drizzle-team/drizzle-orm (drizzle-kit)
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- Fix bug that generates incorrect syntax when introspect in mysql
- Fix a bug that caused incorrect syntax output when introspect in unsigned columns
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As SingleStore did not support certain DDL statements before this release, you might encounter an error indicating that some schema changes cannot be applied due to a database issue. Starting from this version, drizzle-kit will detect such cases and initiate table recreation with data transfer between the tables
Bug fixes
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New Features
drizzle-kit export
To make drizzle-kit integration with other migration tools, like Atlas much easier, we've prepared a new command calledexport
. It will translate your drizzle schema in SQL representation(DDL) statements and outputs to the console
// schema.tsimport{pgTable,serial,text}from'drizzle-orm/pg-core'exportconstusers=pgTable('users',{id:serial('id').primaryKey(),email:text('email').notNull(),name:text('name')});
will output this string to console
CREATE TABLE"users" ("id" serial PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,"email" text NOT NULL,"name" text);
By default, the only option for now is--sql
, so the output format will be SQL DDL statements. In the future, we will support additional output formats to accommodate more migration tools
npx drizzle-kitexport --sql
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Starting from this update, the PostgreSQL dialect will align with the behavior of all other dialects. It will no longer includeIF NOT EXISTS
, or similar statements, which could cause incorrect DDL statements to not fail when an object already exists in the database and should actually fail.
This change marks our first step toward several major upgrades we are preparing:
- An updated and improved migration workflow featuring commutative migrations, a revised folder structure, and enhanced collaboration capabilities for migrations.
- Better support for Xata migrations.
- Compatibility with CockroachDB (achieving full compatibility will only require removing serial fields from the migration folder).
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New Features/Helpers
🎉 Detailed JSDoc for all query builders in all dialects - thanks@realmikesolo
You can now access more information, hints, documentation links, etc. while developing and using JSDoc right in your IDE. Previously, we had them only for filter expressions, but now you can see them for all parts of the Drizzle query builder
🎉 New helpers for aggregate functions in SQL - thanks@L-Mario564
Remember, aggregation functions are often used with the GROUP BY clause of the SELECT statement. So if you are selecting using aggregating functions and other columns in one query,
be sure to use the.groupBy
Here is a list of functions and equivalent usingsql
awaitdb.select({value:count()}).from(users);awaitdb.select({value:count(users.id)}).from(users);// It's equivalent to writingawaitdb.select({value:sql`count('*'))`.mapWith(Number)}).from(users);awaitdb.select({value:sql`count(${users.id})`.mapWith(Number)}).from(users);
awaitdb.select({value:countDistinct(users.id)}).from(users);// It's equivalent to writingawaitdb.select({value:sql`count(${users.id})`.mapWith(Number)}).from(users);
awaitdb.select({value:avg(users.id)}).from(users);// It's equivalent to writingawaitdb.select({value:sql`avg(${users.id})`.mapWith(String)}).from(users);
awaitdb.select({value:avgDistinct(users.id)}).from(users);// It's equivalent to writingawaitdb.select({value:sql`avg(distinct${users.id})`.mapWith(String)}).from(users);
awaitdb.select({value:sum(users.id)}).from(users);// It's equivalent to writingawaitdb.select({value:sql`sum(${users.id})`.mapWith(String)}).from(users);
awaitdb.select({value:sumDistinct(users.id)}).from(users);// It's equivalent to writingawaitdb.select({value:sql`sum(distinct${users.id})`.mapWith(String)}).from(users);
awaitdb.select({value:max(users.id)}).from(users);// It's equivalent to writingawaitdb.select({value:sql`max(${expression})`.mapWith(users.id)}).from(users);
awaitdb.select({value:min(users.id)}).from(users);// It's equivalent to writingawaitdb.select({value:sql`min(${users.id})`.mapWith(users.id)}).from(users);
New Packages
🎉 ESLint Drizzle Plugin
For cases where it's impossible to perform type checks for specific scenarios, or where it's possible but error messages would be challenging to understand, we've decided to create an ESLint package with recommended rules. This package aims to assist developers in handling crucial scenarios during development
Big thanks to@Angelelz for initiating the development of this package and transferring it to the Drizzle Team's npm
[ npm| yarn| pnpm| bun ] install eslint eslint-plugin-drizzle
You can install those packages for typescript support in your IDE
[ npm| yarn| pnpm| bun ] install @​typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin @​typescript-eslint/parser
Create a.eslintrc.yml
file, adddrizzle
to theplugins
, and specify the rules you want to use. You can find a list of all existing rules below
root:trueparser:'@​typescript-eslint/parser'parserOptions:project:'./tsconfig.json'plugins: -drizzlerules:'drizzle/enforce-delete-with-where':"error"'drizzle/enforce-update-with-where':"error"
All config
This plugin exports anall
config that makes use of all rules (except for deprecated ones).
root:trueextends: -"plugin:drizzle/all"parser:'@​typescript-eslint/parser'parserOptions:project:'./tsconfig.json'plugins: -drizzle
At the moment,all
is equivalent torecommended
root:trueextends: -"plugin:drizzle/recommended"parser:'@​typescript-eslint/parser'parserOptions:project:'./tsconfig.json'plugins: -drizzle
enforce-delete-with-where: Enforce usingdelete
with the.where()
clause in the.delete()
statement. Most of the time, you don't need to delete all rows in the table and require some kind ofWHERE
Error Message:
Without `.where(...)` you will delete all the rows in a table. If you didn't want to do it, please use `db.delete(...).where(...)` instead. Otherwise you can ignore this rule here
Optionally, you can define adrizzleObjectName
in the plugin options that accept astring
. This is useful when you have objects or classes with a delete method that's not from Drizzle. Such adelete
method will trigger the ESLint rule. To avoid that, you can define the name of the Drizzle object that you use in your codebase (like db) so that the rule would only trigger if the delete method comes from this object:
Example, config 1:
"rules": {"drizzle/enforce-delete-with-where": ["error"]}
classMyClass{publicdelete(){return{}}}constmyClassObj=newMyClass();// ---> Will be triggered by ESLint RulemyClassObj.delete()constdb=drizzle(...)// ---> Will be triggered by ESLint Ruledb.delete()
Example, config 2:
"rules": {"drizzle/enforce-delete-with-where": ["error", {"drizzleObjectName": ["db"] }],}
classMyClass{publicdelete(){return{}}}constmyClassObj=newMyClass();// ---> Will NOT be triggered by ESLint RulemyClassObj.delete()constdb=drizzle(...)// ---> Will be triggered by ESLint Ruledb.delete()
enforce-update-with-where: Enforce usingupdate
with the.where()
clause in the.update()
statement. Most of the time, you don't need to update all rows in the table and require some kind ofWHERE
Error Message:
Without `.where(...)` you will update all the rows in a table. If you didn't want to do it, please use `db.update(...).set(...).where(...)` instead. Otherwise you can ignore this rule here
Optionally, you can define adrizzleObjectName
in the plugin options that accept astring
. This is useful when you have objects or classes with a delete method that's not from Drizzle. Such asupdate
method will trigger the ESLint rule. To avoid that, you can define the name of the Drizzle object that you use in your codebase (like db) so that the rule would only trigger if the delete method comes from this object:
Example, config 1:
"rules": {"drizzle/enforce-update-with-where": ["error"]}
classMyClass{publicupdate(){return{}}}constmyClassObj=newMyClass();// ---> Will be triggered by ESLint RulemyClassObj.update()constdb=drizzle(...)// ---> Will be triggered by ESLint Ruledb.update()
Example, config 2:
"rules": {"drizzle/enforce-update-with-where": ["error", {"drizzleObjectName": ["db"] }],}
classMyClass{publicupdate(){return{}}}constmyClassObj=newMyClass();// ---> Will NOT be triggered by ESLint RulemyClassObj.update()constdb=drizzle(...)// ---> Will be triggered by ESLint Ruledb.update()
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New Dialects
dialect is now available in Drizzle
Thanks to the SingleStore team for creating a PR with all the necessary changes to support the MySQL-compatible part of SingleStore. You can already start using it with Drizzle. The SingleStore team will also help us iterate through updates and make more SingleStore-specific features available in Drizzle
You can check out ourGetting started guides to try SingleStore!
New Drivers
🎉SQLite Durable Objects
driver is now available in Drizzle
You can now query SQLite Durable Objects in Drizzle!
For the full example, please check ourGet Started Section
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Bug fixes
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Bug Fixes
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Correct behavior when installed in a monorepo (multiple Drizzle instances)
Replacing allinstanceof
statements with a customis()
function allowed us to handle multiple Drizzle packages interacting properly.
It also fixes one of our biggest Discord tickets:maximum call stack exceeded
You should now useis()
instead ofinstanceof
to check if specific objects are instances of specific Drizzle types. It might be useful if you are building something on top of the Drizzle API.
import{is,Column}from'drizzle-orm'if(is(value,Column)){// value's type is narrowed to Column}
clause support
Also,distinct on
clause is available for PostgreSQL:
support for SQLite
Contributed by@MrRahulRamkumar (#558),@raducristianpopa (#411) and@meech-ward (#725)
DX improvements
- Added verbose type error when relational queries are used on a database type without a schema generic
- Fix
callback in RQB for tables without relations
Various docs improvements
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- Updated internal versions for the drizzle-kit and drizzle-orm packages. Changes were introduced in the last minor release, and you are required to upgrade both packages to ensure they work as expected
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- Fix
data is malformed
for views
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While writing this update, we found one bug that may occur with views in MySQL and SQLite, so please use thedrizzle-kit@0.26.1
New Features
Checks support indrizzle-kit
You can use drizzle-kit to manage yourcheck
constraint defined in drizzle-orm schema definition
For example current drizzle table:
import{sql}from"drizzle-orm";import{check,pgTable}from"drizzle-orm/pg-core";exportconstusers=pgTable("users",(c)=>({id:c.uuid().defaultRandom().primaryKey(),username:c.text().notNull(),age:c.integer(),}),(table)=>({checkConstraint:check("age_check",sql`${table.age} > 21`),}));
will be generated into
CREATETABLEIF NOT EXISTS"users" ("id" uuidPRIMARY KEY DEFAULT gen_random_uuid()NOT NULL,"username"textNOT NULL,"age"integer,CONSTRAINT"age_check"CHECK ("users"."age">21));
The same is supported in all dialects
will work as expected for all check constraint changes.push
will detect only check renames and will recreate the constraint. All other changes to SQL won't be detected and will be ignored.
So, if you want to change the constraint's SQL definition using onlypush
, you would need to manually comment out the constraint,push
, then put it back with the new SQL definition andpush
one more time.
Views support indrizzle-kit
You can use drizzle-kit to manage yourviews
defined in drizzle-orm schema definition. It will work with all existing dialects and view options
For example current drizzle table:
import{sql}from"drizzle-orm";import{check,pgMaterializedView,pgTable,pgView,}from"drizzle-orm/pg-core";exportconstusers=pgTable("users",(c)=>({id:c.uuid().defaultRandom().primaryKey(),username:c.text().notNull(),age:c.integer(),}),(table)=>({checkConstraint:check("age_check",sql`${table.age} > 21`),}));exportconstsimpleView=pgView("simple_users_view").as((qb)=>qb.select().from(users));exportconstmaterializedView=pgMaterializedView("materialized_users_view").as((qb)=>qb.select().from(users));
will be generated into
CREATETABLEIF NOT EXISTS"users" ("id" uuidPRIMARY KEY DEFAULT gen_random_uuid()NOT NULL,"username"textNOT NULL,"age"integer,CONSTRAINT"age_check"CHECK ("users"."age">21));CREATEVIEW "public"."simple_users_view"AS (select"id","username","age"from"users");CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW"public"."materialized_users_view"AS (select"id","username","age"from"users");
Views supported in all dialects, but materialized views are supported only in PostgreSQL
will work as expected for all view changespush
- If you want to change the view's SQL definition using only
, you would need to manually comment out the view,push
, then put it back with the new SQL definition andpush
one more time.
Updates for PostgreSQL enums behavior
We've updated enum behavior in Drizzle with PostgreSQL:
Add value after or before in enum: With this change, Drizzle will now respect the order of values in the enum and allow adding new values after or before a specific one.
Support for dropping a value from an enum: In this case, Drizzle will attempt to alter all columns using the enum to text, then drop the existing enum and create a new one with the updated set of values. After that, all columns previously using the enum will be altered back to the new enum.
If the deleted enum value was used by a column, this process will result in a database error.
Support for dropping an enum
Support for moving enums between schemas
Support for renaming enums
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Breaking changes and migrate guide for Turso users
If you are using Turso and libsql, you will need to upgrade yourdrizzle.config
- This version of drizzle-orm will only work with
or higher if you are using themigrate
function. For other use cases, you can continue using previous versions(But the suggestion is to upgrade)
To install the latest version, use the command:
npm i @​libsql/client@latest
- Previously, we had a common
for SQLite and Turso users, which allowed a shared strategy for both dialects. Starting with this release, we are introducing the turso dialect in drizzle-kit. We will evolve and improve Turso as a separate dialect with its own migration strategies.
If you are using only SQLite, you can usedialect: "sqlite"
LibSQL/Turso and Sqlite migration updates
SQLite "generate" and "push" statements updates
Starting from this release, we will no longer generate comments like this:
'/*\n SQLite does not support "Changing existing column type" out of the box, we do not generate automatic migration for that, so it has to be done manually'+'\n Please refer to: https://www.techonthenet.com/sqlite/tables/alter_table.php'+'\n https://www.sqlite.org/lang_altertable.html'+'\n https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2083543/modify-a-columns-type-in-sqlite3'+"\n\n Due to that we don't generate migration automatically and it has to be done manually"+'\n*/'
We will generate a set of statements, and you can decide if it's appropriate to create data-moving statements instead. Here is an example of the SQL file you'll receive now:
PRAGMA foreign_keys=OFF;--> statement-breakpointCREATETABLE `__new_worker` (`id`integerPRIMARY KEYNOT NULL,`name`textNOT NULL,`salary`textNOT NULL,`job_id`integer,FOREIGN KEY (`job_id`)REFERENCES`job`(`id`)ONUPDATE no actionON DELETE no action);--> statement-breakpointINSERT INTO`__new_worker`("id","name","salary","job_id")SELECT"id","name","salary","job_id"FROM`worker`;--> statement-breakpointDROPTABLE`worker`;--> statement-breakpointALTERTABLE`__new_worker` RENAME TO`worker`;--> statement-breakpointPRAGMA foreign_keys=ON;
LibSQL/Turso "generate" and "push" statements updates
Since LibSQL supports more ALTER statements than SQLite, we can generate more statements without recreating your schema and moving all the data, which can be potentially dangerous for production environments.
LibSQL and Turso will now have a separate dialect in the Drizzle config file, meaning that we will evolve Turso and LibSQL independently from SQLite and will aim to support as many features as Turso/LibSQL offer.
With the updated LibSQL migration strategy, you will have the ability to:
- Change Data Type: Set a new data type for existing columns.
- Set and Drop Default Values: Add or remove default values for existing columns.
- Set and Drop NOT NULL: Add or remove the NOT NULL constraint on existing columns.
- Add References to Existing Columns: Add foreign key references to existing columns
You can find more information in theLibSQL documentation
- Dropping foreign key will cause table recreation.
This is because LibSQL/Turso does not support dropping this type of foreign key.
CREATETABLE `users` (`id`integerNOT NULL,`name`integer,`age`integerPRIMARY KEYNOT NULLFOREIGN KEY (`name`)REFERENCES`users1`("id")ONUPDATE no actionON DELETE no action);
If the table has indexes, altering columns will cause index recreation:
Drizzle-Kit will drop the indexes, modify the columns, and then create the indexes.
Adding or dropping composite foreign keys is not supported and will cause table recreation.
Primary key columns can not be altered and will cause table recreation.
Altering columns that are part of foreign key will cause table recreation.
- You can create a reference on any column type, but if you want to insert values, the referenced column must have a unique index or primary key.
CREATETABLEparent(aPRIMARY KEY, b UNIQUE, c, d, e, f);CREATEUNIQUE INDEXi1ON parent(c, d);CREATEINDEXi2ON parent(e);CREATEUNIQUE INDEXi3ON parent(f COLLATE nocase);CREATETABLEchild1(f, gREFERENCES parent(a));-- OkCREATETABLEchild2(h, iREFERENCES parent(b));-- OkCREATETABLEchild3(j, k,FOREIGN KEY(j, k)REFERENCES parent(c, d));-- OkCREATETABLEchild4(l, mREFERENCES parent(e));-- Error!CREATETABLEchild5(n, oREFERENCES parent(f));-- Error!CREATETABLEchild6(p, q,FOREIGN KEY(p, q)REFERENCES parent(b, c));-- Error!CREATETABLEchild7(rREFERENCES parent(c));-- Error!
NOTE: The foreign key for the table child5 is an error because, although the parent key column has a unique index, the index uses a different collating sequence.
See more:https://www.sqlite.org/foreignkeys.html
param indrizzle-orm
There are more improvements you can make to your schema definition. The most common way to name your variables in a database and in TypeScript code is usuallysnake_case
in the database andcamelCase
in the code. For this case, in Drizzle, you can now define a naming strategy in your database to help Drizzle map column keys automatically. Let's take a table from the previous example and make it work with the new casing API in Drizzle
Table can now become:
As you can see,inStock
doesn't have a database name alias, but by defining the casing configuration at the connection level, all queries will automatically map it tosnake_case
migrations generation you should also specifycasing
param in drizzle config, so you can be sure you casing strategy will be applied to drizzle-kit as well
This PR contains the following updates:
Release Notes
drizzle-team/drizzle-orm (drizzle-kit)
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improvementsAs SingleStore did not support certain DDL statements before this release, you might encounter an error indicating that some schema changes cannot be applied due to a database issue. Starting from this version, drizzle-kit will detect such cases and initiate table recreation with data transfer between the tables
Bug fixes
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New Features
drizzle-kit export
To make drizzle-kit integration with other migration tools, like Atlas much easier, we've prepared a new command called
. It will translate your drizzle schema in SQL representation(DDL) statements and outputs to the consoleRunning
npx drizzle-kitexport
will output this string to console
By default, the only option for now is
, so the output format will be SQL DDL statements. In the future, we will support additional output formats to accommodate more migration toolsnpx drizzle-kitexport --sql
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Starting from this update, the PostgreSQL dialect will align with the behavior of all other dialects. It will no longer include
, or similar statements, which could cause incorrect DDL statements to not fail when an object already exists in the database and should actually fail.This change marks our first step toward several major upgrades we are preparing:
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New Features/Helpers
🎉 Detailed JSDoc for all query builders in all dialects - thanks@realmikesolo
You can now access more information, hints, documentation links, etc. while developing and using JSDoc right in your IDE. Previously, we had them only for filter expressions, but now you can see them for all parts of the Drizzle query builder
🎉 New helpers for aggregate functions in SQL - thanks@L-Mario564
Here is a list of functions and equivalent using
New Packages
🎉 ESLint Drizzle Plugin
For cases where it's impossible to perform type checks for specific scenarios, or where it's possible but error messages would be challenging to understand, we've decided to create an ESLint package with recommended rules. This package aims to assist developers in handling crucial scenarios during development
You can install those packages for typescript support in your IDE
Create a
file, adddrizzle
to theplugins
, and specify the rules you want to use. You can find a list of all existing rules belowAll config
This plugin exports an
config that makes use of all rules (except for deprecated ones).At the moment,
is equivalent torecommended
enforce-delete-with-where: Enforce using
with the.where()
clause in the.delete()
statement. Most of the time, you don't need to delete all rows in the table and require some kind ofWHERE
statements.Error Message:
Optionally, you can define a
in the plugin options that accept astring
. This is useful when you have objects or classes with a delete method that's not from Drizzle. Such adelete
method will trigger the ESLint rule. To avoid that, you can define the name of the Drizzle object that you use in your codebase (like db) so that the rule would only trigger if the delete method comes from this object:Example, config 1:
Example, config 2:
enforce-update-with-where: Enforce using
with the.where()
clause in the.update()
statement. Most of the time, you don't need to update all rows in the table and require some kind ofWHERE
statements.Error Message:
Optionally, you can define a
in the plugin options that accept astring
. This is useful when you have objects or classes with a delete method that's not from Drizzle. Such asupdate
method will trigger the ESLint rule. To avoid that, you can define the name of the Drizzle object that you use in your codebase (like db) so that the rule would only trigger if the delete method comes from this object:Example, config 1:
Example, config 2:
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New Dialects
dialect is now available in DrizzleThanks to the SingleStore team for creating a PR with all the necessary changes to support the MySQL-compatible part of SingleStore. You can already start using it with Drizzle. The SingleStore team will also help us iterate through updates and make more SingleStore-specific features available in Drizzle
You can check out ourGetting started guides to try SingleStore!
New Drivers
SQLite Durable Objects
driver is now available in DrizzleYou can now query SQLite Durable Objects in Drizzle!
For the full example, please check ourGet Started Section
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Bug fixes
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Bug Fixes
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Correct behavior when installed in a monorepo (multiple Drizzle instances)
Replacing all
statements with a customis()
function allowed us to handle multiple Drizzle packages interacting properly.It also fixes one of our biggest Discord tickets:
maximum call stack exceeded
🎉You should now use
instead ofinstanceof
to check if specific objects are instances of specific Drizzle types. It might be useful if you are building something on top of the Drizzle API.distinct
clause supportAlso,
distinct on
clause is available for PostgreSQL:bigint
support for SQLiteContributed by@MrRahulRamkumar (#558),@raducristianpopa (#411) and@meech-ward (#725)
DX improvements
callback in RQB for tables without relationsVarious docs improvements
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data is malformed
for viewsv0.26.0
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New Features
Checks support in
You can use drizzle-kit to manage your
constraint defined in drizzle-orm schema definitionFor example current drizzle table:
will be generated into
The same is supported in all dialects
will work as expected for all check constraint changes.push
will detect only check renames and will recreate the constraint. All other changes to SQL won't be detected and will be ignored.So, if you want to change the constraint's SQL definition using only
, you would need to manually comment out the constraint,push
, then put it back with the new SQL definition andpush
one more time.Views support in
You can use drizzle-kit to manage your
defined in drizzle-orm schema definition. It will work with all existing dialects and view optionsPostgreSQL
For example current drizzle table:
will be generated into
Views supported in all dialects, but materialized views are supported only in PostgreSQL
will work as expected for all view changespush
, you would need to manually comment out the view,push
, then put it back with the new SQL definition andpush
one more time.Updates for PostgreSQL enums behavior
We've updated enum behavior in Drizzle with PostgreSQL:
Add value after or before in enum: With this change, Drizzle will now respect the order of values in the enum and allow adding new values after or before a specific one.
Support for dropping a value from an enum: In this case, Drizzle will attempt to alter all columns using the enum to text, then drop the existing enum and create a new one with the updated set of values. After that, all columns previously using the enum will be altered back to the new enum.
Support for dropping an enum
Support for moving enums between schemas
Support for renaming enums
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Breaking changes and migrate guide for Turso users
If you are using Turso and libsql, you will need to upgrade your
or higher if you are using themigrate
function. For other use cases, you can continue using previous versions(But the suggestion is to upgrade)To install the latest version, use the command:
for SQLite and Turso users, which allowed a shared strategy for both dialects. Starting with this release, we are introducing the turso dialect in drizzle-kit. We will evolve and improve Turso as a separate dialect with its own migration strategies.Before
If you are using only SQLite, you can use
dialect: "sqlite"
LibSQL/Turso and Sqlite migration updates
SQLite "generate" and "push" statements updates
Starting from this release, we will no longer generate comments like this:
We will generate a set of statements, and you can decide if it's appropriate to create data-moving statements instead. Here is an example of the SQL file you'll receive now:
LibSQL/Turso "generate" and "push" statements updates
Since LibSQL supports more ALTER statements than SQLite, we can generate more statements without recreating your schema and moving all the data, which can be potentially dangerous for production environments.
LibSQL and Turso will now have a separate dialect in the Drizzle config file, meaning that we will evolve Turso and LibSQL independently from SQLite and will aim to support as many features as Turso/LibSQL offer.
With the updated LibSQL migration strategy, you will have the ability to:
You can find more information in theLibSQL documentation
This is because LibSQL/Turso does not support dropping this type of foreign key.
If the table has indexes, altering columns will cause index recreation:
Drizzle-Kit will drop the indexes, modify the columns, and then create the indexes.
Adding or dropping composite foreign keys is not supported and will cause table recreation.
Primary key columns can not be altered and will cause table recreation.
Altering columns that are part of foreign key will cause table recreation.
See more:https://www.sqlite.org/foreignkeys.html
param indrizzle-orm
There are more improvements you can make to your schema definition. The most common way to name your variables in a database and in TypeScript code is usually
in the database andcamelCase
in the code. For this case, in Drizzle, you can now define a naming strategy in your database to help Drizzle map column keys automatically. Let's take a table from the previous example and make it work with the new casing API in DrizzleTable can now become:
As you can see,
doesn't have a database name alias, but by defining the casing configuration at the connection level, all queries will automatically map it tosnake_case
migrations generation you should also specifycasing
param in drizzle config, so you can be sure you casing strategy will be applied to drizzle-kit as wellConfiguration
📅Schedule: Branch creation - At any time (no schedule defined), Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined).
🚦Automerge: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you are satisfied.
♻Rebasing: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox.
🔕Ignore: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about this update again.
This PR was generated byMend Renovate. View therepository job log.