Pydio Cells is an open-source, self-hosted Document Sharing and Collaboration platform specifically designed for organizations that need advanced document-sharing and collaboration without security trade-offs or compliance issues.
Does your organization have complex compliance and security issues? Are SaaS solutions out of the question for you? Pydio Cells gives you full control of your document-sharing environment – combining fast performance, huge file transfer sizes, granular security, and advanced workflow automation in an easy-to-set-up and easy-to-support self-hosted platform.
- Pydio Cells: Golang-based server with MUI3 ReactJS embedded frontend
- Cells Client: CLI Tool for communicating with Pydio Cells REST API
- Documentation provides extensive user guides, administrative tutorials, and comprehensive REST APIs / CLI Commands reference.
- Forum is alwaysthe first place to start if you encounter an issue. Please do NOT open a Github issue unless it is fully qualified.
Pydio provides an Enterprise Support package for companies, along with advanced connectivity features (enterprise directories), detailed audits and reporting dashboards, and custom workflows.Talk to an expert to put Pydio to work at your organization!