aria2 | download manager |
bash | shell |
btop | resource monitor that shows usage and stats |
cdw | terminal front-end for cdrecord |
cmus | music player |
dunst | notification daemon |
fontconfig | font configuration files |
highlight | a universal sourcecode to formatted text converter |
htop | interactive process viewer |
i3 | tiling window manager |
i3status | status line for i3bar |
libinput-gestures | gestures on touchpad via libinput-gestures |
mc | visual shell for unix-like systems |
mpv | media player |
ncdu | ncurses disk usage |
newsboat | rss/atom feedreader |
npm | javascript package manager |
nsxiv | image viewer |
nvim | text editor, ide |
pacman | package manager utility |
paru | aur helper |
picom | compositor |
polybar | status bar |
qutebrowser | web browser |
ranger | file manager |
rofi | application launcher and dmenu replacement |
systemd | units, timers and targets |
tmux | terminal multiplexer |
w3m | text oriented browser |
wget | the non-interactive network downloader |
X11 | x window system related, xinit, xressources, xmodmap |
yt-dlp | youtube downloader |
zathura | document viewer |
zsh | shell |