Booksify is an online book store where you can buy your favorite books. It is built using MERN stack and Redux with paypal payment gateway.
Here are some screenshot of the website
Full featured shopping cart Product reviews and ratings Top products carousel Product pagination Product search feature User profile with orders Admin product management Admin user management Admin Order details page Mark orders as delivered option Checkout process (shipping, payment method, etc) Credit card integration with Paypal Database seeder (products & users) ReactJS NodeJS Express MongoDB Redux To run locally on your machine Clone the repo to your machine git clone Booksify
Create an .env file in the Booksify root directory and add the following
NODE_ENV = developmentPORT = 5000MONGO_URI = your mongodb uriJWT_SECRET = jwt secretMERCHANT_ID = braintree merchant idPUBLIC_KEY = braintree public keyPRIVATE_KEY = braintree private key
Install Dependencies (frontend & backend) npm installcd frontendnpm install
# Run frontend (:3000) & backend (:5000)npm run dev# Run backend onlynpm run server
You can use the following commands to seed the database with some sample users and products as well as destroy all data
# Import datanpm run data:import# Destroy datanpm run data:destroy