Hi, I'm Sam Alipour-fard. I'm a graduate student at the Center for Theoretical Physics at MIT. I studyparticle physics. I am also interested in the structure of quantum field theory. I love gauge theories, solitons and instantons, supersymmetry, and am interested in learning more about classical and quantum chaos.
- JetMonteCarlo
JetMonteCarlo PublicA set of python-based Monte Carlo tools for jet physics, including Monte Carlo integration, parton showering, and examples.
Python 2
- LibrarianFileManager
LibrarianFileManager PublicGeneral purpose file management tools for initializing, keeping track of, and interacting with file structures (e.g. for cataloging data, plotting of figures, etc.). Written in python.
Python 1
- ResolvedEnergyCorrelators
ResolvedEnergyCorrelators PublicTools for computing and visualizing energy-weighted correlations with Pythia and CMS Open Data
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