Python 3 script forconverting andextracting media -CLI
Features and tested formats :Functions | Convert videos | Converts audios | Extracts audios from videos
Áudio | MP3 | OGG | FLAC | AAC
Vídeo | MP4 | MKV | WMV | AVI | MOV | 3GP | WEBM | VOB | FLV | WMA
installation on Fedora:
sudo dnf install$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm -y &&sudo dnf install ffmpeg -y
installation on Ubuntu / Debian and derivatives:
sudo apt install ffmpeg -y
installation on Manjaro:
sudo pamac install ffmpeg -y
How to contribute to the project :git clone Mtranscoderpoetry env use 3.8poetry shell poetry install
There are no third party packages, just builtins To install on the system and update (Linux) :git pull origin master./
Provide the password and have the program installed or update python3 mtranscoder module path and arguments and their parameters
mtranscoder arguments and their parameters