snsinahub/sqlcmd is an action that runs script containing the languages and commands supported by SQL Server SQLCMD.
-uses:snsinahub/dotnet-cli@v2.2.0with:# Type of command# supported values# script: pass sql script file to the action# example:# sqlcmd_action: "script"sqlcmd_action:"script"# Absolute path to sql file# example:# sql_path: 'C:\scripts\run.sql'sql_path:'C:\scripts\run.sql'# Name of sql server URL or Machine name# example:# server_name: 'C:\project'server_name:""# Pass parameters in format of comma separated values# IMPORTANT: if you need to put value of each variable inside quotes please follow ## sqlcmd_variables: env='dev' account='dev-account'# input_type: inlinesqlcmd_variables:env='dev' account='dev-account'# Pass parameters in format of comma separated values# IMPORTANT: if you need to put value of each variable inside quotes USE SINGLE QUOTES ONLY# DOUBLE QUOTES ARE NOT ACCEPTED# example:# input_type: inlineinput_type:inline# Query Timeout# example:# query_timeout: 6000query_timeout:6000# MS SQL Server database name# example:# db_name: SSISDBdb_name:SSISDB