Leonardo Uiedaleouieda
Professor of Geophysics • I study the Earth using tiny disturbances in its gravity and magnetic fields, from global 🌎 to microscopic 🔬 scale
Universidade de São Paulo São Paulo, Brazil
Abhishek Dasguptaabhidg
Research Software Engineer, interested in projects in computational social science, global health and climate change
@OxfordRSE Oxford, UK
Raphael Paul Lauderaphaellaude
Urban planner turned spatial data engineer, analyst, web dev
@calthorpeanalytics New York City
Alexey Shiklomanovashiklom
Research scientist at NASA Goddard. Trained in remote sensing and vegetation modeling. Open source evangelist, (Neo)Vim enthusiast, useR.
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Max Jonesmaxrjones
Cloud engineer | Background in oceanography and volcanology | Building tools for working with Earth data
@developmentseed Durham, NC
Chris Amicoeyeseast
Journalist & Developer in Boston, working on@documentcloud@MuckRock
@MuckRock Boston, MA
Samuel OldhamSO9010
Hello, I am an aspiring software engineer, currently I am working on several personal projects, I am also looking at bigger projects to contribute to.
Ashwin V. Mohananashwinvis
HPC specialist and research software engineer. Ph.D, KTH alumnus.
@ENCCS Stockholm
Software engineer, coding in C & Rust, Java. Expertise: Architecture design, Concurrent programming, Performance optimization and Cryptography
Princeton University Beijing · China
Tuomas Väisänenwaeiski
Post-doc. Open-source GIS. Urban geography. Sociolinguistics.Longboards. Disc golf. Microbreweries. Fishing. Dogs. Here to learn and make mistakes
University of Helsinki Helsinki, Finland