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Learn How to Code, Editor: Learn How to Code is a free e-book with everythinga person would need to know to get started or level up as a web developer.
Maintaining Open SourceProjects, Editor: There are many aspects to fosteringan open source project -- building community, promoting the library,maintaining good communication, among other factors. This book is a take on howto create, grow and maintain a successful open source project.
Mastering Bitcoin, Editor: Mastering Bitcoin by Andreas Antonopoulos coversthe technical foundations of bitcoin and other cryptographic currencies, fromcryptography basics, such as keys and addresses, to the data structures, networkprotocols and the consensus mechanism ("mining") that underpin bitcoin. Eachtechnical topic is explained with user stories, analogies and examples, and codesnippets illustrating the key concepts.
Mastering Ethereum, Editor: Mastering Ethereum by Andreas Antonopoulos is abook for developers, offering a guide to the operation and use of the EthereumOpen Blockchain.
- Stanford University, Bitcoin Engineering (CS251P): CS251 tackles the appliedside of Bitcoin with a focus on practical projects. Students go through aseries of Bitcoin-based labs, each of which are focused on a single practicalproblem that they'd encounter while trying to use Bitcoin. Over the course ofgoing through these labs, students learn how to use Bitcoin mining chips inconjunction with Bitcoin-based software to build micropayments-basedapplications that work with an internet-connected device. The goal of the classit to help students gain the practical knowledge required to build fairlysophisticated hardware and software applications that require intimate knowledgeof the Bitcoin protocol.
Base: An Ethereum L2, incubated by Coinbase and built on the open-source OP Stack.
Bitcoin Core: Bitcoin Core is a reference client of bitcoin. Initially, the software waspublished by Satoshi Nakamoto under the name Bitcoin, then Bitcoin-Qt and laterrenamed to Bitcoin Core. It is also known as the Satoshi client. It is a fullclient used by bitcoin nodes that create the bitcoin network. Through thechanges to Bitcoin Core, its developers make changes to the underlying bitcoinprotocol.
Bitcoin.org: Bitcoin.org was originally registered and owned by Satoshi Nakamoto and MarttiMalmi. When Satoshi left the project, he gave ownership of the domain toadditional people, separate from the Bitcoin developers, to spreadresponsibility and prevent any one person or group from easily gaining controlover the Bitcoin project. Since then, the site has been developed and maintainedby different members of the Bitcoin community. On GitHub, there have been over3,200 commits from 180 contributors. Over 950 translators have helped make thesite natively display in 25 different languages. Bitcoin.org receives tens ofmillions of visits a year.
Congo Developers Club: The Congo Developers Club is an online place where developers across Congo andCentral Africa can exchange ideas, experiences and opportunities in the field ofcomputer science and personal / professional development.
European Space Agency (ESA): The European Space Agency (ESA) is Europe's gateway to space. Its mission is toshape the development of Europe's space capability and ensure that investment inspace continues to deliver benefits to the citizens of Europe and the world.
Fedora Project: The Fedora Project is a project sponsored by Red Hat primarily to coordinate thedevelopment of the Linux-based Fedora operating system, operating with thevision that the project creates a world where free culture is welcoming andwidespread, collaboration is commonplace, and people control their content anddevices. The project also oversees Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux.
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL): The Jet Propulsion Laboratory is a federally funded research and developmentcenter and NASA field center in the City of La Cañada Flintridge, California,United States. Founded in the 1930s by Caltech researchers, JPL is owned by NASAand managed by the nearby California Institute of Technology.
Python: Python is a high-level, interpreted, general-purpose programming language. Itsdesign philosophy emphasizes code readability with the use of significantindentation. Python is dynamically-typed and garbage-collected. It supportsmultiple programming paradigms, including structured, object-oriented andfunctional programming.
Ruby: Ruby is an interpreted, high-level, general-purpose programming language. Itsupports multiple programming paradigms, including procedural, object-oriented,and functional programming. According to the creator, Ruby was influenced byPerl, Smalltalk, Eiffel, Ada, Basic, and Lisp.
Ruby on Rails: Ruby on Rails, or Rails, is a server-side web application framework written inRuby. It is a model–view–controller (MVC) framework, providing defaultstructures for a database, a web service and web pages. It encourages andfacilitates the use of web standards such as JSON or XML for data transfer,HTML, CSS and JavaScript for user interfacing.
21 / Earn: Based in Silicon Valley, California, and founded in 2013, Earn.com (formerlyknown as 21), enables micropayments with bitcoin-payable APIs, and microtasksbetween users via their paid messaging platform. In the past, the company hasalso experimented with embeddable mining chips that can be integrated intointernet-connected devices, supporting a continuous stream of digital currencyfor use in a wide variety of applications.
Accenture: Accenture is a multinational professional services company that providesservices in strategy, consulting, digital, and technology-related operations.
Alameda Research: Alameda Research is a quantitative cryptocurrency trading firm that providesliquidity in cryptocurrency and digital assets markets.
ALEX: ALEX is a decentralized platform for projects on Stacks to access communityfunding and the resources of the ecosystem.
Arkadiko: Arkadiko is a decentralized, non-custodial liquidity protocol where users cancollateralize their STX tokens and borrow a stablecoin called USDA.
Ava Labs: AVA is a next-generation blockchain platform with revolutionary scalability,decentralization, security, and flexibility.
Binance: Binance is a global cryptocurrency exchange that provides a platform for tradingmore than 100 cryptocurrencies.
BitPesa: BitPesa is an online payment platform launched in 2013. It's headquartered inNairobi, Kenya with office operations in Lagos, London, Luxembourg and Dakar.BitPesa offers real-time settlement at wholesale FX rates to frontier andemerging markets.
Bitvavo: Bitvavo is a large digital asset exchange in the Netherlands and a leadingEuropean cryptocurrency exchange.
Blockchain: Blockchain is a cryptocurrency wallet and block explorer service. Launched inAugust 2011, the service provides wallets, data on recent transactions, minedblocks in the bitcoin blockchain, charts on the bitcoin economy, and statisticsand resources for developers. Information from and links to the website arecommon in media coverage and in bitcoin forums.
BTC Markets: BTC Markets is a large cryptocurrency exchange based in Melbourne, Australia.
Canaan Creative: Canaan Creative, known simply as Canaan, is a computer hardware manufacturerwith specific integrated circuit design skills based in Beijing, China foundedin 2013. Canaan invented the first Bitcoin mining processors and computers andleads bitcoin hardware mining by using advanced ASIC semiconductor manufacturingprocesses. Canaan is known for its quality hardware paired with Open SourceSoftware.
Celo Foundation: The Celo Foundation is a non-profit organization based in the US that supportsthe growth and development of the open-source Celo Platform. Guided by the Celocommunity tenets, the Foundation contributes to education, technical research,environmental health, community engagement, and ecosystem outreach—activitiesthat support and encourage an inclusive financial system that creates theconditions for prosperity for everyone.
Chainlink Labs: Chainlink is a decentralized blockchain oracle network built on Ethereum.
Cisco: Cisco is an American multinational technology conglomerate headquartered in SanJose, California, in the center of Silicon Valley, that develops, manufacturesand sells networking hardware, telecommunications equipment and otherhigh-technology services and products.
Code To Inspire: Code To Inspire (CTI) uses technology education and outreach to provide Afghanwomen with leverage in their fight for social, political, and economic equality.CTI helps build skills and infrastructure for women to compete in the globaltech market, empowering them financially and socially. The CTI model is ascalable approach to tackle gender inequality and poverty.
Coinbase: Founded in June of 2012, Coinbase is a digital currency wallet and platformwhere merchants and consumers can transact with new digital currencies likebitcoin, ethereum, and litecoin. Coinbase strives to make digital currencieseasy to use and to be one of the world's leading platforms for digital currencyintegration.
Coinmetro: Coinmetro is an EU licensed exchange and holds active registrations withregulators in the USA and Australia.
Deloitte: Deloitte has approximately 286,000 professionals at member firms deliveringservices in audit & assurance, tax, consulting, financial advisory, riskadvisory, and related services in more than 150 countries and territories.
Eesti 2.0: Eesti 2.0 is a non-profit organization that aims to inspire the next generationof Estonians to choose a future in technology by providing students withdifferent technological tools and offering them ideas to apply thesetechnologies. Eesti focuses on elementary, middle and high school studentsacross Estonia. Its goal is to nourish creative thinking across disciplines andconnect science based theories to real life phenomena and events.
Flow: Flow is a blockchain built for the next generation of apps, games, and thedigital assets that power them.
FTX: FTX is a cryptocurrency exchange built by traders, for traders. FTX offersinnovative products including industry-first derivatives, options, volatilityproducts and leveraged tokens.
GiveDirectly: GiveDirectly is a nonprofit organization operating in East Africa that helpsfamilies living in extreme poverty by making unconditional cash transfers tothem via mobile phone. GiveDirectly transfers funds to people in Kenya, Uganda,and Rwanda.
GSR: GSR is a crypto market maker and ecosystem partner.
Hex Trust: Hex Trust is a fully licensed and insured provider of bank-grade custody andassociated services for digital assets in Asia.
Hiro: Hiro makes tools for developers to build this future with Stacks, one of thelargest and fastest growing Web3 projects on Bitcoin.
Kadena: Kadena was founded on the idea that blockchain could revolutionize how the worldinteracts and transacts.
Keyrock: Keyrock develops crypto asset financial infrastructure. It uses in-housealgorithmic trading bots and high frequency trading infrastructure to supplymarket making and liquidity services to the cryptocurrency ecosystem.
Ledger Prime: Ledger Prime is a quantitative digital asset investment firm.
NovaDAX: NovaDAX is a global cryptocurrency exchange based in Brazil.
Okcoin: Okcoin is a globally licensed exchange with offices in San Francisco, Miami,Malta, Hong Kong, Singapore and Japan.
Parity: Parity is a core blockchain infrastructure company, creating an open-sourcecreative commons that will enable people to create better institutions throughtechnology.
Rain: Rain is a licensed middle eastern cryptocurrency exchange, primarily servicingthe countries of Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait, and Oman.
Ripple: Ripple is an enterprise blockchain company with products in commercial use byhundreds of customers across 55+ countries.
SIREN: SIREN is a distributed protocol for creating, trading, and redeemingfully-collateralized options contracts for any ERC-20 token on Ethereum.
Solana Foundation: The Solana Foundation is a non-profit organization headquartered in Zug,Switzerland, dedicated to the decentralization, growth, and security of theSolana network.
Stacks Foundation: The Stacks Foundation supports the mission of a user owned internet throughStacks-related governance, research and development, education, and grants.
SushiSwap: SushiSwap is an open source exchange that manages yield farming and token swapsby using the use of an Automated Market Maker (AMM) smart contract.
Tokensoft: Tokensoft helps issuers of SEC registered blockchain securities get to market.
Trust Machines: The mission of Trust Machines is to grow the Bitcoin economy.
Wintermute: Wintermute is a global algorithmic market maker in digital assets.
Wrapped: Wrapped enables digital assets to connect different networks and blockchainsbeyond the ones they were originally deployed on.
Decrypt, 2023 Project of the Year (Base Team): Decrypt is a next-generationmedia company powered by AI & Web3.
ProductHunt, 2018 Crypto Product of the Year (Earn Team): Product Hunt helpsusers share and discover new products. Users submit products which are listed ina linear format by day. The site includes a comments system and a voting systemsimilar to Hacker News or Reddit. The products with the most votes rise to thetop of each day's list.
Frameworks: Bootstrap, Django, Flask, Gatsby, Hugo, Jekyll, Next.js, Rails, React,React Native, Wordpress
Languages: C++, CSS, HTML, Java, JavaScript, Python, Ruby, Solidity, SQL,TypeScript
Methodologies: Agile, App Store Optimization (ASO), Cross-Browser Compatibility, Scrum, Search EngineOptimization (SEO), Test-Driven Development (TDD)
Platforms/Tools: Amazon Web Services, App Store, Asana, Atlassian,BrowserStack, Buffer, cPanel, DigitalOcean, Discord, Docker, Drift, GitHub,GitLab, Google Analytics, Google Cloud, Google Webmaster Tools, Google Workspace, GNU Mailman, HackerOne,Hootsuite, Intercom, Jenkins, MailChimp, Mandrill, Mailgun, Mixpanel,Optimizely, PagerDuty, phpMyAdmin, Play Store, Salesforce, Segment, SendGrid,Sensor Tower, Sentry, Sift Science, Slack
- base/chains
base/chains Public archiveForked fromethereum-lists/chains
provides metadata for networkIDs and chainIDs
- bitcoinbook/bitcoinbook
bitcoinbook/bitcoinbook PublicMastering Bitcoin 3rd Edition - Programming the Open Blockchain
- ethereumbook/ethereumbook
ethereumbook/ethereumbook PublicMastering Ethereum, by Andreas M. Antonopoulos, Gavin Wood
- electric-capital/crypto-ecosystems
electric-capital/crypto-ecosystems PublicA taxonomy for open source cryptocurrency, blockchain, and decentralized ecosystems
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