng Changsha Fu Xiangtan Xian Shaoshan Chong; grad., Hunan Sheng li di yi shi fan xue xiao) - found:Lin Piao and the Great Helmsman, 1970:Memorandum to recipients (Report discusses Lin Piao as a successor to Mao; Lin is a devoted Maoist, who will probably tak the helm from the Great Helmsman, and follow the revolutionary course charted by Mao)
found:Cīn ke 100 sāl, 2023:title page (ماؤزے تنگ = Māʼoze Tung)