An Android application wrapper for Pooler's CPUMiner
To compile libcurl, you first need a standalone Android NDK toolchain. Thiscan be built using the script in build/tools.Here I'm going to assume we're putting the standalone toolchain in /opt/.
# Setup destination directorysudo mkdir -p /opt/android-ndk-r9d/arm/sudo mkdir -p /opt/android-ndk-r9d/mips/sudo mkdir -p /opt/android-ndk-r9d/x86/# Get Android NDKcurl -O -xvf android-ndk-r9d-darwin-x86_64.tar.bz2cd android-ndk-r9d# Build standalone NDKcd build/toolssudo ./ --ndk-dir=../../ --install-dir=/opt/android-ndk-r9d/arm/ --verbose --system=darwin-x86_64sudo ./ --arch=mips --ndk-dir=../../ --install-dir=/opt/android-ndk-r9d/mips/ --verbose --system=darwin-x86_64sudo ./ --arch=x86 --ndk-dir=../../ --install-dir=/opt/android-ndk-r9d/x86/ --verbose --system=darwin-x86_64
Once you have the standalone NDK toolchain, you need to download and extractthe source for libcurl.
# Get libcurl sourcecurl -O -xvf curl-7.35.0.tar.bz2
The last step is to use the included script to compile libcurland move the compiled library into the project.
./ [path to libcurl]