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Trigger OpenFaaS functions from Kafka
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The Kafka connector connects OpenFaaS functions to Kafka topics.
- Allow functions to subscribe to Kafka topics
- Ingest data from Kafka and execute functions
- Work with the OpenFaaS REST API / Gateway
- Formulate and validate a generic "connector-pattern" to be used for various event sources like Kafka, AWS SNS, RabbitMQ etc
This diagram shows the Kafka connector on the left hand side. It is responsible for querying the API Gateway for a list of functions. It will then build up a map or table of which functions have advertised an interested in which topics.
When the connector hears a message on an advertised topic it will look that up in the reference table and find out which functions it needs to invoke. Functions are invoked only once and there is no re-try mechanism. The result is printed to the logs of the Kafka connector process.
The cache or list of functions <-> topics is refreshed on a periodic basis.
export TAG=0.3.3make build push
The following instructions show how to runkafka-connector
on Kubernetes.
Deploy a function with atopic
$ faas store deploy figlet --annotation topic="faas-request" --gateway<faas-netes-gateway-url>
If deploying via astack.yml
then add an annotation key calledtopic
with a value offaas-request
For further details, please see theYAML Reference section of theOpenFaaS Docs
Deploy Kafka:
You can run the zookeeper, kafka-broker and kafka-connector pods with:
kubectl apply -f ./yaml/kubernetes/
If you already have Kafka then update./yaml/kubernetes/connector-dep.yml
with your Kafka broker address and then deploy only that file:
kubectl apply -f ./yaml/kubernetes/connector-dep.yml
Alternatively you can use thekafka-connector helm chart
Then use the broker to send messages to the topic:
BROKER=$(kubectl get pods -n openfaas -l component=kafka-broker -o name|cut -d'/' -f2)kubectlexec -n openfaas -t -i$BROKER -- /opt/kafka_2.12- --broker-list kafka:9092 --topic faas-requesthello world
Once you have connected, each new line will be a message published.
If you have an error
error: unable to upgrade connection: container not found ("kafka")
just wait and retry.
You can verify the proper path of the publisher script by getting the shell of the running broker:
$ kubectl exec -n openfaas -t -i $BROKER -- sh / # find | grep producer./opt/kafka_2.12-
With the$BROKER
variable still set, view the list of messages on a given topic:
$ kubectl exec -n openfaas -t -i $BROKER -- /opt/kafka_2.12- --bootstrap-server kafka:9092 --topic faas-request --from-beginning
Now check the connector logs to see the figlet function was invoked:
CONNECTOR=$(kubectl get pods -n openfaas -o name|grep kafka-connector|cut -d'/' -f2)kubectl logs -n openfaas -f --tail 100$CONNECTOR2018/08/08 16:54:35 Binding to topics: [faas-request]2018/08/08 16:54:38 Syncing topic mapRebalanced:&{Type:rebalance start Claimed:map[] Released:map[] Current:map[]}Rebalanced:&{Type:rebalance OK Claimed:map[faas-request:[0]] Released:map[] Current:map[faas-request:[0]]}2018/08/08 16:54:41 Syncing topic map2018/08/08 16:54:44 Syncing topic map2018/08/08 16:54:47 Syncing topic map[#53753] Received on [faas-request,0]: 'hello world.'2018/08/08 16:57:41 Invoke function: figlet2018/08/08 16:57:42 Response [200] from figlet _ _ _ _ _||__ ___||| ___ __ _____ _ __|| __|||'_ \ / _ \ | |/ _ \ \ \ /\ / / _ \|'__||/ _`||||| __/|| (_)|\V V / (_)|||| (_|||_||_|\___|_|_|\___/\_/\_/\___/|_||_|\__,_|
Deploy the stack which contains Kafka and the connector:
docker stack deploy kafka -c ./yaml/connector-swarm.yml
- Deploy or update a function so it has an annotation
or some other topic
As an example:
$ faas store deploy figlet --annotation topic="faas-request"
The function can advertise more than one topic by using a comma-separated list i.e.topic=topic1,topic2,topic3
- Publish some messages to the topic in question i.e.
Instructions are below for publishing messages
- Watch the logs of the kafka-connector
You can use the kafka container to send a message to the topic.
SERVICE_NAME=kafka_kafkaTASK_ID=$(docker service ps --filter 'desired-state=running' $SERVICE_NAME -q)CONTAINER_ID=$(docker inspect --format '{{ .Status.ContainerStatus.ContainerID }}' $TASK_ID)docker exec -it $CONTAINER_ID kafka-console-producer --broker-list kafka:9092 --topic faas-requesthello world
You can use the sample application in the producer folder to generate load for a topic.
Make sure you have some functions advertising an interest in that topic so that they receive the data.
Note: the producermust run inside the Kubernetes or Swarm cluster in order to be able to access the broker(s).
Once you have generated some requests or start a load-test you can watch the function invocation rate increasing in Prometheus or watch the logs of the container.
You can open the Prometheus metrics or Grafana dashboard for OpenFaaS to see the functions being invoked.
docker service logs kafka_connector -fTopics[__consumer_offsets faas-request] <nil>2018/03/24 12:42:58 Binding to topics: [faas-request]Rebalanced: &{Type:rebalance start Claimed:map[] Released:map[] Current:map[]}Rebalanced: &{Type:rebalance OK Claimed:map[faas-request:[0]] Released:map[] Current:map[faas-request:[0]]}2018/03/24 17:04:40 Syncing topic map[#53694] Received on [faas-request,0]: 'Test the function.'2018/03/24 17:04:41 Invoke function: figlet2018/03/24 17:04:42 Response [200] from figlet |_ _|__ ___| |_ | |_| |__ ___ / _|_ _ _ __ ___| |_(_) ___ _ __ | |/ _ \/ __| __| | __| '_ \ / _ \ | |_| | | | '_ \ / __| __| |/ _ \| '_ \ | | __/\__ \ |_ | |_| | | | __/ | _| |_| | | | | (__| |_| | (_) | | | |_ |_|\___||___/\__| \__|_| |_|\___| |_| \__,_|_| |_|\___|\__|_|\___/|_| |_(_)
Note: If the broker has a different name from
you can pass thebroker_host
environmental variable. This exclude the port.
This configuration can be set in the YAML files for Kubernetes or Swarm.
env_var | description |
upstream_timeout | Go duration - maximum timeout for upstream function call |
rebuild_interval | Go duration - interval for rebuilding function to topic map |
topics | Topics to which the connector will bind |
gateway_url | The URL for the API gateway i.e.http://gateway:8080 orhttp://gateway.openfaas:8080 for Kubernetes |
broker_host | Default iskafka:9092 . You can configure this with our own host with port |
print_response | Default istrue - this will output information about the response of calling a function in the logs, including the HTTP status, topic that triggered invocation, the function name, and the length of the response body in bytes |
print_response_body | Default istrue - this will print the body of the response of calling a function to stdout |
topic_delimiter | Default is, - Specifies character upon which to split thetopic annotation when subscribing a function to mulitple topics |
Trigger OpenFaaS functions from Kafka
- Go76.9%
- Dockerfile14.0%
- Shell7.1%
- Makefile2.0%