InkkaPlum(Gopher Ai)Slumhee
Hello, I'm studying foreign languages and I'm interested in CS and EE | MtF Transgender, HRTing(GAHT) | Пожалуйста, опровергните меня, а не просто возражайте.
TU Delft Sendai, Japan
Nikhil Khedekarnkhedekar
Ph.D. Student at the Autonomous Robots Lab in the Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Maxence Boelsmaxboels
PhD Candidate in Computer Vision & ML at King's College London
King's College London London, UK
Yunlong Guoyunlongguo2000
I am currently a PhD student at the National Key Laboratory of Autonomous Intelligent Unmanned Systems, Beijing Institute of Technology.
Beijing Institute of Technology Beijing
AEROSPACE & AVIATION Consultants working towards the implementation of the UN’s 2030 sustainable development goals.
Victoria BC Canada
Youssef AbouDorrayoussef-aboudorra
PhD Candidate@utwente (RaM), Aerial Robotics
University of Twente, RaM (Robotics and Mechatronics) Enschede, NL
Zhejiang University /major in aeronautical and astronautical science
Zhejiang University China
Pavlo BondarenkoOfficialCodeVoyage
Product Manager / Software Engineer / Cloud Engineer / IT Enthusiast
Denver, CO
Iván López Broceñoivrolan
MSc Robotics student at TU Delft|Robotics engineer at Quantillion Technologies|Graduate Software Robotics Engineering at URJC
TU Delft
Gianpietro Battoclettigbattocletti
PhD student at DCSC (TU Delft). Interested in control, motion planning, and robotics.
TU Delft The Netherlands
Formerly at RTECH-IIT working on Rehabilitation robots |Kinematics | Motion Planning | Manipulation | Geometry | Trajectory Optimization | Robotics Educator
My name is Zhang Jieao. Undergraduate of Aircraft Power Engineering, Beihang University. Research interests: CFD
Beihang University 9 South Street, Gaojiaoyuan, Changping District, Beijing, China
Kevin van der Vlietkevinmimir
Advisor Data Management | CAB Dutch Built Environment | Open source for Dutch social housing | Public Money = Public Code
KleurrijkWonen Tiel
Lee Jinwoojinwoolee1230
Researcher at Autonomous Systems Laboratory (ASL)
UNIST Ulsan, Republic of Korea
"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration"- Nikola Tesla
University of Manchester United Kingdom