- Warsaw, Poland
- http://www.linkedin.com/in/mistermuratcanakcay
- Pro
- Computer-Graphics
Computer-Graphics PublicMy work in C#/WPF for the 6th Semester "Computer Graphics" class in the Computer Science B.S. program at Politechnika Warszawa. Image Processing, Rasterization & 3D-Modeling
- Morse-Code-Decoder-and-Encoder
Morse-Code-Decoder-and-Encoder PublicA simple morse-code decoder/encoder project for Rasberry Pi 4B using libgpiod. Developed on QEMU emulated aarch64 linux kernel built with BuildRoot as well as a real RPi4B. There's still room for i…
C 1
- Programming-in-Graphical-Environments
Programming-in-Graphical-Environments PublicThese are the lab tasks solved in C++ and C# for the 4th Semester "Programming in Graphical Environments" Class in the Computer Science B.S. program at Politechnika Warszawa.
- Operating-Systems-1-Project-Tasks
Operating-Systems-1-Project-Tasks PublicThese are the project tasks written in C and for the 3rd Semester "Operating Systems 1" Class in the Computer Science B.S. program at Politechnika Warszawa.
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- Operating-Systems-1-Lab-Tasks
Operating-Systems-1-Lab-Tasks PublicThese are the lab tasks solved in C and for the 3rd Semester "Operating Systems 1" Class in the Computer Science B.S. program at Politechnika Warszawa.
C 1
- Operating-Systems-2-Lab-Tasks
Operating-Systems-2-Lab-Tasks PublicThese are the lab tasks solved in C and for the 4th Semester "Operating Systems 2" Class in the Computer Science B.S. program at Politechnika Warszawa.
C 1
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