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[TMLR 2024] Official PyTorch Implementation of Deep Dynamic Latent Particles


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[TMLR 2024] Official PyTorch implementation of the paper "DDLP: Unsupervised Object-centric Video Prediction with Deep Dynamic LatentParticles".

[TMLR 2024] DDLP: Unsupervised Object-centric Video Prediction with
Deep Dynamic Latent Particles

Official repository of DLPv2, DDLP and DiffuseDDLP

Transactions on Machine Learning Research 2024

Open In Colab

DDLP: Unsupervised Object-centric Video Prediction with Deep Dynamic Latent Particles

DDLP: Unsupervised Object-centric Video Prediction with Deep Dynamic Latent Particles
Tal Daniel, Aviv Tamar

Abstract:We propose a new object-centric video prediction algorithm based on the deep latent particle (DLP) representation.In comparison to existing slot- or patch-based representations, DLPs model the scene using a set of keypointswith learned parameters for properties such as position and size, and are both efficient and interpretable.Our method, deep dynamic latent particles (DDLP), yields state-of-the-art object-centric video prediction resultson several challenging datasets. The interpretable nature of DDLP allows us to perform``what-if'' generation -- predict the consequence of changing properties of objects in the initial frames,and DLP's compact structure enables efficient diffusion-based unconditional video generation.


Daniel, Tal, and Aviv Tamar. "DDLP: Unsupervised Object-centric Video Prediction with Deep Dynamic Latent Particles." Transactions on Machine Learning Research (TMLR) 2835-8856 (2024).

@article{daniel2024ddlp,title={DDLP: Unsupervised Object-centric Video Prediction with Deep Dynamic Latent Particles},author={Tal Daniel and Aviv Tamar},journal={Transactions on Machine Learning Research},issn={2835-8856},year={2024},url={},}

Preprint on ArXiv:2306.05957


  • For your convenience, we provide anenvironemnt.yml file which installs the required packages in acondaenvironment namedtorch. Alternatively, you can usepip to installrequirements.txt.
    • Use the terminal or an Anaconda Prompt and run the following commandconda env create -f environment.yml.
Python3.7-8 (Anaconda)-
torch> =1.13.0-
torchvision> =0.13-
matplotlib> =3.7.1-
numpy> =1.24.3-
h5py> =3.1.0Required ro read the "Balls-Interaction" dataset
py-opencv> =3.4.2For plotting
tqdm> =4.65.0-
scipy> =1.8.1-
scikit-image> =0.19.2Required to generate the "Shapes" dataset
ffmpeg=4.2.2Required to generate video files
accelerate> =0.19.0For multi-GPU training
imageio> =2.6.1For creating video GIFs
piqa> =1.3.1For image evaluation metrics: LPIPS, SSIM, PSNR
notebook> =6.5.4To run Jupyter Notebooks
einops> =0.5.0Required for diffusion modules fromlucidrains repository
tkinter> =8.6GUI
ttkthemes> =3.2.2GUI
ttkwidgets> =0.13.0GUI

For a manual installation guide, seedocs/

Model Zoo - Pretrained Models

  • We provide pre-trained checkpoints for the 3 datasets we used in the paper.
  • All model checkpoints should be placed inside the/checkpoints directory.
  • The interactive GUI will use these checkpoints.
Model TypeDatasetLink
--DLPv2 - Single-image Object-centric Image Decomposition Model--
DLPv2OBJ3D (128x128)
DLPv2Traffic (128x128)
--DDLP - Conditional Video Decomposition and Prediction Model--
DDLPOBJ3D (128x128)
DDLPTraffic (128x128)
DDLPPHYRE (128x128)
--DiffuseDDLP - Unconditional Video Generation Model--
DiffuseDDLPOBJ3D (128x128)
DiffuseDDLPTraffic (128x128)

Interactive Graphical User Interface (GUI)

  • We designed atkinter-based interactive GUI to plot and modify the particles, and generate videos from latent modifications.
  • The demo is astandalone and does not require to download the original datasets.
  • We provide example images under/assets/ which will be used for the GUI.

To run the GUI (after downloading the checkpoints):python

Thecheckpoints directory should look like:

checkpoints├── ddlp-obj3d128│   ├── obj3d128_ddlp.pth│   ├── hparams.json├── dlp-traffic├── diffuse-ddlp-obj3d128│   ├── diffusion_hparams.json│   ├── ddlp_hparams.json│   ├── latent_stats.pth│   ├── saves│   │   ├── model.pth└── ...

The GUI enables interacting with the particles and the resulting effect on the image or video.

For more usage instructions, see/docs/


OBJ3DCourtesy ofG-SWMGoogle Drive
TrafficCourtesy ofRon
PHYRESeedatasets/ to generate new data or download the data we
CLEVRERWe use episodes 0-4999 from the training videos for training, 0-999 for validation and 1000-1999 for test from the validation videosHomepage,Training Videos,Validation Videos
Balls-InteractionSynthetic, courtesy ofG-SWM, seethis link to generate or download data we
ShapesSynthetic, generated on-the-flyseegenerate_shape_dataset_torch() indatasets/
Custom Dataset1. Implement aDataset (see examples in/datasets).
2. Add it toget_image_dataset() andget_video_dataset() in/datasets/
3. Prepare ajson config file with the hyperparameters and place it in/configs.

DLPv2 and DDLP - Training

You can train the models on single-GPU machines and multi-GPU machines. For multi-GPU training We useHuggingFace Accelerate:pip install accelerate.

  1. Set visible GPUs under:os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "0, 1, 2, 3" (NUM_GPUS=4)
  2. Set "num_processes": NUM_GPUS inaccel_conf.yml (e.g."num_processes":4ifos.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "0, 1, 2, 3").
  • Single-GPU machines:python -d {dataset} /python -d {dataset}
  • Multi-GPU machines:accelerate launch --config_file ./accel_conf.yml -d {dataset} /accelerate --config_file ./accel_conf.yml -d {dataset}

Config files for the datasets are located in/configs/{ds_name}.json. You can modify hyperparameters in these files.To generate a config file for a new datasets you can copy one of the files in/confgis or use the/configs/ script.

Hyperparameters: See/docs/ for extended details and recommended values.

The are using the config file/configs/{ds_name}.json


  • Single-GPU:


python --dataset shapes

python --dataset traffic_img


python --dataset obj3d128

python --dataset phyre

  • Multi-GPU:


accelerate launch --config_file ./accel_conf.yml --dataset traffic_img


accelerate launch --config_file ./accel_conf.yml --dataset obj3d128

  • Note: if you want multiple multi-GPU runs, each run should have a different accelerate config file (e.g.,accel_conf.yml,accel_conf_2.yml, etc..). The only difference between the files should bethemain_process_port field (e.g., for the second config file, setmain_process_port: 81231).

  • During training, the script saves (locally) a log file with the metrics output and images in the following structure:

where the columns are different images in the batch (DLPv2) or an image sequence (DDLP) and the rows correspond to:

RowImage Meaning
1Ground-truth (GT) original input image
2GT image +allK posterior particles
3Reconstruction of the entire scene
4GT image +all prior keypoints (proposals)
5GT image + top-K posterior particle filtered by their uncertainty
6Foreground reconstruction (decoded glimpses and masks of the particles)
7GT image + bounding boxes based on the scale attributez_s
8GT image + bounding boxes based on the decoded particles masks
9Backgroung reconstruction

DDLP - Evaluation

The evaluation protocol measures the reconstruction quality via 3 metrics: LPIPS, SSIM and PSNR.

We use the open-sourcepiqa (pip install piqa) to compute the metrics. Ifeval_im_metrics=True in the config file,the metrics will be computed every evaluation epoch on thevalidation set. The code saves the best model basedon the LPIPS metric.

To evaluate a pre-trained DDLP model (on thetest set) on video prediction, we provide a script:

python eval/ --help

For example, to evaluate a model saved in/310822_141959_obj3d128_ddlp on the test set, with 6 conditional frames and ageneration horizon of 50 frames:

python eval/ -d obj3d128 -p ./310822_141959_obj3d128 -c 6 --horizon 50

The script will load the config filehparams.json from/310822_141959_obj3d128_ddlp/hparams.json and the modelcheckpoint from/310822_141959_obj3d128_ddlp/saves/obj3d128_ddlp_best_lpips.pth and use it to generate video predictions.

Alternatively, you can specify a direct path to the checkpoint as follows:

python eval/ -d obj3d128 -p ./checkpoints/ddlp-obj3d128 -c 6 --horizon 50 --checkpoint ./checkpoints/ddlp-obj3d128/obj3d128_ddlp.pth

For more options, seepython eval/ --help.

For a similar evaluation of DLPv2 in the single-image setting, seeeval_dlp_im_metric() in/eval/

DDLP - Video Prediction with Pre-trained Models

To generate a video prediction using a pre-trained model as follows:

python -d obj3d128 -p ./310822_141959_obj3d128_ddlp -n 1 -c 10 --horizon 100

The script will load the config filehparams.json from/310822_141959_obj3d128_ddlp/hparams.json and the modelcheckpoint from/310822_141959_obj3d128_ddlp/saves/obj3d128_ddlp_best_lpips.pth and use it to generaten video predictions,based on 10 conditional input frames, and a final video length of 100 frames. In the example above, a single (n=1) videowill be generated and saved within ananimations directory (will be created if it doesn't exist) under the checkpoint directory.

Alternatively, you can specify a direct path to the checkpoint as follows:

python -d obj3d128 -p ./checkpoints/ddlp-obj3d128 -n 1 -c 10 --horizon 100 --checkpoint ./checkpoints/ddlp-obj3d128/obj3d128_ddlp.pth

For more options, seepython --help.

DiffuseDDLP - Training

DiffuseDDLP is an unconditional object-centric video generation model that models the distribution of latent particlesrepresenting the first few frames of a video. To do so, it assumes access to a pre-trained DDLP model. For a stabletraining of the diffusion, the particles should be normalized, and thus, before the DDPM training we need to calculatethe latent particles' statistics (min/max/mean/std). This is done automatically on the first run of the training script,and saved aslatents_stats.pth file for future usage.

The DDPM training is mostly based onlucidrains' diffusion models repository, so if you are familiar with it, our codemaintains most of its functionality.

To train DiffuseDDLP, modify the config file/configs/diffuse_ddlp.json with:

  • The number of conditional frames to learn (diffuse_frames, default is 4).
  • The type of latent normalization (particle_norm, default isminmax in the (-1, 1) range). Choose betweenminmax andstd (standardization).
  • The path for the pre-trained DDLP directoryddlp_dir containinghparams.json.
  • The path for the pre-trained DDLP checkpointddlp_ckpt file (.pth).

The training script will create a new results directory to save checkpoints and figures.Alternatively, if you want to continue training from a checkpoint, specifyresult_dir in the config file.

To run the training script:

python -c diffuse_ddlp.json

DiffuseDDLP - Video Generation with Pre-trained Models

To generate new videos from a pre-trained DiffuseDDLP model, you should as follows:

python -c ./checkpoints/diffuse-ddlp-obj3d128/diffusion_hparams.json -b 5 -n 10

where-c points to the diffusion config fileinside the "results" directory created when training DiffuseDDLP.-b is the batch size and-n is the number of videos to generate.

Alternatively, you can generate plots of the generated frames instead of videos by specifying:

python -c ./checkpoints/diffuse-ddlp-obj3d128/diffusion_hparams.json -b 5 -n 10 --image

For more options, seepython --help.

Documentation and Notebooks

For your convenience, we provide more documentation in/docs and more examples of using the models in/notebooks.

docs/installation.mdManual instructions to install packages withconda
docs/gui.mdInstructions of using the GUI: loading models and examples, interacting with the particles
docs/hyperparameters.mdExplanations of the various hyperparameters of the models and recommended values
docs/example_usage.pyoverview of the models functionality: forward output, loss calculation and sampling
notebooks/dlpv2_ddlp_walkthrough_tutorial.ipynbtutorial and walkthrough of DLPv2 and DDLP, where we train and evaluate a DLPv2 model on theshapes dataset
notebooks/ddlp_pretrained_loading_generation.ipynbtutorial and walkthrough of DDLP where we load a pre-trained DDLP model and generate and modify videos

Repository Organization

File nameContent
/checkpointsdirectory for pre-trained checkpoints
/assetsdirectory containing sample images for the interactive GUI
/datasetsdirectory containing data loading classes for the various datasets
/configsdirectory containing config files for the various datasets
/docsvarious documentation files
/notebooksvarious Jupyter Notebook examples of DLPv2 and DDLP
/eval/eval_model.pyevaluation functions such as evaluating the ELBO
/eval/eval_gen_metrics.pyevaluation functions for image metrics (LPIPS, PSNR, SSIM)
/modules/modules.pybasic neural network blocks used to implement the (D)DLP model
/modules/dynamic_modules.pybasic neural network blocks used to implement the transformer-based dynamics module (PINT)
/modules/diffusion_modules.pybasic neural network blocks used to implement the DiffuseDDLP model
/utils/loss_functions.pyloss functions used to optimize the model such as Chamfer-KL and perceptual (VGG) loss
/utils/util_func.pyutility functions such as logging and plotting functions, Spatial Transformer Network (STN)
models.pyimplementation of DLPv2 and DDLP models function of (D)DLP for single-GPU machines function of (D)DLP for multi-GPU machines
train_diffuse_ddlp.pytraining function of DifufseDDLP for single-GPU machines
interactive_gui.pytkinter-based interactive GUI to plot and interact with learned particles
environment.ymlAnaconda environment file to install the required dependencies
requirements.txtrequirements file forpip
accel_conf.ymlconfiguration file foraccelerate to run training on multiple GPUs


[TMLR 2024] Official PyTorch Implementation of Deep Dynamic Latent Particles








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