Manish VermaGitManish29
Data Scientist AI • Senior Software Engineer Tech Lead• Bangalore, Karnataka 🇮🇳
Undaunted Research Private Limited Bangalore, India
Md. Rafeul Islam Raferafeul19
🚀💡 Relentless explorer of technology, ⚡ From a single spark ✨ to a blazing fire 🔥—coding, creating, and conquering 🚀 with every keystroke. 💻⚡
Lucas Acelinolucasacelino
Graduando em Sistemas para Internet - IFPB Campus Guarabira.
IFPB Pilões, Paraíba - Brazil
Ricardo Vitorinorjvitorino
Product Manager | Python & GIS for smart cities | Driving software solutions globally | 🌐 hello [at] ricardovitorino [dot] com
Ubiwhere Coimbra, Portugal
Luan Mottaluanmtt
hello people. undergraduate Computer Engineering student at UFPB - CI. brazilian. 18.PT-BR & EN
João Pessoa
Volodymyr Rudenkolvccgd
Programer Gomlang terjago in the wordddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddbtw tumpengku mana ?
Korium .Inc NYC
Rajendra Kumar Yadavrajendrakumaryadav
Linux Enthusiast, Know Basic Android, C Programming, Working Knowledge Data Structure, PHP and Laravel, Learning Vue
Software Development India
Felipe Oliveirafelipegomesoliveira
Full stack developer, apaixonado por tecnologia e games, no caminho para se tornar um grande desenvolvedor.
@grupokpg @braiphub @EzCont Governador Valadares-MG
Nikhil DesaiNikhilSDesai
Spatial Data Science MSc student at The Bartlett | Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis, where I specialise in Simulation and Statistical Modelling.
London, UK
Rajeev RanjanRajeevRanjan27
B.Tech CSE Grad 24NIT PatnaBackend Engineering Go, Kubernetes, Docker
Ehsan Nidawiehsidawi
I'm Ehsan, a passionate Cloud Infrastructure and Identity Management Expert with over 10 years of experience specializing in IAM, Cybersecurity, and Bloc
Private Remote
Guilherme Hammesgffhammes
I'm a 23 years old front-end developer based in Joinville/SC - Brazil. I'm an enthusiast of tech, innovation and design. My focus since 2021 is React.Js.
iSolutions Joinville/SC - Brazil
Sarah van der Laansarah-vanderlaan
Canadian software engineer living in the Netherlands
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Crystal WarmackCrystalW11
I am a graduate from Programming School at Coding Dojo as a Full Stack front-end and back-end Software Database Developer.
Ashraz RashidAshrazRashid
Experienced Senior Software Engineer | 7+ Years of Mastery in React Native, JavaScript, Node.js, C#, .NET & More!