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- TPMS-monitor-flipperzero
TPMS-monitor-flipperzero PublicThis is a simple tpms_monitor for flipper zero that was built to operate on 2003-2020 Ford TPMS systems. If the TPMS system is not operating on 315/433 MHz frequency this will not work.
- security-cheatsheets
security-cheatsheets PublicForked fromiamfuntime/security-cheatsheets
A collection of cheatsheets for various infosec tools and topics.
- scripts
scripts PublicForked fromaveragesecurityguy/scripts
Scripts I use during pentest engagements.
Python 1
- PIA-internet-kill-switch
PIA-internet-kill-switch PublicForked fromjaredcrean/PIA-internet-kill-switch
simple script for disabling the internet if VPN goes down
Shell 1
- pia-launch
pia-launch PublicForked fromjaredcrean/pia-launch
A simple wrapper for OpenVPN for use with Private Internet Access on Linux
Shell 1
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