- Remote Self-employed
- https://juliencaron.com
<🎯 /> I'm currently working onusehooks-ts and looking for the next adventure.
<☕️ /> When I'm not hacking, I sometimes do some freelance work as fullstack TypeScript dev (Last:@Chefclub,@Allfeat,@Anthm).
<🌱 /> I'm also playing with some topics like Rust, data-science, DDD and functional programming.
<🍺 /> Beside programming, I am interested in finance, especially in crypto and do hydrid training (Weight lifting, Running, Cycling).
{"frontend": ["typescript","react","next.js","svelte","css|tailwindcss|mui","storybook"],"backend": ["typescript","nodejs","express|nest.js","Firebase","mongodb|postgres|prisma","rust@alpha"],"blockchain": ["solidity","rust:substrate|ink!","web3|ethers.js","truffle|hardhat","rust:solana|anchor"],"ops@alpha": ["linux","bash|zx","docker","pm2","CI/CD","ssh","tmux","zsh","git","gcp"],"data@alpha": ["python","jupyter","pandas","numpy","matplotlib"]}
- usehooks-ts
usehooks-ts PublicReact hook library, ready to use, written in Typescript.
- spacedicks-contract
spacedicks-contract Public10,000 unique NTFs with proof of ownership living on the Polygon blockchain and following the ERC-721 standard, but yeah, these are DICKs.
Solidity 1
- the-algorithm-challenge
the-algorithm-challenge PublicLet's practice the algorithms and data-structures using Typescript, Rust and TDD (The exercises are from FreeCodeCamp)
- ts-blockchain-api
ts-blockchain-api Public archiveMake a Typescript-Express Blockchain API for (personal learning project)
- portfolio-v3
portfolio-v3 PublicBrand new personal portfolio! I made it as simple as possible so that it would be easy to maintain over time.
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