Automatically align polygons with gridded (raster) data such as images and surface models.
pixelshift is a command-line interface (CLI) tool for automatic conflation of a polygon Shapefile with grid data such as images and surface models. The conflation aligns a 2D geometry using Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) optimisation.
pixelshift inputGrid polygonsShapefile maxIterations displacementMagnitude numCores
The parameters are (order matters):
inputGrid = a geotiff.polygonsShapeFile = Shapefile of polygons in partial alignment with the inputGrid. maxIterations = number of iterations for SGD.displacementMagnitude = bound for random distribution used in SGD.numCores = number of cores used for the parallelisation of the optimisation.outputFilePath = path and name of output file (.shp) of adjusted features.
pixelshift dsmSlopeFile.tif buildingPolygons.shp 100 2 4