Vue Storefront - Community
Check all community maintained integrations
Vue Storefront Community is a collaborative project that aims to bring together people from different backgrounds and skill levels to work on a common goal. Whether you're a beginner or an expert, we welcome your contributions!
We have a vast number of integrations that are maintained by the community. If you're interested in contributing, please take a look at the list of integrations and pick one that you'd like to work on. If you don't see the integration you're looking for, please feel free to create a new one.
To get started, pick one of the integrations from the list below and follow the instructions in the README file. If you're not sure where to start, take a look at the issues page to see what needs to be done.
Our most popular community maintained integrations:
- PrestaShop from Binshops
- Sylius from BitBag
- Odoo from OdooGap
- Spree from Upside
- Shopify from Aureate Labs & The Stable
Check out the full list of community integrations here.
We are very happy that you are interested in creating a Vue Storefront integration with us. We are committed to building a rich and diverse ecosystem, and your success in being part of it is also our success.
Check our Open Source Integration Guide to learn the details of creating a new integration.
We welcome contributions of all kinds, including code, documentation, bug reports, and feature requests. Please check the README file of a integration of your choice for the contribution guidelines.
We have a Code of Conduct in place to ensure that all members of our community feel safe and respected. Please be sure to read and follow it.
We have a Discord community where you can ask questions, share your ideas, and get help from other community members.
Thanks for participating! We're thrilled to have you on board as part of our community. We hope that you'll find this project as fun and rewarding as we do, and we can't wait to see what you'll contribute!
- prestashop
prestashop PublicConvert your traditional PrestaShop website into a fast, mobile friendly and modern website.
- nuxt-starter Public
vuestorefront-community/nuxt-starter’s past year of commit activity - nextjs-starter Public
vuestorefront-community/nextjs-starter’s past year of commit activity - prestashop Public
Convert your traditional PrestaShop website into a fast, mobile friendly and modern website.
vuestorefront-community/prestashop’s past year of commit activity - alokai-rn-guide Public
vuestorefront-community/alokai-rn-guide’s past year of commit activity