Gaurav SablokIBCHgenomic
Bioinformatics, Genomic Analysis, Pangenome, Metagenomics, Deep Learning. Area Expert Poland
Dan Bruzzesebruzecruise
Postdoc in the Aksoy lab at the Yale School of Public Health working on tsetse flies, endosymbionts, and sleeping sickness.
Godfrain Jacqueskounkou
Just because you're doing a lot more, doesn't mean you're getting a lot more done.
in progress Vancouver
Camilo Garcíacamilogarciabotero
Biologist interested in applying bioinformatics and DS tools to understand evolution in different organisms. Currently working on bacteriophages and epigenomics
Universidad de los Andes Bogotá, Colombia
Sam ShirinnezhadSamaneh-shn
Obsessed with data, driven by curiosity—always crafting something meaningful from the chaos.
Efe Dallıefe3506
Hello there, im new around here. My biggest wish is call my self a qualified front-end developer, do for that aim i'm learning and practicing
Mattéo Delabrematteodelabre
Ph.D. Student in Computer Science, passionate about teaching, free software, linguistics and typography.
Université de Montréal, Canada Montréal, QC
Jianmin WangAspirinCode
Drug Design , Linux enthusiast , Medicinal_Chemistry_&_ Synthesis , Chemoinformatics , Data Science, Python and C/C++ programmer,Bioinformatics,Deep Learning,AI
Yonsei University 中国(China)
Ahmed M. A. ElsherbiniAhmedElsherbini
Tübingen Uni, Ph.D. student, Infection Biology(Nile Uni, Bioinformatics Diploma &Antwerp Uni, Infectious Diseases MSc)Prokaryoticgenomics & metagenomics
Johon Li Tuobang 李拓邦johon-lituobang
Theoretical statistics & Biostatistics, Studied at Guangdong Technion-Israel Institute of Technology
University of California, Berkeley People's Republic of China
Changwan SeoChangwanseo
Fungal Biology, Bioinformatics, Taxonomy, Phylogeny, Genomics, Metabarcoding, Python development
Seoul National University South Korea, Seoul