Become a sponsor toArpit Bhardwaj
I am an undergrad currently in my exploration phase for the tech industry.
More about me, I specialize in writingbash scripts andLinux SysAdmin, haven't put a single step towards WebD (my biggest mistake) leading to imposter syndrome and feeling left out so, that's exactly what I am trying to fix now!
Providing me with monetary support will enable me to try my hands on industry standard paid services which I haven't ever tried like getting aVPS - for manually setting up my website from scratch without using any SaaS or anything just pure code, buying tutorials and paying for the education bills.
Featured work
- metakgp/naarad
Self-hosted server for metakgp
Go 14 - metakgp/iitkgp-erp-login-pypi
The only python package you will ever need to implement login process in ERP for IIT-KGP
Python 28 - proffapt/gsync
Setup autosync to github for your files.
Shell 14 - proffapt/fERP
Stands for Feedback-ERP. Automation extension for IIT KGP ERP feedback
JavaScript 41 - metakgp/mftp
CDC noticeboard scraper
Python 37 - proffapt/Metahub
A repository to document PtokaX DC setup at IIT Kharagpur
C++ 9