Hi, I'm a [ Software Engineer | Site Reliability Engineer | Quality Assurance Engineer | Cloud Engineer ]Ready to work hard, programming language agnostic, prefer ECMAScript (aka JavaScript) with latest standard(aka ESNext) in any runtime (Browser/V8/SpiderMonkey/JavaScriptCore, Node.js, Deno, Bun, GraalVM, Ringo,Rhino, Nashorn). Use cutting-edge technologies and SOTA software architectural/design (MVX, MVXX, X-driven)patterns and principles/paradigms (CQRS, DRY, KISS, YAGNI, SOLID). In touch with any other JS dialects.Know the most of Apache, Eclipse and LF products. Have strong experience in complex product design. Deepknowledge in TCP/IP, Web, Web3, InfoSec (SCA, SAST, DAST, IAST, RASP), Cloud, OSs, DBMSs (CDC, noSQL, newSQL),KVs, MQs, VMs, Containers, WASM, Automation (IaC, CI/CD), IAM (IdP, PKI, mTLS), Orchestration (K3s, K8s,OpenShift, Nomad, OpenStack), Serverless, Embedded, IoT & Edge (aka IoE). Master of coroutines. Can tellthe difference between concurrency and parallelism, thread and process, AOT and JIT, SOA and MSA, SOAP andREST (HATEOAS), 2PC and SAGA, BASE and ACID, imperative and declarative paradigm. Know how to read RFCs.Up to date with the latest W3C/WHATWG/ECMA specs. Good in Agile with Scrum/Kanban, can various developmentpractice (DDD, BDD, TDD, FDD), know TOGAF/ARIS. Developed many design kits for UI and HMI. Just write to meto find out everything about my experience :)