Node.js sample code encapsulates APIs of the HUAWEI Push Kit server. It provides many sample programs for your reference or usage.The following table describes packages of Node.js sample code.Package | Description ---- | ----- examples|Sample code packages. Each package can run independently to call an API. utils|Tool package, which contains common network requests and common verification methods. push|Package where APIs of the HUAWEI Push Kit server are encapsulated.
Before using Node.js sample code, ensure that the node environment has been installed.In the nodejs-sdk project directory:```bash$ npm install```Run the sample project:```bash$ npm run build```
We support Node.js 8.13.0 and higher.Please also note that the Sample Code should onlybe used in server-side/back-end environments controlled by the app developer.This includes most server and serverless platforms (both on-premise and inthe cloud). It is not recommended to use the Sample Code in client-sideenvironments.
Node.js sample code uses the index.ts file as the entry, creates a HcmNamespace object, calls a method in the object for initialization, enters a method module such as the message or topic method module, and then calls an API of the HUAWEI Push Kit server using a method in the module.Before using functions provided by packages in examples, you need to set parameters for initialization in hcm-Init.js and set request parameters in target.js in the common package.Initialization Parameter | Description ---- | ----- AppId|App ID, which is obtained from app information. AppSecret|Secret access key of an app, which is obtained from app information. AuthUrl|URL for the Huawei OAuth 2.0 service to obtain a token, please refer to Generating an App-Level Access Token. PushUrl|URL for accessing HUAWEI Push Kit, please refer to Sending Messages.Request Parameter | Description ---- | ----- TargetTopic|Name of a topic to be subscribed to, unsubscribed from, or queried. TargetCondition|Combination of condition expressions for a message. TargetToken|Token of a destination device. TargetTokenArray|Tokens of destination devices.
Download node.js sample code in Downloading Server Sample Code.node.js sample code uses index.ts as the entry. Call methods on object HcmNamespace: messaging and topic.
The following table lists methods in HcmNamespace.| Method | Description || ---- | ---- || messaging | The entry of the Messaging object, and verify the initialization input parameters. || topic | The entry of the Topic object, and verify the initialization input parameters. |The following table lists methods in Messaging.| Method | Description || ---- | ---- || send | Verify if the token needs to be updated and call the method sendRequest. || sendRequest | Sends a message to a device. |The following table lists methods in Topic.| Method | Description || ---- | ---- || subScribeTopic | Subscribe to topic. || unSubScribeTopic | Unsubscribe topic. || queryTopicList | Query subject list. |# 1 Send an Android data message.Code location: examples/send_data_message.js# 2 Send an Android notification message.Code location: examples/send_notify_message.js# 3 Send a message by topic.Code location: examples/send_topic_message.js# 4 Send a message by conditions.Code location: examples/send_condition_message.js# 5 Send a message to a Huawei quick app.Code location: examples/send_instance_app_message.js# 6 Send a message through the WebPush agent.Code location: examples/send_webpush_message.js# 7 Send a message through the APNs agent.Code location: examples/send_apns_message.js# 8 Send a test message.Code location: examples/send_test_message.js
pushkit Node.js sample is licensed under the [Apache License, version 2.0](