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Tool for Image Generation


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tig is built to be used within Cumulus ecosystem. It is depending on cumulus CMA (Cumulus Documentation).Please refer to theUsage section for inputs and outputs. TIG itself is a lambda function which runs on top of CMA as its lambda layer.

Install poetry (python dependency manager)

Install poetry following the directions here:

  • Be sure to install poetry in an isolated environment from the rest of your system.
  • Be sure to use with a python version less than 3.12


  • Jenkins pipeline template is applied to this project.
  • development is based on poetry python environment.
    • poetry run pytest // to run unit test
    • poetry install // to install all dependencies defined in toml file
    • poetry shell //to enter the poetry shell
    • poetry build // to build the wheel

Unit Test can be run using the command

poetry run pytest

CLI Commands

Generate Thumbnails

Use cli helper script to generate thumbnails for each collection (NOTE: This automatically generates the config file and runs tig)

Go to dir `podaac/tig` and look at script.  Follow directions at top to setup.

Generate Config File

Use cli to create a tig configuration for collections

generate_hitide_config --granule <granule_file> -dataset-id <collection short name> --include-image-variables <csv file image variables> --longitude <lon variable> --latitude <lat variable> --time <time variable> --footprint_strategy <footprint strategy>

granule: a sample granule file to generate the configuration fordatset-id: collection short nameinclude-image-variables: csv file of with image variable names and min max setting for each variablelongitude: longitude variable include the group if they're in group defaults to longitudelatitude: latitude variable include the group if they're in a group defaults to latitudetime: time variable include the group if they're in a group defaults to timefootprint_strategy: strategy to generate footprint will default to None options should be ["periodic", "linestring", "polar", "swot_linestring", "polarsides", "smap"]

Run Tig

Use cli to test thumbnail image generation for a granule with configuration file and palettes

tig --input_file <granule> --output_dir <output_dir> --config_file <config_file> --palette_dir <palette_dir>

Use cli to create a tig configuration for collections

generate_hitide_config --granule <granule_file> -dataset-id <collection short name> --include-image-variables <csv file image variables> --longitude <lon variable> --latitude <lat variable> --time <time variable> --footprint_strategy <footprint strategy>

granule: a sample granule file to generate the configuration fordatset-id: collection short nameinclude-image-variables: csv file of with image variable names and min max setting for each variablelongitude: longitude variable include the group if they're in group defaults to longitudelatitude: latitude variable include the group if they're in a group defaults to latitudetime: time variable include the group if they're in a group defaults to timefootprint_strategy: strategy to generate footprint will default to None options should be ["periodic", "linestring", "polar", "swot_linestring", "polarsides", "smap"]

Regression Test


Currently there is a regression test in the regression_test folder to run please use this command

Note palettes folder needs to be downloaded and included in the regression_test folderWere not clearing out any data after test future improvement to make it an option to clear or retain dataas granules take awhile to download


CSV Columns

variable: name of variablemin: min value for variablemax: max value for variablepalette (optional): the palette to be used for the variablefill_missing (optional): if the generated images have missing pixel in images most likely resolution is to big, either lower resolution or we can fill in the pixels with surrounding pixelppd (optional): resolution of the variable, must be an integer

How to load and use tig module

Project using tig can include/use the tig as following:

    module"tig_module" {source =""      // Lambda variables      prefix = var.prefix      image = var.tig_image      role = module.cumulus.lambda_processing_role_arn      cmr_environment = var.cmr_environment      subnet_ids = var.subnet_ids      security_group_ids = []      task_logs_retention_in_days = var.task_logs_retention_in_days      config_url =""      palette_url =""      memory_size = var.tig_memory_size}

and the module input variables explained as below.

field nametypedefaultvaluesdescription
prefixstring(required)A prefix string of lambda function. Ex. prefix = "sample" , created lambda : sample-tig
regionstring(required)AWS region where tig lambda is running upon. Ex. us-west-2
cmr_environmentstring(required)dev, sit, ops
config_bucketstring(required)bucket where dataset config resides
config_dirstring(required)directory where dataset config file resides. dataset-config file follows the collection_shortname.cfg pattern. Ex. MODIS_A-JPL-L2P-v2019.0.cfg
tig_output_bucketstring(required)bucket where tig file is created and written
tig_output_dirstring(required)output directory of created tig(fp) file. file will be created as s3://tig_output_bucket/tig_output_dir/collection_short_name/granule_id.png. ex. s3://my-cumulus-internaldataset-tig/ MODIS_A-JPL-L2P-v2019.0/20200101000000-JPL-L2P_GHRSST-SSTskin-MODIS_A-D-v02.0-fv01.0.png
lambda_rolestring(required)aws user role to run tig lambda
layerslist(string)(required)list of layers' arn where tig runs upon.
security_group_idslist(string)(required)security group ids
subnet_idslist(string)(required)subnet ids where tig runs within
config_urlstringthe url of where to retrieve configurations
palette_urlstringthe url of where to retrieve palettes

ECS input variables optional

field nametypedefaultvaluesdescription
tig_ecsboolfalseboolean to deploy ecs task
cluster_arnstringcumulus cluster arn
desired_countnumber1number of ecs tig task to run
log_destination_arnstringA shared AWS:Log:Destination that receives logs in log_groups
ecs_cpunumber700cpu unit to allocate to a tig task
ecs_memory_reservationnumber1024memory unit to allocate to tig task

Fargate input variables optional

field nametypedefaultvaluesdescription
tig_fargateboolfalseboolean to deploy fargate task
fargate_memorynumber2048amount of memory to allocate for a single fargate task
fargate_cpunumber1024amount of cpu to allocate for a single fargate task
fargate_desired_countnumber1desired count of how many fargate task
fargate_min_capacitynumber1minimum number of fargate task when scaling
fargate_max_capacitynumber1maximum number of fargate task when scaling
scale_dimensionsmap(string)nullcloudwatch dimensions to scale on
scale_up_cooldownnumber60seconds before able to scaling up again
scale_down_cooldownnumber120seconds before able to scaling down again
comparison_operator_scale_upstringGreaterThanOrEqualToThresholdThe arithmetic operation to use when comparing the specified Statistic and Threshold
evaluation_periods_scale_upnumber1The number of periods over which data is compared to the specified threshold
metric_name_scale_upstringCPUUtilizationname of the metric
namespace_scale_upstringAWS/ECSnamespace for the alarm's associated metric
period_scale_upnumber60period in seconds over which the specified statistic is applied
statistic_scale_upstringAveragestatistic to apply to the metric
threshold_scale_upnumber50threshold for statistic to compare against to trigger step
scale_up_step_adjustmentliststep adjustment to make when scaling up fargate
evaluation_periods_scale_downnumber1The number of periods over which data is compared to the specified threshold
metric_name_scale_downstringCPUUtilizationname of the metric
namespace_scale_downstringAWS/ECSnamespace for the alarm's associated metric
period_scale_downnumber60period in seconds over which the specified statistic is applied
statistic_scale_downstringAveragestatistic to apply to the metric
threshold_scale_downnumber50threshold for statistic to compare against to trigger step
scale_down_step_adjustmentliststep adjustment to make when scaling down fargate
fargate_iam_rolestringiam arn role for fargate

module output variables

field nametypedefaultvaluesdescription
tig_function_namestring(required)The name of deployed tig lambda function
tig_task_arnstring(required)tig lambda aws arn

tig Input

Cumulus message with granules payload. Example below

{"granules": [    {"files": [        {"filename":"s3://bucket/file/with/checksum.dat","checksumType":"md5","checksum":"asdfdsa"        },        {"filename":"s3://bucket/file/without/checksum.dat",        }      ]    }  ]}

tig Output

  • A tig file will be created under configured tig_output_bucket and tig-output-dir. filename as granuleId.png. Ex. s3://my-cumulus-internaldataset-tig/ MODIS_A-JPL-L2P-v2019.0/20200101000000-JPL-L2P_GHRSST-SSTskin-MODIS_A-D-v02.0-fv01.0.png
  • A file object will be appended to the files[] of processed granule. Example:
{"granules": [    {"granuleId":"20200101000000-JPL-L2P_GHRSST-SSTskin-MODIS_A-D-v02.0-fv01.0","dataType":"MODIS_A-JPL-L2P-v2019.0","sync_granule_duration":2603,"files": [        {"bucket":"my-protected","path":"MODIS_A-JPL-L2P-v2019.0/2020/001","filename":"s3://my-protected/MODIS_A-JPL-L2P-v2019.0/","size":18232098,"name":"","checksumType":"md5","checksum":"aa5204f125ae83847b3b80fa2e571b00","type":"data","url_path":"{cmrMetadata.CollectionReference.ShortName}","filepath":"MODIS_A-JPL-L2P-v2019.0/","duplicate_found":true        },        {"bucket":"my-public","path":"MODIS_A-JPL-L2P-v2019.0/2020/001","filename":"s3://my-public/MODIS_A-JPL-L2P-v2019.0/","size":98,"name":"","type":"metadata","url_path":"{cmrMetadata.CollectionReference.ShortName}","filepath":"MODIS_A-JPL-L2P-v2019.0/","duplicate_found":true        },        {"bucket":"my-public","filename":"s3://my-public/MODIS_A-JPL-L2P-v2019.0/20200101000000-JPL-L2P_GHRSST-SSTskin-MODIS_A-D-v02.0-fv01.0.cmr.json","size":1617,"name":"20200101000000-JPL-L2P_GHRSST-SSTskin-MODIS_A-D-v02.0-fv01.0.cmr.json","type":"metadata","url_path":"{cmrMetadata.CollectionReference.ShortName}","filepath":"MODIS_A-JPL-L2P-v2019.0/20200101000000-JPL-L2P_GHRSST-SSTskin-MODIS_A-D-v02.0-fv01.0.cmr.json","etag":"\"3e5b9259c5ee7eae5fe71467f151498b\""        },        {"bucket":"my-internal","filename":"s3://my-internal/dataset-tig/MODIS_A-JPL-L2P-v2019.0/20200101000000-JPL-L2P_GHRSST-SSTskin-MODIS_A-D-v02.0-fv01.0.png","filepath":"dataset-tig/MODIS_A-JPL-L2P-v2019.0/20200101000000-JPL-L2P_GHRSST-SSTskin-MODIS_A-D-v02.0-fv01.0.png","size":452,"name":"20200101000000-JPL-L2P_GHRSST-SSTskin-MODIS_A-D-v02.0-fv01.0.png","type":"metadata"        }      ],}

