Daniel Bayleydanielbayley
Full stack developer and animotion/graphic designer hybrid. Prolific open source hacker. Composition > inheritance. Less === more.
Edge Studio London
Salaheddin AbuEinsabuein
A human, father, husband, digital creative and web developer@RapidInfoSys
Seeking new opportunities London, UK
Pelle Wessmanvoxpelli
Senior web developer, open source maintainer, tech lead, node.js lover and@indieweb participant
040 Malmö, Sweden
Natã Martinsnatamartinscodedev
There is no easy way, just only hard workSo don't think, just do it!
... moon...🚀
Hatem Hosnyhatemhosny
Heart surgeon / Web developer / Speaker / Husband / Father / Muslim.Author of@live-codes and RacingBars.
Brian Wojtczakastrolox
Go. Python. Js. C#. C++. PHP.
Founder @K42-Software, Engineer @CacheFly United Kingdom
engineering@revenuehero. js and ruby mostly. aspiring Farmer
@revenuehero Namma Bengaluru
.NET developer, cyber security enthusiast👾 akacdev@proton.me
@VaccinatorSec Czech Republic
Natã Martinsnatamartins
FrontEnd Developer - HTML5 - CSS3 - React.Js - Next.Js - Typescript & JS © O Menino do HTML
.... Brasil
Vladislav PonomarevPonomareVlad
Web-tech mentor with years of experience as a full-stack JS dev
@PonomarevStudio Universe
Bryden Waynebrydenwaynedoned
💽 Software Engineer, 🧭 Adventurer, 🍷Wine & 📜 Wine History, Enthusiast 🐕 Dachshund Lover
DirectOneDesign Cleveland, OH
Frank Tangroadt
Programmer/Archt, ArchLinux, Emacs, Rubyist, Pythoner, Javascript, Go newbie. Hobbies: Movie, Music, Art, Thinking, Programming
SoftMoon Studio Remote