


GoCQL logo

Under Development: The GoCQL package is currently activelydeveloped and the API may change in the future.


Cluster Management

GoCQL automatically discovers all data centers, racks and hostsin your cluster, manages a pool of connections to them and distributesqueries in a reasonable and efficient way.

Type Conversion

Automatic and safe type conversion between Cassandra and Go withoutany loss of precision. Basic types, collections and UUIDs are supportedby default and custom types can implement their own marshaling logic.

Synchronous and Concurrent

Synchronous API with an asynchronous and concurrent back-end. Eachconnection can handle up to 128 concurrent queries and may receiveserver side push events at any time.

Failover Management


Result Paging

Iterate over large results sets and let GoCQL fetch one page afteranother. The next page is automatically pre-fetched in the backgroundonce the iterator has passed a certain threshold.

Atomic Batches

Execute a batch of related updates in a single query. GoCQL supportslogged, unlogged and counter batches.

Query Tracing

Trace queries to obtain a detailed output of all events thathappened during the query execution from Cassandra. The output mighthelp to identify bugs and performance bottlenecks in yourapplication.

Frame Compression

Speed up and reduce the network traffic by compressing the framesthat are sent to Cassandra.Snappy, acompression algorithm that aims for very high speeds and reasonablecompression, is enabled by default.

Multiple Cassandra Versions

GoCQL supports multiple Cassandra version. Currently Cassandra 1.2and Cassandra 2.0 are fully supported.

Thoroughly Tested


BSD License

Completely open source. Browse the source onGitHub and startcontributing today.

© 2014 The GoCQL Authors. All rights reserved.

