Jaime Martinez GameroJackesgamero
Mathematics-Computer Science Double Degree student at UCM in Madrid, Spain.
Complutense University of Madrid Madrid,Spain
Victor Perkinsvictor-perkins226
senior software engineer who have rich experience in web, app and blockchain
Jomael Ortiz Perez0xjoma
I🎓 Pursuing a M.S. in Cybersecurity | 📖 Avid reader & lifelong learner | 🌐 Passionate about IoT
Oahu, HI
Bear Tompkinscorytompkins
Just an Indigenous person utilizing Indigenous knowledge systems to discover the mysteries of the universe
Bartlesville, OK
Discord: fantommenace
🚀 Co-founder & Chief Research Scientist (Ising Research, Neuro Industry)🎓 AI Researcher (Harvard) | Medical AI | DeFi | Quant Finance | Quantum ML
Self taught & Learning Everything I can. I Love Gaming, Đogecoin, Đoginals, Coding & all things Tech related 🎮🛑 doʇSǝɯɐꓨ & 🐕Đ𝓸𝓰𝓮 𝓽𝓸 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓶𝓸𝓸𝓷🌑
The Node Runners In the middle of NoWhere, Somewhere on Another Realm 42069
Haruki Kondomashharuki
Web3やAI、AWSなど幅広く勉強中。学生時代はヨット部に所属しており4年間江ノ島の海で活動していました。情報処理安全確保支援士 第022981号
Roger Jay Yang [楊承翰]r-o-g-e-r-y-a-n-g
◻ ◳ ◲ ◱◰ ◼ ◆ ◈ ◻ ◽ ⌖ ● ◎ ◯ 🌐
https://www.linkedin.com/in/rogeryang1/ California, United States
Sheneeza Volcovblockchaincyberpunk1
Hi there! I am a Full Stack and Blockchain Developer with a passion for learning and building innovative solutions using cutting-edge technologies.
Atlanta, GA