Syk HoudeibSyknapse
Front-end developer. I changed career from teaching English to development in 10 months. Always excited about learning new things.
@xebia Madrid, Spain
Pavlo BondarenkoOfficialCodeVoyage
Product Manager / Software Engineer / Cloud Engineer / IT Enthusiast
Denver, CO
Dhruv Malikdhruvmalik007
buildL / consultant for web3 , generative AI and security auditor
Frontier-tech Europe
Bruno Oliveiraiobruno
Data Engineer | Software Engineer | Skilled at: Go, Python, Kotlin, Scala
Sao Paulo, Brazil
Maciej Milowickimmilowicki
Second-year graduate student at Illinois Institute of Technology majoring in software development.
Illinois Institute of Technology Chicago
Vegard FjellboFencekeeper
Mathematician (topologist) working as a Senior Consultant at the Insight & Analytics Dept of Webstep. Based in Oslo.
Webstep Norway
Enrique Nietokiroco12
Software engineer at@47deg and tech lover. Scala is cool!
47 Degrees San Fernando, Spain
Raúl Raja Martínezraulraja
Interested in AI, LLMs, Functional Programming & Formal verification. CTO@xebia-functional@47deg. Maintainer,@arrow-kt
@xebia-functional Multiverse
David Vega Lichaczrealdavidvega
Software Engineer from Technical University of Madrid, currently working at@xebia, AI / Backend in@Kotlin. Previously at@deutschebank,@BBVA.
@xebia | Formerly @47deg Madrid, Spain