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RSpec for Rails 7+


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rspec-rails brings theRSpec testing framework toRuby on Railsas a drop-in alternative to its default testing framework, Minitest.

In RSpec, tests are not just scripts that verify your application code.They’re also specifications (orspecs, for short):detailed explanations of how the application is supposed to behave,expressed in plain English.

According toRSpec Rails new versioning strategy use:


IMPORTANT This README / branch refers to the current development build.See the7-1-maintenance branch on Github if you want or require the latest stable release.

  1. Addrspec-rails toboth the:development and:test groupsof your app’sGemfile:

    # Run against this stable releasegroup:development,:testdogem'rspec-rails','~> 7.0.0'end# Or, run against the main branchgroup:development,:testdogem'rspec-rails',git:''end

    (Adding it to the:development group is not strictly necessary,but without it, generators and rake tasks must be preceded byRAILS_ENV=test.)

  2. Then, in your project directory:

    # Download and install$ bundle install# Generate boilerplate configuration files# (check the comments in each generated file for more information)$ rails generate rspec:install      create  .rspec      create  spec      create  spec/spec_helper.rb      create  spec/rails_helper.rb


If your project is already using an older version ofrspec-rails,upgrade to the latest version with:

$ bundle update rspec-rails

RSpec followssemantic versioning,which means that “major version” upgrades (e.g., 2.x → 3.x)come withbreaking changes.If you’re upgrading from version 2.x or below,read therspec-rails upgrade notes to find out what to watch out for.

Be sure to check the generalRSpec upgrade notes as well.


Creating boilerplate specs withrails generate

# RSpec hooks into built-in generators$ rails generate model user      invoke  active_record      create    db/migrate/20181017040312_create_users.rb      create    app/models/user.rb      invoke    rspec      create      spec/models/user_spec.rb# RSpec also provides its own spec file generators$ rails generate rspec:model user      create  spec/models/user_spec.rb# List all RSpec generators$ rails generate --help| grep rspec

Running specs

# Default: Run all spec files (i.e., those matching spec/**/*_spec.rb)$ bundleexec rspec# Run all spec files in a single directory (recursively)$ bundleexec rspec spec/models# Run a single spec file$ bundleexec rspec spec/controllers/accounts_controller_spec.rb# Run a single example from a spec file (by line number)$ bundleexec rspec spec/controllers/accounts_controller_spec.rb:8# See all options for running specs$ bundleexec rspec --help

Optional: Ifbundle exec rspec is too verbose for you,you can generate a binstub atbin/rspec and use that instead:

$ bundle binstubs rspec-core

RSpec DSL Basics (or, how do I write a spec?)

In RSpec, application behavior is describedfirst in (almost) plain English, then again in test code, like so:

RSpec.describe'Post'do#context'before publication'do# (almost) plain Englishit'cannot have comments'do#expect{Post.create.comments.create!}.toraise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid)# test codeendendend

Runningrspec will execute this test code,and then use the plain-English descriptionsto generate a report of where the applicationconforms to (or fails to meet) the spec:

$ rspec --format documentation spec/models/post_spec.rbPost  before publication    cannot have commentsFailures:  1) Post before publication cannot have comments     Failure/Error: expect { Post.create.comments.create! }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid)       expected ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid but nothing was raised     # ./spec/models/post.rb:4:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'Finished in 0.00527 seconds (files took 0.29657 seconds to load)1 example, 1 failureFailed examples:rspec ./spec/models/post_spec.rb:3 # Post before publication cannot have comments

For an in-depth look at the RSpec DSL, including lots of examples,read the official Cucumber documentation forRSpec Core.

Helpful Rails Matchers

In RSpec, assertions are calledexpectations,and every expectation is built around amatcher.When youexpect(a).to eq(b), you’re using theeq matcher.

In addition tothe matchers that come standard in RSpec,here are some extras that make it easierto test the various parts of a Rails system:

RSpec matcherDelegates toAvailable inNotes
be_a_newallprimarily intended for controller specs
render_templateassert_templaterequest / controller / viewuse withexpect(response).to
redirect_toassert_redirectrequest / controlleruse withexpect(response).to
route_toassert_recognizesrouting / controlleruse withexpect(...).to route_to
be_routablerouting / controlleruse withexpect(...).not_to be_routable
have_http_statusrequest / controller / feature
match_arrayallfor comparing arrays of ActiveRecord objects
have_been_enqueuedallrequires config:ActiveJob::Base.queue_adapter = :test
have_enqueued_joballrequires config:ActiveJob::Base.queue_adapter = :test

Follow the links above for examples of how each matcher is used.

What else does RSpec Rails add?

For a comprehensive look at RSpec Rails’ features,read theofficial Cucumber documentation.

What tests should I write?

RSpec Rails defines ten differenttypes of specsfor testing different parts of a typical Rails application.Each one inherits from one of Rails’ built-inTestCase classes,meaning the helper methods provided by default in Rails testsare available in RSpec, as well.

Spec typeCorresponding Rails test class

Follow the links above to see examples of each spec type,or for official Rails API documentation on the givenTestCase class.

Note: This is not a checklist.

Ask a hundred developers how to test an application,and you’ll get a hundred different answers.

RSpec Rails provides thoughtfully selected featuresto encourage good testing practices, but there’s no “right” way to do it.Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide how your test suite will be composed.

When creating a spec file,assign it a type in the top-leveldescribe block, like so:

# spec/models/user_spec.rbRSpec.describeUser,type::modeldo...

System specs, feature specs, request specs–what’s the difference?

RSpec Rails provides some end-to-end (entire application) testing capabilityto specify the interaction with the client.

System specs

Also calledacceptance tests,browser tests, orend-to-end tests,system specs test the application from the perspective of ahuman client.The test code walks through a user’s browser interactions,

  • visit '/login'
  • fill_in 'Name', with: 'jdoe'

and the expectations revolve around page content.

  • expect(page).to have_text('Welcome')

Because system specs are a wrapper around Rails’ built-inSystemTestCase,they’re only available on Rails 5.1+.(Feature specs serve the same purpose, but without this dependency.)

Feature specs

Before Rails introduced system testing facilities,feature specs were the only spec type for end-to-end testing.While the RSpec team nowofficially recommends system specs instead,feature specs are still fully supported, look basically identical,and work on older versions of Rails.

On the other hand, feature specs require non-trivial configurationto get some important features working,like JavaScript testing or making sure each test runs with a fresh DB state.With system specs, this configuration is provided out-of-the-box.

Like system specs, feature specs require theCapybara gem.Rails 5.1+ includes it by default as part of system tests,but if you don’t have the luxury of upgrading,be sure to add it to the:test group of yourGemfile first:


Request specs

Request specs are for testing the applicationfrom the perspective of amachine client.They begin with an HTTP request and end with the HTTP response,so they’re faster than feature specs,but do not examine your app’s UI or JavaScript.

Request specs provide a high-level alternative to controller specs.In fact, as of RSpec 3.5, both the Rails and RSpec teamsdiscourage directly testing controllersin favor of functional tests like request specs.

When writing them, try to answer the question,“For a given HTTP request (verb + path + parameters),what HTTP response should the application return?”


Once you’ve cloned the repo andset up the environment,you can run the specs and Cucumber features, or submit a pull request.

See Also

RSpec base libraries

Recommended third-party extensions

