Pinello Lab
- CRISPResso2
CRISPResso2 PublicAnalysis of deep sequencing data for rapid and intuitive interpretation of genome editing experiments
- haystack_bio
haystack_bio PublicHaystack: Epigenetic Variability and Transcription Factor Motifs Analysis Pipeline
CRISPR-SURF Public - PrimeDesign
PrimeDesign PublicSoftware tool for the flexible design of pegRNAs and ngRNAs for prime editing!
- MotifRaptor
MotifRaptor PublicExplore the effect of genetic variants on transcription factor binding sites
- ACCESS-pipeline Public
pinellolab/ACCESS-pipeline’s past year of commit activity - CRISPR_Pipeline Public
pinellolab/CRISPR_Pipeline’s past year of commit activity - DNA-Diffusion Public
🧬 Generative modeling of regulatory DNA sequences with diffusion probabilistic models 💨
pinellolab/DNA-Diffusion’s past year of commit activity - CRISPResso2 Public
Analysis of deep sequencing data for rapid and intuitive interpretation of genome editing experiments
pinellolab/CRISPResso2’s past year of commit activity - CRISPR-Correct Public
Perform CRISPR guide mapping and analysis that considers protospace self-editing and surrogate sensor sequences. Self-editing aware mapping takes a hamming-distance approach unbiased by expectations in editing patterns.
pinellolab/CRISPR-Correct’s past year of commit activity