The code controls the pan/tilt motors of Mijia 720p 360 degree version, and includes control of IR cut filter, IR led, ISP daynight mode and LED indicator. UDP server is set up to receive commands.
# echo -n "MOVE,[xsteps],[ysteps]" | nc -4u -q1 [camera-ip] 8888
Moves the motors relatively by number of steps, returns the absolution position:motor x: 0 to 31motor y: 0 to 15
# echo -n "IRLED,[val]" | nc -4u -q1 [camera-ip] 8888
Set the brightness of IR LED, value ranges from 0 to 255
# echo -n "IRCUT,[val]" | nc -4u -q1 [camera-ip] 8888
0: turns off IR-cut filter1: turns on IR-cut filter
# echo -n "DAYNIGHT,[val]" | nc -4u -q1 [camera-ip] 8888
0: color video output1: grayscale video output
# echo -n "LEDSTATUS,[led],[val]" | nc -4u -q1 [camera-ip] 8888
led: 0 = blue, 1 = orangeval: 0 = on, 1 = off, 2 = blink
# echo -n "GETSTAT" | nc -4u -q1 [camera-ip] 8888
returns the EV and IR(g_bg_ratio) values