Here is our pytorch pytorch implementation of network design paradigm described in the paper "Designing Network Design Spaces"

Design space design
P: Paper's. O: Our
Model | [P/O] gflops | [P/O] params | [P/O] top-1 error |
RerNetY-200MF | 0.2/0.22 | 3.2/3.27 | 29.6/updating... |
RerNetY-400MF | 0.4/0.42 | 4.3/4.45 | 25.9/updating... |
RerNetY-600MF | 0.6/0.60 | 6.1/5.66 | 24.5/updating... |
RerNetY-800MF | 0.8/0.82 | 6.3/6.26 | 23.7/updating... |

Top RegNetX models

Top RegNetY models
We use Imagenet (ILSVRC2012) for all experiments, as stated in the paper.
Create a data folder under this repository,
- ImageNet:Download the ImageNet dataset and put the files as the following structure:
data├── train│ ├── n01440764│ └── n01443537│ └── ...│── val│ ├── n01440764│ └── n01443537│ └── ...
Of course you could change this path to whatever you want based on your own preference, or mount it to a folder when using docker.
With our code, you can:
- Train your model with default arguments by runningpython -d path/to/image/root/folder
- We also provide shell scripts which could be used to run training for first RegnetY models at./scripts/. For example, if you want to train RegNetY 800MF, you could simply run./scripts/
- python 3.7
- pytorch 1.4
- opencv (cv2)
- pthflops
- torchsummary
Complete all networks and training script. We are training RegnetY models and will update result soon.