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- tibia-map-data
tibia-map-data Public🔰 Fully explored Tibia maps in a human-readable format.
- tibia-maps-installer-linux
tibia-maps-installer-linux Public🔧 A shell script that downloads and installs Tibia maps on Linux hosts.
- tibia-maps-installer-macos
tibia-maps-installer-macos Public🔧 A shell script that downloads and installs Tibia maps on macOS hosts.
- tibia-maps-script
tibia-maps-script Public🔧 A command-line utility to convert between binary Tibia maps and human-readable forms of the map data.
- tibia-map-grammar
tibia-map-grammar Public🌁 Binary `*.map` file grammar, compatible with Hexinator and Synalyze It!.
- tibia-kill-stats Public
tibiamaps/tibia-kill-stats’s past year of commit activity - tibia-historical-map-data Public
Historical Tibia maps, explored or edited using official references only.
tibiamaps/tibia-historical-map-data’s past year of commit activity - tibia-maps-installer-linux Public
🔧 A shell script that downloads and installs Tibia maps on Linux hosts.
tibiamaps/tibia-maps-installer-linux’s past year of commit activity - tibia-maps-script Public
🔧 A command-line utility to convert between binary Tibia maps and human-readable forms of the map data.
tibiamaps/tibia-maps-script’s past year of commit activity - tibia-maps-installer-windows Public
🔧 An executable that downloads and installs Tibia 11 maps on Windows hosts.
tibiamaps/tibia-maps-installer-windows’s past year of commit activity - tibia-count-walkable-tiles Public
🔢 A utility to calculate the number of walkable tiles in a given set of PNGs containing Tibia 11-compatible pathfinding data.
tibiamaps/tibia-count-walkable-tiles’s past year of commit activity