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Tools and workflows for analysing (large) audio files comprising bird vocalisations (e.g., AudioMoth or NocMig) using BirdNET-Analyzer & Audacity

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Replacing earlier versionNocMigR

This package provides workflows for processing sound files, especiallycomprising bird vocalisations sampled with autonomous recording devices(e.g.,NocMig,NFC andAudioMoth recordings), with a main emphasison (semi-)automatising the the detection and labelling of events withproper times-stamps. Resulting data can then be reviewed and validatedusingAudacity (recommended version3.0.2).

Among others, this package relies on the following libraries:

R packages:bioacoustics,seewave,tuneR,WarbleR


To install the package, usedevtools:


NocMigR2 depends onwarbleR which is currently (as of 2024-07-26)missing on CRAN. If the installation above fails try:


Load the package once installed:


Preprocessing & formatting


Rename audio files using a string of the formYYYYMMDD_HHMMSS thatdenotes the date and time of the recording start.

This convenient format is for example used by theAudioMoth), whereas otherpopular recording devices (e.g. PCM recorders by Olympus, Tascam andalike) typically use rather uninformative naming schemes (date +chronological number at best).rename_recording retrieves thectime(creation time) from audio files to compose a date_time('YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS'}) string. Note, audio recorders vary in the wayindividual audio files are saved when in continuous recording mode.Supported options are:

  1. ctime = 'first': (e.g. Olympus LS-3) Each audio file shares thectime of thefirst file. Thereforectime of subsequentrecordings are easily computed.

  2. ctime = 'each': (e.g. Sony PCM D100)Each audio file is handledindividually and therefore saved with uniquectime.

## Example:## corresponds to creation time of package!## -------rename_recording(## path to file(s)path= system.file("extdata",package="NocMigR2"),## specify how to handle ctimesctime="first",## file extensionformat="wav",## only show new name.simulate=TRUE)#>      > 1 20211220_064253.wav 20240806_142737.wav

Retrieve time of dusk and dawn for a given location using thesuncalc package:

## Example## -------dusk2dawn(date= Sys.Date(),## Datelat=52.032090,## Latitude in decimal degreeslon=8.516775,# Longitude in decimal degreestz="CET")# Time zone#>                  dusk                dawn                    string#> 1 2024-08-06 21:49:09 2024-08-07 05:18:52 6.8-7.8.2024, 21:49-05:18

Create header used to add a comment to observation listsornitho:

Composing a string describing a pastNocMig night followingrecommendations bySchützeet al 2022(HGON)using:

  • Bright Sky (de Maeyer 2020) to retrieveweather data for a given location.
  • suncalc to retrieve timeof dusk and dawn
## usage -------NocMig_meta(date= Sys.Date()-1,lat=52.032,lon=8.517)#> Teilliste 1: 5.8-6.8.2024, 21:51-05:17, trocken, 15°C, SE, 11 km/h#> Teilliste 2: 5.8-6.8.2024, 21:51-05:17, trocken, 14°C, SSW, 4 km/h

Create custom species list for target species:

Filters the extensiveBirdNET_GLOBAL_6K_V2.4_Labelsfile for selected target species. Target species can be selected basedon scientific species names or common species names in all languagescurrently supported byBirdNET-Analyzer.

## examples## --------BirdNET_species.list(## target speciesnames= c("Glaucidium passerinum","Bubo bubo"),sciNames=TRUE,BirdNET_path="../BirdNET-Analyzer/",species_list="Insert Path here ...",## only show df, not exporting to text file.write_text=FALSE)#>                 sciName            comName#> 1             Bubo bubo Eurasian Eagle-Owl#> 2 Glaucidium passerinum Eurasian Pygmy-OwlBirdNET_species.list(names= c("Sperlingskauz","Uhu"),lang="de",sciNames=FALSE,BirdNET_path="../BirdNET-Analyzer/",species_list="Insert Path here ...",## only show df, not exporting to text file.write_text=FALSE)#>                 sciName            comName#> 1             Bubo bubo Eurasian Eagle-Owl#> 2 Glaucidium passerinum Eurasian Pygmy-Owl

Analyses usingBirdNET-Analyzer

Using BirdNET-Analyzer to process audio data

On windows:
  • InstallingUbuntu environment.Windows Subsystem for Linux(WSL) works well for this purpose. seeWSL forexplanations
  • SetupBirdNET-Analyzer following theSetupUbuntusection

Thenbash code-chunks (shown below) can be executed using WSL. Pre-and post processing stays within R.

On Linux (Raspberry Pi):

Then, can be used by simply insertingbash code-chunks withinRMarkdown documents! for detecting signals:

  • Use the sample audio file for demonstration purposes:
## create temp folderdir.create("test_folder")#> Warning in dir.create("test_folder"): 'test_folder' already exists## Copy samplesample<- system.file("extdata","20211220_064253.wav",package="NocMigR2")file.copy(from=sample,to= file.path("test_folder","20211220_064253.wav"))
  • (See documentationhere)
## bash## -----------------------------------## Set working dir to BirdNET-Analyzercd PATH TO BirdNET-Analyzer
## bash## ---------------## run analyze.pypython3 --i /test_folder --o /test_folder --min_conf 0.7 --rtype'audacity' --threads 1 --locale'de'
## Example RStudio on Raspberry Pi 4## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------cd ../BirdNET-Analyzerpython3 --i ../NocMigR2/test_folder --o ../NocMigR2/test_folder --min_conf 0.7 --rtype'audacity'


The functionBirdNET (see?BirdNET for details) does the following:

  1. Reshape audacity labels created (with--rtype 'audacity') to include the event time estimated from filenames: [CreatesBirdNET.labels.txt for eachBirdNET.results.txtfile]
  2. Write records to BirdNET.xlsx as a template to simplify inspectionand verification of the records.
df<- BirdNET(path="test_folder/",## adding optional meta datameta= BirdNET_meta(Location="Place A",Lat=52,Lon=8,Device="Recorder B",Micro="Mic C",## settingsMin_conf=0.7,Overlap=0,Sensitivity=1.0,Slist="BirdNET_V2.4"))#> Calculate total duration of 1 recordings:#> Created test_folder//BirdNET.xlsx
## load and show overview overviewstr(openxlsx::read.xlsx("test_folder/BirdNET.xlsx","Records"))#> 'data.frame':    1 obs. of  12 variables:#>  $ Taxon       : chr "Eurasian Pygmy-Owl"#>  $ Detector    : chr "BirdNET"#>  $ ID          : num NA#>  $ T1          : num 44550#>  $ T2          : num 44550#>  $ Score       : num 0.776#>  $ Verification: num NA#>  $ Correction  : num NA#>  $ Quality     : num NA#>  $ Comment     : num NA#>  $ T0          : num 44550#>  $ File        : chr "test_folder/20211220_064253.BirdNET.results.txt"str(openxlsx::read.xlsx("test_folder/BirdNET.xlsx","Meta"))#> 'data.frame':    1 obs. of  12 variables:#>  $ Location   : chr "Place A"#>  $ Lat        : num 52#>  $ Lon        : num 8#>  $ From       : num 44550#>  $ To         : num 44550#>  $ Duration   : chr "14.92 seconds"#>  $ Device     : chr "Recorder B"#>  $ Micro      : chr "Mic C"#>  $ Min_conf   : num 0.7#>  $ Overlap    : num 0#>  $ Sensitivity: num 1#>  $ Slist      : chr "BirdNET_V2.4"


Extract detections and export them as wave files. For easier access toverify records files are named as ‘Species_Date_Time.WAV’ andcorresponding hyperlinks are inserted in the .xlsx file created withBirdNET() (see below).

## extract events and add hyperlinkBirdNET_extract(path="test_folder",hyperlink=TRUE)#> Extract events ...
## show created dirslist.dirs("test_folder/extracted/",recursive=F)#> [1] "test_folder/extracted/Eurasian Pygmy-Owl"## show content for Eurasian Pygmy-OWllist.files("test_folder/extracted/Eurasian Pygmy-Owl/")#> [1] "Eurasian Pygmy-Owl_20211220_064259.WAV"
  • Content ofxlsx file

Summary table of BirdNET detection ready for manual review &verification (attributes:Verification,Correction,Comment).Automatically provided are BirdNET annotations (Taxon) along with thecorresponding confidence score (Score) and event time (T1 = start,T2 = end). Manually recovered events may be added to the same file bysettingDetector = 'Manual' or alike}

Screenshot: xlsx file. Fields to enter manually shown in bold

Screenshot: xlsx file. Fields to enter manually shown in bold


Under development

Archiveverified records (see screenshot above) usingBirdNET_archive:

out<- BirdNET_archive(BirdNET_results="test_folder/BirdNET.xlsx",path2archive="test_folder",db="test_folder/db.xlsx",NocMig=FALSE,keep.false=TRUE)str(out)#> 'data.frame':    1 obs. of  19 variables:#>  $ Date       : chr "2021-12-20"#>  $ Taxon      : chr "Eurasian Pygmy-Owl"#>  $ sum        : int 1#>  $ sum1       : int 0#>  $ str1       : logi NA#>  $ sum2       : int 1#>  $ str2       : chr "06:1"#>  $ Location   : chr "Place A"#>  $ Lat        : num 52#>  $ Lon        : num 8#>  $ From       : POSIXct, format: "2021-12-20 06:42:53"#>  $ To         : POSIXct, format: "2021-12-20 06:43:07"#>  $ Duration   : chr "14.92 seconds"#>  $ Device     : chr "Recorder B"#>  $ Micro      : chr "Mic C"#>  $ Min_conf   : num 0.7#>  $ Overlap    : num 0#>  $ Sensitivity: num 1#>  $ Slist      : chr "BirdNET_V2.4"## show folder structurelist.files("test_folder/")#> [1] "20211220_064253.BirdNET.labels.txt"  "20211220_064253.BirdNET.results.txt"#> [3] "20211220_064253.wav"                 "BirdNET.xlsx"#> [5] "db.xlsx"                             "extracted"#> [7] "False positives"                     "True positives"

Optional functions

Mainly a backup from previous packageNocMigR)

find_events &extract_events

Signal detection based on SNR (signal to noise ratio) wrappingthreshold_detection() of thebioacoustics package.Additional parameters allow further fine-tuning by specifying frequencycharacteristics and call length of targets of interest.Note: For birdcalls usingBirdNET-Analyzer is therecommended alternative. Detections are exported as Audacity labelsusingseewave:

TD<- find_events(wav.file="test_folder/20211220_064253.wav",audacity=TRUE,# Write audacity labelsthreshold=8,# SNR in dbmin_dur=20,# min length in msmax_dur=300,# max length in msLPF=5000,# low-pass filter at 500 HzHPF=1000)# high-pass filter at 4 kHz## Review eventshead(TD$data$event_data[,c("filename","starting_time","duration","freq_max_amp")])#>              filename starting_time  duration freq_max_amp#> 1 20211220_064253.wav  00:00:06.169 169.07029     1483.850#> 2 20211220_064253.wav  00:00:06.638 192.29025     1647.574#> 3 20211220_064253.wav  00:00:07.481 116.09977     1790.988#> 4 20211220_064253.wav  00:00:07.872 150.20408     1900.730#> 5 20211220_064253.wav  00:00:08.365  94.33107     2032.121#> 6 20211220_064253.wav  00:00:08.945  29.02494     2180.925

Ifaudacity = TRUE a file with labels for reviewing events inAudacity is created (wrappingseewave::write.audacity()).

Screenshot: Audacity labels

Screenshot: Audacity labels

  • Extract detected events from raw audio file

Refines the output offind_events by first adding a buffer (default 1second on both sides of the event) and subsequently merging overlappingselections (detections likely belonging to the same calling event) tomake the output more pretty. Additionally, allows to filter based onexpected frequencies (i.e., checks maximum amplitude frequency is withinthe frequency band defined byLPF andHPF). Returns a shortenedaudio file containing only the selected events (e.g,“20211220_064253_extracted.txt” along with the corresponding Audacitylabels“20211220_064253_extracted.txt”)

## extract events based on object TDdf<- extract_events(threshold_detection=TD,path="test_folder",format="wav",LPF=4000,HPF=1000,buffer=1)

Basic function to split large audio files in chunks.Internally callsthe python librarypydub withreticulate.:

Short audio segments are saved in a subfolder named ‘split’.

## split in segmentssplit_wave(file="20211220_064253.wav",# audio filepath="test_folder/",# foldersegment=3)# cut in 3 sec segments#> Split ...## show fileslist.files("test_folder/split/")#> [1] "20211220_064253.wav" "20211220_064256.wav" "20211220_064259.wav"#> [4] "20211220_064302.wav" "20211220_064305.wav"


Tools and workflows for analysing (large) audio files comprising bird vocalisations (e.g., AudioMoth or NocMig) using BirdNET-Analyzer & Audacity






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