Srikanth K Stalegari
Explorations in causality, Interpretable Machine Learning, Statistics, geospatial analysis
Games24x7 Bengaluru
Manuel Girbalmanuelgirbal
Data specialist from Buenos Aires, Argentina, with a master’s degree in political science.
Gobierno de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires Argentina
Filip Wästbergfilipwastberg
Analyst/Data Scientist/Statistician/Call-me-what-you-wantMostly R
@solita Stockholm
Janko Thysonjankowtf
Full Stack Data Scientist, Entrepreneur, Creative Geek and Socialpreneur trying to make the world a better placeMore about me:
KaosMaps Hamburg, Germany
Cameron BullenCamBullen
Quantitative ecologists with broad interests and too many open browser tabs. Attempting to answer questions about natural systems, mostly with R.
Edinburgh / Vancouver
Bruno Silvasilv4b
Bacharel em Sistemas de Informação pela UFRN & Professor na Ufersa — Campus Pau dos Ferros.
Ufersa - Pau dos Ferros (Based) Caicó, RN, Brasil