- flutter_carplay
flutter_carplay Public🚗 Apple CarPlay for Flutter Apps. Aims to make it safe to use apps made with Flutter in the car by integrating with CarPlay.
- react-native-image-manipulator
react-native-image-manipulator PublicForked frombitlab-code/react-native-image-manipulator
🚀 React Native Typed Image Manipulator for Crop, Rotate, Flip, and Resize images without Expo and Unimodules. Based on Expo's ImageManipulator - https://docs.expo.io/versions/latest/sdk/imagemanipu…
- react-native-custom-qr-codes
react-native-custom-qr-codes PublicForked fromnating/react-native-custom-qr-codes
🔗 Customizable QR codes for React Native [TS and RTL Support]
- react-native-copilot
react-native-copilot PublicForked frommohebifar/react-native-copilot
Step-by-step walkthrough tooltip for your react native app
- Eden-Homes/react-native-bottom-sheet
Eden-Homes/react-native-bottom-sheet PublicForked fromgorhom/react-native-bottom-sheet
A performant interactive bottom sheet with fully configurable options 🚀
- flutter-paypal-redesign
flutter-paypal-redesign PublicPayPal UI Redesign Project inspired by the winner of the Uplabs Challenge made in Flutter
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