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- Android-RatioLayout
Android-RatioLayout PublicThis is a specified proportion to the size of the Layout or View support library, with which you can easily set a fixed ratio of the size of the Layout or View, internal adaptive size calculation, …
- Android-SpeedyViewSelector
Android-SpeedyViewSelector PublicThis is a change Background Or TextColor Selector support library, with which you can directly specify the Background to be displayed in different states or TextColor Layout xml, such as clicking t…
- PictureChooseLib
PictureChooseLib PublicThis is a picture select Android library that supports camera to take pictures, picture gallery multiple choice, image shearing!
- RoundedLayout
RoundedLayout PublicThis is a library that has a rounded cut of View, support whether the specified corners are cropped and add a custom Border, and add a shadow support from API 9, which is based on FrameLayout, that…
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