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glider is a forward proxy with multiple protocols support, and also a dns/dhcp server with ipset management features(like dnsmasq).


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glider is a forward proxy with multiple protocols support, and also a dns/dhcp server with ipset management features(like dnsmasq).

we can set up local listeners as proxy servers, and forward requests to internet via forwarders.

|Forwarder ----------------->|   Listener -->|| Internet|Forwarder --> Forwarder->...|


  • Act as both proxy client and proxy server(protocol converter)
  • Flexible proxy & protocol chains
  • Load balancing with the following scheduling algorithm:
    • rr: round robin
    • ha: high availability
    • lha: latency based high availability
    • dh: destination hashing
  • Rule & priority based forwarder choosing:Config Examples
  • DNS forwarding server:
    • dns over proxy
    • force upstream querying by tcp
    • association rules between dns and forwarder choosing
    • association rules between dns and ipset
    • dns cache support
    • custom dns record
  • IPSet management (linux kernel version >= 2.6.32):
    • add ip/cidrs from rule files on startup
    • add resolved ips for domains from rule files by dns forwarding server
  • Serve http and socks5 on the same port
  • Periodical availability checking for forwarders
  • Send requests from specific local ip/interface
  • Services:
    • dhcpd: a simple dhcp server that can run in failover mode


click to see details
Mixedhttp+socks5 server
HTTPclient & server
SOCKS5client & server
SSclient & server
Trojanclient & server
Trojanctrojan cleartext(without tls)
VLESSclient & server
VMessclient only
SSRclient only
SSHclient only
SOCKS4client only
SOCKS4Aclient only
TCPtcp tunnel client & server
UDPudp tunnel client & server
TLStransport client & server
KCPtransport client & server
Unixtransport client & server
VSOCKtransport client & server
Smuxtransport client & server
Websocket(WS)transport client & server
WS Securewebsocket secure (wss)
Proxy Protocolversion 1 server only
Simple-Obfstransport client only
Redirlinux redirect proxy
Redir6linux redirect proxy(ipv6)
TProxylinux tproxy(udp only)
Rejectreject all requests


  • Binary:
  • Docker:docker pull nadoo/glider
  • Manjaro:pamac install glider
  • ArchLinux:sudo pacman -S glider
  • Homebrew:brew install glider
  • MacPorts:sudo port install glider
  • Source:go install



glider -verbose -listen :8443# docker run --rm -it nadoo/glider -verbose -listen :8443


glider -help
Usage: glider [-listen URL]... [-forward URL]... [OPTION]...  e.g. glider -config /etc/glider/glider.conf       glider -listen :8443 -forward socks5://serverA:1080 -forward socks5://serverB:1080 -verboseOPTION:  -check string        check=tcp[://HOST:PORT]: tcp port connect check        check=http://HOST[:PORT][/URI][#expect=REGEX_MATCH_IN_RESP_LINE]        check=https://HOST[:PORT][/URI][#expect=REGEX_MATCH_IN_RESP_LINE]        check=file://SCRIPT_PATH: run a check script, healthy when exitcode=0, env vars: FORWARDER_ADDR,FORWARDER_URL        check=disable: disable health check (default"")-checkdisabledonly        check disabled fowarders only-checkinterval int        fowarder check interval(seconds) (default 30)-checklatencysamples int        use the average latency of the latest N checks (default 10)-checktimeout int        fowarder check timeout(seconds) (default 10)-checktolerance int        fowarder check tolerance(ms), switch only when new_latency< old_latency - tolerance, only usedin lha mode-config string        config file path-dialtimeout int        dial timeout(seconds) (default 3)-dns stringlocal dns server listen address-dnsalwaystcp        always use tcp to query upstream dns servers no matter there is a forwarder or not-dnscachelog        show query log of dns cache-dnscachesize int        max number of dns responsein CACHE (default 4096)-dnsmaxttl int        maximum TTL valueforentriesin the CACHE(seconds) (default 1800)  -dnsminttl int        minimum TTL valueforentriesin the CACHE(seconds)  -dnsnoaaaa        disable AAAA query  -dnsrecord value        custom dns record, format: domain/ip  -dnsserver value        remote dns server address  -dnstimeout int        timeout value usedin multiple dnsservers switch(seconds) (default 3)  -example        show usage examples  -forward value        forward url, see the URL section below  -include value        include file  -interface stringsource ip orsource interface  -listen value        listen url, see the URL section below  -logflags intdo not change itif youdo not know what it is, ref: (default 19)  -maxfailures int        max failures to change forwarder status to disabled (default 3)  -relaytimeout int        relay timeout(seconds)  -rulefile value        rule file path  -rules-dir string        rule file folder  -scheme string        showhelp message of proxy scheme, use'all' to see all schemes  -service value        run specified services, format: SERVICE_NAME[,SERVICE_CONFIG]  -strategy string        rr: Round Robin mode        ha: High Availability mode        lha: Latency based High Availability mode        dh: Destination Hashing mode (default"rr")  -tcpbufsize int        tcp buffer sizein Bytes (default 32768)  -udpbufsize int        udp buffer sizein Bytes (default 2048)  -verbose        verbose modeURL:   proxy: SCHEME://[USER:PASS@][HOST]:PORT   chain: proxy,proxy[,proxy]...    e.g. -listen socks5://:1080         -listen tls://:443?cert=crtFilePath&key=keyFilePath,http://    (protocol chain)    e.g. -forward socks5://server:1080         -forward tls://,http://                          (protocol chain)         -forward socks5://serverA:1080,socks5://serverB:1080           (proxy chain)SCHEME:   listen: http kcp mixed pxyproto redir redir6 smux sni socks5 ss tcp tls tproxy trojan trojanc udp unix vless vsock ws wss   forward: direct http kcp reject simple-obfs smux socks4 socks4a socks5 ss ssh ssr tcp tls trojan trojanc udp unix vless vmess vsock ws wss   Note: use'glider -scheme all' or'glider -scheme SCHEME' to seehelp infofor the scheme.--Forwarder Options: FORWARD_URL#OPTIONS   priority: the priority of that forwarder, the larger the higher, default: 0   interface: thelocal interface or ip address used to connect remote server.   e.g. -forward socks5://server:1080#priority=100        -forward socks5://server:1080#interface=eth0        -forward socks5://server:1080#priority=100&interface=   dhcpd: service=dhcpd,INTERFACE,START_IP,END_IP,LEASE_MINUTES[,MAC=IP,MAC=IP...]          service=dhcpd-failover,INTERFACE,START_IP,END_IP,LEASE_MINUTES[,MAC=IP,MAC=IP...]     e.g. service=dhcpd,eth1,,,720--Help:   glider -help   glider -scheme all   glider -examplesee and glider.conf.examplefor more details.--glider 0.16.4, (


glider -scheme all
Direct scheme:  direct://Only needed when you want to specify the outgoing interface:  glider -verbose -listen :8443 -forward direct://#interface=eth0Or load balance multiple interfaces directly:  glider -verbose -listen :8443 -forward direct://#interface=eth0 -forward direct://#interface=eth1 -strategy rrOr you can use the high availability mode:  glider -verbose -listen :8443 -forward direct://#interface=eth0&priority=100 -forward direct://#interface=eth1&priority=200 -strategy ha--Http scheme:  http://[user:pass@]host:port--KCP scheme:  kcp://CRYPT:KEY@host:port[?dataShards=NUM&parityShards=NUM&mode=MODE]  Available crypt typesfor KCP:  none, sm4, tea, xor, aes, aes-128, aes-192, blowfish, twofish, cast5, 3des, xtea, salsa20  Available modesfor KCP:  fast, fast2, fast3, normal, default: fast--Simple-Obfs scheme:  simple-obfs://host:port[?type=TYPE&host=HOST&uri=URI&ua=UA]  Available typesfor simple-obfs:  http, tls--Reject scheme:  reject://--Smux scheme:  smux://host:port--Socks4 scheme:  socks4://host:port--Socks5 scheme:  socks5://[user:pass@]host:port--SS scheme:  ss://method:pass@host:port    Available methodsfor ss:    AEAD Ciphers:      AEAD_AES_128_GCM AEAD_AES_192_GCM AEAD_AES_256_GCM AEAD_CHACHA20_POLY1305 AEAD_XCHACHA20_POLY1305    Stream Ciphers:      AES-128-CFB AES-128-CTR AES-192-CFB AES-192-CTR AES-256-CFB AES-256-CTR CHACHA20-IETF XCHACHA20 CHACHA20 RC4-MD5    Alias:          chacha20-ietf-poly1305 = AEAD_CHACHA20_POLY1305, xchacha20-ietf-poly1305 = AEAD_XCHACHA20_POLY1305    Plain: NONE--SSH scheme:  ssh://user[:pass]@host:port[?key=keypath&timeout=SECONDS]    timeout: timeout of ssh handshake and channel operation, default: 5--SSR scheme:  ssr://method:pass@host:port?protocol=xxx&protocol_param=yyy&obfs=zzz&obfs_param=xyz--TLS client scheme:  tls://host:port[?serverName=SERVERNAME][&skipVerify=true][&cert=PATH][&alpn=proto1][&alpn=proto2]  Proxy over tls client:  tls://host:port[?skipVerify=true][&serverName=SERVERNAME],scheme://  tls://host:port[?skipVerify=true],http://[user:pass@]  tls://host:port[?skipVerify=true],socks5://[user:pass@]  tls://host:port[?skipVerify=true],vmess://[security:]uuid@?alterID=num  TLS server scheme:  tls://host:port?cert=PATH&key=PATH[&alpn=proto1][&alpn=proto2]  Proxy over tls server:  tls://host:port?cert=PATH&key=PATH,scheme://  tls://host:port?cert=PATH&key=PATH,http://  tls://host:port?cert=PATH&key=PATH,socks5://  tls://host:port?cert=PATH&key=PATH,ss://method:pass@--Trojan client scheme:  trojan://pass@host:port[?serverName=SERVERNAME][&skipVerify=true][&cert=PATH]  trojanc://pass@host:port     (cleartext, without TLS)  Trojan server scheme:  trojan://pass@host:port?cert=PATH&key=PATH[&fallback=]  trojanc://pass@host:port[?fallback=]     (cleartext, without TLS)--Unix domain socket scheme:  unix://path--VLESS scheme:  vless://uuid@host:port[?fallback=]--VMess scheme:  vmess://[security:]uuid@host:port[?alterID=num]if alterID=0 or not set, VMessAEAD will be enabled    Available securityfor vmess:    zero, none, aes-128-gcm, chacha20-poly1305--Websocket client scheme:  ws://host:port[/path][?host=HOST][&origin=ORIGIN]  wss://host:port[/path][?serverName=SERVERNAME][&skipVerify=true][&cert=PATH][&host=HOST][&origin=ORIGIN]  Websocket server scheme:  ws://:port[/path][?host=HOST]  wss://:port[/path]?cert=PATH&key=PATH[?host=HOST]  Websocket with a specified proxy protocol:  ws://host:port[/path][?host=HOST],scheme://  ws://host:port[/path][?host=HOST],http://[user:pass@]  ws://host:port[/path][?host=HOST],socks5://[user:pass@]  TLS and Websocket with a specified proxy protocol:  tls://host:port[?skipVerify=true][&serverName=SERVERNAME],ws://[@/path[?host=HOST]],scheme://  tls://host:port[?skipVerify=true],ws://[@/path[?host=HOST]],http://[user:pass@]  tls://host:port[?skipVerify=true],ws://[@/path[?host=HOST]],socks5://[user:pass@]  tls://host:port[?skipVerify=true],ws://[@/path[?host=HOST]],vmess://[security:]uuid@?alterID=num--VM socket scheme(linux only):  vsock://[CID]:portif you want to listen on any address, justset CID to 4294967295.


glider -example
Examples:  glider -config glider.conf    -run glider with specified config file.    glider -listen :8443 -verbose    -listen on :8443, serve as http/socks5 proxy on the same port,in verbose mode.  glider -listen socks5://:1080 -listen http://:8080 -verbose    -multiple listeners: listen on :1080 as socks5 proxy server, and on :8080 as http proxy server.    glider -listen :8443 -forward direct://#interface=eth0 -forward direct://#interface=eth1    -multiple forwarders: listen on 8443 and forward requests via interface eth0 and eth1in round robin mode.    glider -listen tls://:443?cert=crtFilePath&key=keyFilePath,http:// -verbose    -protocol chain: listen on :443 as a https(http over tls) proxy server.    glider -listen http://:8080 -forward socks5://serverA:1080,socks5://serverB:1080    -proxy chain: listen on :8080 as a http proxy server, forward all requests via forward chain.    glider -listen :8443 -forward socks5://serverA:1080 -forward socks5://serverB:1080#priority=10 -forward socks5://serverC:1080#priority=10    -forwarder priority: serverA will only be used when serverB and serverC are not available.    glider -listen tcp://:80 -forward tcp://serverA:80    -tcp tunnel: listen on :80 and forward all requests to serverA:80.    glider -listen udp://:53 -forward socks5://serverA:1080,udp://    -udp tunnel: listen on :53 and forward all udp requests to via remote socks5 server.    glider -verbose -dns=:53 -dnsserver= -forward socks5://serverA:1080    -dns over proxy: listen on :53 as dns server, forward to via socks5 server.


glider -config CONFIG_PATH


  • dhcpd / dhcpd-failover:
      • service=dhcpd,eth1,,,720,fc:23:34:9e:25:01=
      • service=dhcpd-failover,eth2,,,720
    • note:dhcpd-failover only serves requests when there's no other dhcp server exists in lan
      • detect interval: 1min

Linux Daemon

  • systemd:

  • docker: click to see details
    • run glider (config file path: /etc/glider/glider.conf)
      docker run -d --name glider --net host --restart=always \  -v /etc/glider:/etc/glider \  -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro \  nadoo/glider -config=/etc/glider/glider.conf
    • run watchtower if you need auto update
      docker run -d --name watchtower --restart=always \  -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \  containrrr/watchtower --interval 21600 --cleanup \  glider
    • open udp ports if you need udp nat fullcone
      iptables -I INPUT -p udp -m udp --dport 1024:65535 -j ACCEPT

Customize Build

You can customize and build glider if you want a smaller binary (click to see details)
  1. Clone the source code:
git clone glider
  1. Customize features:
open`feature.go`&`feature_linux.go`, comment out the packages you don't need// _ ""
  1. Build it:
go build -v -ldflags"-s -w"

Proxy & Protocol Chains

In glider, you can easily chain several proxy servers or protocols together (click to see details)
  • Chain proxy servers:

  • Chain protocols: https proxy (http over tls)

  • Chain protocols: vmess over ws over tls

  • Chain protocols and servers:

  • Chain protocols in listener: https proxy server

  • Chain protocols in listener: http over smux over websocket proxy server



  • ipset: netlink ipset package for Go.
  • conflag: a drop-in replacement for Go's standard flag package with config file support.
  • ArchLinux: a great linux distribution with glider pre-built package.
  • urlencode: you should encode special characters in scheme url. e.g.,@->%40


glider is a forward proxy with multiple protocols support, and also a dns/dhcp server with ipset management features(like dnsmasq).










