zsh plugin to cache the output of a binary initialization command, intendedto help lower shell startup time.
There are lots of shell wrapper tools that follow the pattern of asking you toeval a specific init command in your shell startup, for example, rbenv asks:
While this is very convenient, the reality is there is a small amount ofoverhead associated with shelling out to this, and the output is almost alwaysactually static in all of the tools I know. So why bear this cost every timeyou open a new tab in your shell?
Instead, after you load this plugin, you can replace that same command with:
The first time this runs, it will cache the output of the command to a file,which will be sourced in the future instead when it exists.
If you update a tool and expect for some reason that it's initialization mighthave changed, you can simply clear the cache and it will be regenerated.
It also gracefully degrades to a no-op if the tool is no longer installed.
Some informal benchmarks from my MacBook on my .zshrc:
command | without | first run | subsequent runs | savings |
rbenv init | ~65ms | ~65ms | ~8ms | 88% |
hub alias | ~30ms | ~30ms | ~6ms | 80% |
scmpuff init | ~24ms | ~25ms | ~10ms | 58% |
The difference isn't huge, but can be handy in shaving down shell startup time,especially if you use a bunch of these tools. Every millisecond counts!
: cache files storage, default$HOME/.zsh-evalcache
: set totrue
if you wish to bypass evalcache.
There is a convenience function to clear the cache called_evalcache_clear
Addantigen bundle mroth/evalcache
to your.zshrc
with your other bundle commands.
Antigen will handle cloning the plugin for you automatically the next time you start zsh. You can also add the plugin to a running zsh withantigen bundle mroth/evalcache
for testing before adding it to your.zshrc
Fig adds apps, shortcuts, and autocomplete to your existing terminal.
in just one click.

Clone this repository into$ZSH_CUSTOM/plugins
(by default~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins
git clone https://github.com/mroth/evalcache${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/evalcache
to addevalcache to your plugin list,
- plugins=(...)+ plugins=(... evalcache)
Addzgen load mroth/evalcache
to your.zshrc
file in the same function you're doing your otherzgen load
calls in. Zgen will handle automatically cloning the plugin for you the next time you do azgen save