The original Toontown 2 demos from Disney with the Unity assets reverse-engineered and open source!
Contents should include original textures, audio, models, rigs/animations, and other raw data used by the Unity game engine.
The purpose for this repository is to allow users to observe and study the audio and visual game assets used to create these game demos from Disney Interactive. Use this as an observation or study tool, if you will.
If you have any questions or concerns with this repository, please e-mail me
or by contacting me on Discord:loonatic#1337
I did not create, nor do I own any assets in this respository. I would put all the copyright shenanigans here, but UNLESS I really have to, I think you get the point with fair use blablabla. Just remember that all of these assets weredecompiled from the original distributed demos.
- Disney Interactive, for making these amazing demos.
- LoopyGoopyG for distributing the demos to the general public!
- AssetStudio
- Disunity
- QuickBMS
- Unity