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Actions: jolars/SLOPE
Showing runs from all workflows
233 workflow runs
233 workflow runs
github_actions in /. - Update #981435385Dependabot Updates #15: bydependabotbot
github_actions in /. - Update #981431262Dependabot Updates #14: bydependabotbot
pages build and deploymentpages-build-deployment #72: bygithub-pagesbot
pages build and deploymentpages-build-deployment #71: bygithub-pagesbot
deps: actually remove foreach dependencypkgdown #142: Commit64ffd2d pushed byjolars
deps: actually remove foreach dependencyR-CMD-check #182: Commit64ffd2d pushed byjolars
pages build and deploymentpages-build-deployment #70: bygithub-pagesbot
docs: document iteration limit in alpha estimationpkgdown #141: Commit57d1e6a pushed byjolars
docs: document iteration limit in alpha estimationR-CMD-check #181: Commit57d1e6a pushed byjolars
feat: set an iteration limit for alpha estimationpkgdown #140: Commitbe8a707 pushed byjolars
feat: set an iteration limit for alpha estimationR-CMD-check #180: Commitbe8a707 pushed byjolars
pages build and deploymentpages-build-deployment #69: bygithub-pagesbot
pages build and deploymentpages-build-deployment #68: bygithub-pagesbot
chore: remove patch from taskfilepkgdown #138: Commitc984faa pushed byjolars
chore: remove patch from taskfileR-CMD-check #178: Commitc984faa pushed byjolars
pages build and deploymentpages-build-deployment #67: bygithub-pagesbot
feat: add new CV implementation from libslope,
(#40)pkgdown #137: Commit16f58ed pushed byjolars feat: add new CV implementation from libslope,
(#40)R-CMD-check #177: Commit16f58ed pushed byjolars feat: add new CV implementation from libslope,
R-CMD-check #176: Pull request#40 synchronize byjolars feat: add new CV implementation from libslope,
pkgdown #136: Pull request#40 synchronize byjolars feat: add new CV implementation from libslope,
pkgdown #135: Pull request#40 synchronize byjolars feat: add new CV implementation from libslope,
R-CMD-check #175: Pull request#40 synchronize byjolars feat: add new CV implementation from libslope,
R-CMD-check #174: Pull request#40 opened byjolars