Get the primary IP address of the machine.The one you are always after when you type ifconfig.The IP assigned to the interface that the default route belongs to
Syntax & Example Usage myip Print the primary IP Address myip ip Verbose, same as above cmd myip if Print only the default interface name myip sm Print only the subnet mask myip gw Print only the default gateway IP myip all Print all; ifname ipaddr mask gw myip help Print this informationCommand Line Options -v,--version: Print Version Number -h,--help: Alias for help -a,--all: TODO: Print all configured IP addresses -l,--list: TODO: Print all Interface Name and IPs, one per line --cidr: TODO: Show IP with CIDR subnet mask i.e. /24 --csv: TODO: Output in CSV format
A quick and easy way to serve up files from a directory using a simple http server built into python
The script will detect the installed version of python and use it, prefering python3
Syntax & Example Usage httphere Starts an http server listening on port 8000 serving files from pwd