We've verified that the organizationstatamic controls the domain:
Statamic is an open source, PHP CMS designed and built specifically for developersand their clients or content managers. It runs onLaravel and replaces the pain of managing sites with a childlike sense of wonder and joy. And features like:
- The ability to run flat files, Eloquent, a database, or custom data drivers
- An intuitive and beautiful control panel
- Can be used as a full or headless CMS, in JAMStack projects, or as a static site generator
- Antlers, a flexible template language that takes all the hard work out of building dynamic templates
- 40+ fieldtypes – more than any other CMS in the known universe
- Live Preview
- Asset Manager, including focal point management
- Translated into 15+ languages
And thePro version includes even more:
- REST API & GraphQL
- Drag & Drop Nav Builder
- Form Builder
- User permissions, roles, and real-time Collaboration
- Automated Git Integration
- Multi-site capable
- Andmuch, much more
The Statamic ecosystem proudly features:
- A kind-hearted and welcomingcommunity
- A third-partymarketplace with hundreds of free and commercial addons and Starter Kits
- Technical support provided by the core development team
- Everything the incredibleLaravel Community has to offer
Statamic has extensive and friendlydocumentation and a library ofvideo tutorials to help you ramp up quickly and start falling in love with the platform.
- Quick Start Guide — get your first Statamic site up and running quickly.
- Full Documentation — Read the acclaimed docs.
- Twitter — Read our tweets.
- Discord — Hang out with the community.
- Github Discussions — Help and be helped.
- Antlers Toolbox — A powerful VSCode extension to help you on your way.
You can help with our open source efforts in many ways: by resolvingopen issues,improving the docs, blogging what you've learned, or tweeting something helpful.
You can also sponsor our open source work viaGitHub Sponsors orbuy a T-shirt from us.
- eloquent-driver Public
Provides support for storing your Statamic data in a database, rather than flat files.
statamic/eloquent-driver’s past year of commit activity
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