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Bot Tok is an TikTok Up Bot (likes, shares, favorites and views) based in node.js, puppeteer and third-party providers ( & (Android, Windows, Linux)


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Attention: Bot Tok operates using the Zefoy and Freer platforms. Temporary interruptions in services such as views, shares, favorites, and others may occur on these platforms. These interruptions are not caused by our software and do not imply a permanent failure.We want to clarify that these outages are temporary and services will be restored once Zefoy and Freer resolve the issues. This is important and relevant information for all new Bot Tok users.

Bot Tok is an TikTok Up Bot (likes, shares, favorites and views)based in node.js, puppeteer and third-party providers ( &

🚨 Find help inTelegram


Attention: Bot Tok automates the use of the or and is subject to availability. NOT ALL MODES ARE AVAILABLE AT ALL TIMES. It depends on whether they are available on provider at the moment.

Attention: Before purchasing a licence key, please use the free version. Please note that due to the nature of this product, we regret to inform you that it CANNOT BE RETURNED OR EXCHANGED. Please consider your purchase decision carefully, as ALL SALES ARE FINAL.

Disclaimer: Using a TikTok viewbot is against the platform's Terms of Service. We do not encourage the act or idea of artificially increasing the number of views, likes, shares or favorites of your videos. The use of BotTok is at the user's own risk.


Attention: The features that are with ❌ are integrated in the bot BUT ARE PRACTICALLY NEVER AVAILABLE IN THE PROVIDERS!

✅ Up Views (Zefoy & Freer)
✅ Up Shares (Zefoy & Freer)
✅ Up Favorites (Zefoy & Freer)
✅ Up Comments Hearts (Zefoy & Freer)
❌ Up Hearts (Zefoy & Freer)
❌ Up Live Stream (Zefoy)
❌ Up Live Views (Freer)
✅ Auto Captcha Solver
✅ Captcha in Terminal (Optional)
✅ Auto Bypass Cloudflare (Windows & Linux)
✅ Smart Sessions Management (Cloudlfare & Zefoy/Freer Cookies, UA, Proxy)
✅ Video URLs History
✅ Random User-Agent
✅ Proxy
✅ Random Proxy from List
✅ Filter Proxies by Country
✅ Activity Log
✅ Custom Accumulation Limit✅ Run in Windows, Linux and Android (Termux)
💎 Not limited accumulations (Premium Mode)
💎 Multi Task (Premium Mode)
💎 Run as a Detach Process (Premium Mode)


Attention: To use Git and clone the repository you will need to haveSSH Public Key. Take a look at this:Adding a new SSH key to your GitHub accountWithout this you may have problems installing. This will make it much easier to upgrade your BotTok to the latest version available with a single command.

The following installation commands are provided for each operating system. Execute the command corresponding to your OS and follow the instructions, choose the default values by pressing enter or typing Y as appropriate. At some point during the installation a public ssh key will be generated and you will need to paste it into your GitHub account to continue. You can look in this documentation in the manual installation of your OS at the "Add your SSH Public Key" step for more details. After doing this step you will need to press enter on the tarminal to finish the installation. If everything went well BotTok should open.


📹Install in Windows Tutorial

Attention: Windows Defender may recognize BotTok as a virus. In this case you should temporarily disable the real-time scanning and install it.

First look athow to add a SSH Public Key in your github account on Windows.

  1. Save the Windows installer filewin-install.bat to your user folder and run it,or Run in terminal
curl -o win-install.bat win-install.bat


📹 Install in Linux Tutorial (coming soon)

  1. Run in terminal
sudo apt install wget&& wget chmod +x ./

Android (Termux)

📹Install in Android Tutorial

Requirements:termux (install Termux in your Android phone from F-Droid store, The PlayStore version ins outdated and not work)

  1. Run in Termux terminal (Install Alpine in Termux)
pkg upgrade&& pkg install wget&& wget chmod +x ./
  1. Run in Alpine terminal
wget chmod +x ./

Manual Install


Attention: Windows Defender may recognize BotTok as a virus. In this case you should temporarily disable the real-time scanning and install it.

Requirements:git,nodejs >=18 (Latestmaintenance LTS version),npm andchrome/chromium.

  1. Installnodejs,git

  2. Add your SSH Public Key to your GitHub account (more info andinfo). In ssh-keygen use the default values (press enter)


Open with Notepad.exe the fileC:\Users\{your-user}\.ssh\, copy its content and paste it into your GitHub account in

Note: you may need to create the.ssh folder manually in your Windows user folder if it is not created automatically.

  1. Clone this repository in terminal (fingerprint: yes)
git clone
  1. Install Bot Tok
cd bottoknpm install


Requirements:git,nodejs >=18 (Latestmaintenance LTS version),npm andchrome/chromium.

  1. Installnodejs,npm,git andopenssh
sudo apt install nodejssudo apt install npmsudo apt install gitsudo apt install openssh-client
  1. Add your SSH Public Key to your GitHub account (more info). In ssh-keygen use the default values (press enter)

Copy its content and paste it into your GitHub account in

  1. Clone this repository in terminal (fingerprint: yes)
git clone
  1. Install Bot Tok
cd bottoknpm install

Android (Termux)

Requirements:termux (install Termux in your Android phone from F-Droid store, The PlayStore version ins outdated and not work)

There is no build of Google Chrome available for ARM at this moment, so using chromium instead.Installing chromium on Termux directly requires snap which is another big hurdle so alternatively using alpine distro here.

  1. Installalpine in termux
pkg upgradeapt updateapt upgradepkg install proot-distroproot-distro install alpineproot-distro login alpine
  1. In alpine install chromium
apk update&& apk add --no-cache nmap&& \echo> /etc/apk/repositoriesecho>> /etc/apk/repositories    apk update&& \    apk add --no-cache \    chromium
  1. Installnodejs,yarn,git, andopenssh
apk add nodejsapk add yarnapk add gitapk add openssh
  1. Add your SSH Public Key to your GitHub account (more info). In ssh-keygen use the default values (press enter)

Copy its content and paste it into your GitHub account in

  1. Clone this repository in terminal (fingerprint: yes)
git clone
  1. Install Bot Tok
cd bottokyarn install

Note: To enter Alpine from Termux withproot-distro use the following command:

proot-distro login alpine



  1. Run in terminal
cd bottokwin-update.bat


  1. Run in terminal
cd bottok./

Android (Termux)

  1. Run in terminal
cd bottok./

Note: use./ if instead of alpine you decided to use another distro like ubuntu for example.


Type the following command in your terminal:

cd bottoknode bottok.js

And follow the instructions, solve the captcha in the console if necessary, choose one of the available tasks and let the bot work.

Attention: On Windows you can open BotTok by simply clicking on thewin-bottok.bat file.

Attention: On Windows Chromium can have the problem of opening multiple windows. We can control another browser like Chrome present on your machine. For this we just need the path to chrome.exe and launch BotTok as follows:

node bottok.js -b"C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\Chrome.exe"


Usage: node bottok.js [options]Options:  -h, --help                Show help  -v, --version             BotTok version  -l, --video <link>        TikTok video URL to perform the task on  -t, --task <task>         Task to perform on the TikTok video (example: 'Up Views')  -q, --provider <prov>     Provider Zefoy or Freer (default: Zefoy)  -c, --cookies <path>      File path to store session cookies (default: cookies.json)  -u, --user-agent <ua>     User agent to be used (default: random user-agent)  -p, --proxy <proxy>       The proxy to be used (example: http://localhost:8080)  -s, --proxies <path>      The path of the proxies file to use randomly (default: proxies.txt)  -n, --proxies-country <c> Filter proxies by country code (example: 'FR' or list 'ES,FR,IT')  -b, --browser <path>      Path to a browser executable to use instead of Chromium    -r, --browser-remote <ws> Set browser WS endpoint to connect to an existing instance  -j, --browser-user <path> Set custom user data directory of browser (profile folder)  -w, --no-headless         Open visible browser window    -k, --terminal-captcha    Terminal captcha instead of auto solver  -o, --log                 Write activity log (activity.log)  -m, --minimal             Hide ASCII art header  -d, --detach              Output mode for background processes  -x, --limit <int>         By the time the accumulation limit is reached  -z, --min-limit <int>     If it does not accumulate x amount in 60 minutes it stops  -f, --max-time <int>      Sets a maximum time limit in hours before stops  -a, --available-tasks     Returns the currently available tasks  -g, --session-status      Returns the session status  -i, --init-accums         Set a initial accumulation value (default: 0)  -e, --verbose             Display detailed processing information in logs  -R, --retry-timeout       Waiting trying again timeout in minutes (default: 1)  -H, --c-hearts-qty <int>  Set the number of hearts to send to the comment (25, 50 or 100)  -T, --c-text-filter <str> Filter comments by comment text  -U, --c-user-filter <str> Filter comments by comment author


Run a Task with a Video Directly

Set task with-t flag (Up Views,Up Shares,Up Favorites) and video url with-l flag. Zefoy is used by default as provider, if you want to use Freer as provider add the-q 'Freer' flag.

node bottok.js -t'Up Views' -l

Limit Task Accumulations

Set the limit accumulations value with-x flag. The bot will stop when this limit is reached.

node bottok.js -t'Up Views' -x 20000 -l

Use Custom Cookies

node bottok.js -c cookies2.json

Use Proxy

node bottok.js -p


node bottok.js -p


node bottok.js -p user:password@

Use a Random Proxy from a List

node bottok.js -s proxies.txt

File example:

Filter Proxy from a List by Country

You can see the list of country codes herecountry codes.

node bottok.js -s proxies.txt -n US


node bottok.js -s proxies.txt -n'US,UK,ES,IT'

Use Custom User-Agent

node bottok.js -u'Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 8_4 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/600.1.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/8.0 Mobile/12H143 Safari/600.1.4'

Use Custom Browser

Path to a browser executable to use instead of the bundled Chromium.Note that Puppeteer is only guaranteed to work with the bundled Chromium, so use this setting at your own risk.


node bottok.js -b /usr/bin/google-chrome-stable


node bottok.js -b"C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\Chrome.exe"

Run with Visible Browser Window

node bottok.js -w

Use Terminal Captcha

If the auto captcha solver has problems you can solve the captcha manually.

node bottok.js -k

Write Activity Log

Stored in theactivity.log file

node bottok.js -o

Record structure:[datetime] [user-gent] [session-id] [task]total (+accumulations)URL

Display detailed processing information (verbose) in logs

node bottok.js -o -e

Set Minimum Accumulation Limit

If you don't accumulate x views/favorites/shares in 60 minutes it stops.

node bottok.js -z 100

Set Maximum Time Limit

If the maximum time limit in hours is reached, it stops.

node bottok.js -f 24

Set Initial Accumulation Value

The counter starts with this value. Useful for resuming tasks.

node bottok.js -i 500000

Set Retry Timeout Value

The timeout period in minutes before retrying a failed attempt. Useful for controlling the retry intervals.

node bottok.js -R 5

Set Comment Hearts quantity

Set the number of hearts to send to the comment (25, 50 or 100).Only work with Zefoy.

node bottok.js -H 100

Filter Comments by Text

List only comments that contain this text.

node bottok.js -T'hello'

Filter Comments by Author

List only those comments where the author's name contains this text.

node bottok.js -U'jfadev'

Get Currently Available Tasks

Returns the currently available tasks.

node bottok.js -a

Return example:

Up Comments Hearts, Up Views, Up Shares, Up Favorites

Get a Session Status

Returns the currently session status.

node bottok.js -g


node bottok.js -g -c cookies2.json

Return status examples:

Cloudflare Valid / Zefoy ExpiredCloudflare Valid / Zefoy ValidCloudflare Expired / Zefoy Expired


node bottok.js -g -q Freer -c cookies3.json

Return status examples:

Cloudflare Valid / Freer ExpiredCloudflare Valid / Freer ValidCloudflare Expired / Freer Expired

Connect to an Existing Browser Instance

Open Google Chrome with the flag--remote-debugging-port=9222:

/usr/bin/google-chrome-stable --remote-debugging-port=9222

Open with that browser the following urlhttp:// and retrieve the value ofwebSocketDebuggerUrl for example:ws://

Run BotTok with the-r flag:

node bottok.js -r ws://

Bypass Cloudflare Manually

The Cloudflare bypass on Windows and Linux OS are done automatically but on Android (Termux) you still have to do this process manually. If for some reason the automatic bypass does not work, please follow the instructions below for your OS.


Attention: Kiwi Browser has been discontinued and is no longer available on the Play Store. However, you can still download the latest APK from APKPure at:

  1. Open Playstore and install "Kiwi Browser" (chromium-based browser that allows you to install extensions).
  2. Open Kiwi Browser, enter to, pass Cloudflare's protection, solve the captcha.
  3. Click on the 3 dots button, click on "Extensions", click on "+(from store)", search in the chrome web store search bar for "Copy Cookies" extension, click on "Add to Chrome".
  4. In the zefoy tab, click on the 3 dots button, scroll down to the bottom, click on "Copy Cookies". You will see on the screen "Copied".
  5. Open Termux
  6. proot-distro login alpine
  7. cd bottok
  8. rm cookies.json
  9. nano cookies.json
  10. Click on the screen, and click on "Paste".
  11. Click CTRL, then O, then ENTER.
  12. Click CTRL, then click X.
  13. node bottok.js
  1. Open Chrome, enter to, pass Cloudflare's protection, solve the captcha.
  2. Click on the 3 dots button, click on "Extensions", click on "Visit Chrome Web Store", search in the chrome web store search bar for "Copy Cookies" extension, click on "Add to Chrome".
  3. In the zefoy tab, click on extensions button, click on "Copy Cookies". You will see on the screen "Copied".
  4. Open Terminal
  5. cd bottok
  6. rm cookies.json
  7. nano cookies.json
  8. Click second mouse button, and click on "Paste".
  9. Click CTRL, then O, then ENTER.
  10. Click CTRL, then click X.
  11. node bottok.js
  1. Open Chrome, enter to, pass Cloudflare's protection, solve the captcha.
  2. Click on the 3 dots button, click on "Extensions", click on "Visit Chrome Web Store", search in the chrome web store search bar for "Copy Cookies" extension, click on "Add to Chrome".
  3. In the zefoy tab, click on extensions button, click on "Copy Cookies". You will see on the screen "Copied".
  4. Open bottok folder
  5. Edit/Create cookies.json file, Overwrite/Paste with CTRL+V, Save file (create on notepad at bottok file > paste cookies > save notepad > and it will save file name as cookies.txt > rename notepad > change .txt to .json).
  6. Click onwin-bottok.bat

Trick to avoid being banned on Freer captcha

Freer's captcha may block your IP after multiple failed attempts. To prevent this, the safest approach is to bypass the automatic solver and manually paste the previously generated cookies.


Attention: Kiwi Browser has been discontinued and is no longer available on the Play Store. However, you can still download the latest APK from APKPure at:

  1. Open Playstore and install "Kiwi Browser" (chromium-based browser that allows you to install extensions).
  2. Open Kiwi Browser, enter to, solve the captcha.
  3. Click on the 3 dots button, click on "Extensions", click on "+(from store)", search in the chrome web store search bar for "Copy Cookies" extension, click on "Add to Chrome".
  4. In the freer tab, click on the 3 dots button, scroll down to the bottom, click on "Copy Cookies". You will see on the screen "Copied".
  5. Open Termux
  6. proot-distro login alpine
  7. cd bottok
  8. rm cookies2.json
  9. nano cookies2.json
  10. Click on the screen, and click on "Paste".
  11. Click CTRL, then O, then ENTER.
  12. Click CTRL, then click X.
  13. node bottok.js
  1. Open Chrome, enter to, solve the captcha.
  2. Click on the 3 dots button, click on "Extensions", click on "Visit Chrome Web Store", search in the chrome web store search bar for "Copy Cookies" extension, click on "Add to Chrome".
  3. In the freer tab, click on extensions button, click on "Copy Cookies". You will see on the screen "Copied".
  4. Open Terminal
  5. cd bottok
  6. rm cookies2.json
  7. nano cookies2.json
  8. Click second mouse button, and click on "Paste".
  9. Click CTRL, then O, then ENTER.
  10. Click CTRL, then click X.
  11. node bottok.js
  1. Open Chrome, enter to, solve the captcha.
  2. Click on the 3 dots button, click on "Extensions", click on "Visit Chrome Web Store", search in the chrome web store search bar for "Copy Cookies" extension, click on "Add to Chrome".
  3. In the freer tab, click on extensions button, click on "Copy Cookies". You will see on the screen "Copied".
  4. Open bottok folder
  5. Edit/Create cookies2.json file, Overwrite/Paste with CTRL+V, Save file (create on notepad at bottok file > paste cookies > save notepad > and it will save file name as cookies2.txt > rename notepad > change .txt to .json).
  6. Click onwin-bottok.bat


Detach Mode

With the-d or--detach flag BotTok manages to work as a background process opening many interesting possibilities.

Multi Task Mode

We provide a batch script in both Windows and Linux versions. This batch process reads from thetasks.csv file one task per line and launches bottok background processes with one task, one video and a specific accumulation limit in a loop. The number of simultaneous tasks will depend on the resources of your device. Feel free to modify this simple script to suit your needs.

Example of tasks.csv:

Column structure:task,limit,URL,provider

Limit 0 = unlimited

Up Views,10000,,ZefoyUp Favorites,500,,ZefoyUp Shares,1000,,ZefoyUp Views,50000,,FreerUp Favorites,5000,,FreerUp Shares,2000,,ZefoyUp Views,0,,FreerUp Favorites,15000,,ZefoyUp Shares,9000,,Zefoy

Note: you may need an empty line in the last line on some systems.

Edit yourtasks.csv file and run the batch ormulti-task.bat.



or with custom tasks file path

./ tasks.csv



or with custom tasks file path

multi-task.bat tasks.csv

Or use the -e or --verbose flags to display more detailed information.

Premium (No Limitations)

Attention: Before purchasing a licence key, please use the free version. Please note that due to the nature of this product, we regret to inform you that it CANNOT BE RETURNED OR EXCHANGED. Please consider your purchase decision carefully, as ALL SALES ARE FINAL.

Attention: The license key is LIFETIME and you will be able to enjoy all versions.

TheFREE version with limited accumulations (views, likes, shares, etc...).

The advantage of acquiring the license is that the bot continues towork indefinitely and accumulates large amounts of views, shares, etc...Unlock this limitation by purchasing a license atHERE!

Paste a License Key here:(Main Menu > License > Add License)


If you want to give a donation for the developers, you can do it here you very much!!!!



Bot Tok is an TikTok Up Bot (likes, shares, favorites and views) based in node.js, puppeteer and third-party providers ( & (Android, Windows, Linux)








No packages published

