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Hamlib SDK - Supports Hamlib Library and JT-ware Development
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This kit is in Beta RELEASE !
This means that primary operational objectives have been met (i.e. Qt deployed to C:\Qt) It also means that there may be operational bugs !!!
Documentation (including this page) needs a significant review and perhaps overhaul !
Please test. Comment back onjtsdk@groups.io !
TheVersion 4.0 stream is a learning, discovery and technique refinement experiment.
TheJTSDK 4.0.0 matures the evolution of the kits from Windows Batch Files towards WindowsPowerShell-based scripts.PowerShell is also supported in Mac andLinux environs, so common-adaptation for these purposes may occur as the kits evolve.
An immediate aim is to also provide Windows aarch64 kits. Please watch this space.
This started as an experiment to reduce maintenance (i.e. new package versions).The deployment environmentjtsdk64-setup.ps1 will always require hard-codedbase package support. Once an environment is set up maintenance tasks are simplified.
PowerShell eclipses the capabilities of Windows Batch files.PowerShellcompletely removes needs for capable third-party environments such asPython.
As ofJTSDK64-3.4.0 there are no longer distinctions between "Base" and "Tools" packages. There will just me "Main Releases" and "Updates".
- Under theJTSDK64-3.2-Stream the "Base Package" wasJTSDK64-Base-3.2.3. Under the JTSDK64-4.0-Stream the former "Base" deployment package will becomeJTSDK64-4.0.0.
- Under theJTSDK64-3.2-Stream the "Patch Package" wasJTSDK64-Tools- Under the JTSDK64-4.0-Stream the "Update" packages will becomeJTSDK64-4.0.0-U1.
The Main deployment package -JTSDK64-4.0.0 - can be downloaded athttps://sourceforge.net/projects/hamlib-sdk/files/Windows/JTSDK-4.0-Stream/JTSDK64-4.0.0.exe
This README.md file includes deployment instructions. The very latest news - including tipsto solve issues - can be found athttps://hamlib-sdk.sourceforge.io/ .
TheJTSDK 4.0.0 walks back some of the Qt deployment automation removed inJTSDK64-3.4.1 .
There are also updates to some utilities and Libraries (i.e. NSIS 3.09, Updates to Ruby, LibUSB bumped to Version 1.0.27).
Outwardly this stream will initially appear similar to past kits. Yet theJTSDK 4.0.0demonstrates significant enhancements and script redesigns.
JTSDK64-4.0.0 ships with with basicMSYS2 andmingw64 compilers and tools pre-deployed.
This kit only supports the construction of 64-bit software.
Future releases will deploy Windows aarch64-based kits. Note that the Raspberry Pi 5 hardware platform is used in this project.
There are patches for x86 builds maintained by The Hamlib SDK Development Team and Uwe DG2YCBthat will be advised here and on theJTSDK Forum.
The preferredMSYS2 development environment for building Hamlib is now executed by typingmingw64 at thePowerShell prompt.
Currently there are no Update packages available. The first update package for this stream would be An update packageJTSDK64-4.0.0-U1.
The Project needs contributors - Especially for management and to write Cross-Language Documentation !
The most up-to date documentation and bleeding-edge notes can be found at:
- https://hamlib-sdk.sourceforge.io/ <== TheBase Site and the first place to look for information
- https://groups.io/g/JTSDK/<== The Help Forum
This project is now at theRelease phase of its life cycle. Primary objectives havebeen met (i.e.PowerShell conversion, Ability to compile latest source code tobleeding-edge Hamlib code).
Future kits will be much smaller in distribution size. You will be required tobuild libraries (i.e.Boost 1.85 ) as part of the learning process.
Current packaging preempts known cases of proposed licence and delivery condition changes.
Precompiled drop-in packages forBoost-1.85.0are available - saving many hours. Note that the continued production of these files is under review.
Boost-1.85.0 is built with and supplied under Qt's 5.15.2MinGW 8.1 environs.
Note: It is not recommended to useBoost-1.86.0 or later withQt 5.15.2 as there are some build and compatability issues (related to Qt 5.16.2's MinGW 8.1).
Extract the folder for the Boost version-package that you want to use intox:\JTSDK64-Tools\tools\boost (create the directory if it does not exist) and then remove the -7.3, -8.1 or -11.2 suffix !
The recommended development environment should beJTSDK64-4.0.0 with the latest update applied i.eJTSDK64-4.0.0-U1 if available.
The current environment incorporatesQt 5.15.2 and support for buildingBoost-1.85.0 working withMinGW 8.1 underthemingw64 8.1MSYS2 environment.
Version 4 of the JTSDK will involve a number of strategic re-thinks - and will be developed actively onceQt 5.15.2 is unavailable for deployment.
Watch theJTSDK Forum for updates and to contribute.
Drive paths will be referred to as x: (i.e.x:\JTSDK64-Tools\config) , wherex: is the default deployment drive
- x: as used in this guide in most cases can be replaced with c:
The kit is derived from techniques first documented by Greg KI7MT.
Most configuration is now based on either marker files inx:\JTSDK64-Tools\configor specified package versions listed inx:\JTSDK64-Tools\config\Versions.ini .See theJTSDK Forum and post comments (or email main contributors found there).
Heads-up advice from developers is essential. We are not 'enemies'; we are justinquisitive.Nobody asked us to do this - Nobody should have to ask in the AR community.Maintainers work on this to learn. We support the development of the skill baseand hence reputation of Amateur Radio.
TheTests folder contains bleeding-edge efforts to translate and improvescripts. Some past scripts may not be able to be eliminated easily or in fact beconverted at all.
Support for following technologies areadded/enhanced in these streams:
- Hamlib support for other non-JT-software packages (will occur silently???).
- Qt's incorporatedCMAKE is now the recommendedCMAKE tool.
- The version ofBoost can be selected inVersion.ini and will be compiled to the selected version of Qt (including its MinGW release).
- Greater package version self-configuration - henceless maintenance required.
- Upgrades to "static" apps that have no generically named latest-version sources
- Versions of Qt 5 and 6 to be deployed can be set in keys withinVersion.ini , saving considerable amounts of time maintaining respurces (i.e. when the Qt Maintainers update packages that are available to Open Sorce users)
- PowerShell by default is set a PowerShell Windows 5.1. This can be actively changed to the latest deployable package by setting a key withinVersion.ini
The versions of packages supported are now able to be edited into the kit in oneplace - theVersions.ini file. This makes maintenance tasks easier.
PowerShell scripts are managed to tight security rules. See the next section.
Operational techniques have already evolved i.e. the need forqt-gen-tc has beeneliminated. Some needed techniques to support 'familiarity' also have limits. Ways thatprocesses are executed may change.
PowerShell Security Warnings
You may receive the followingsecurity notification:
Execution Policy ChangeThe execution policy helps protect you from scripts that you do not trust. Changing the execution policy might expose you to the security risks described in the about_Execution_Policies help topic at https:/go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=135170. Do you want to change the execution policy?[Y] Yes [A] Yes to All [N] No [L] No to All [S] Suspend [?] Help (default is "N"):
It is safe to selectY. These scripts are not any processor flaw tests. Rememberthat developing these scripts is also a learning exercise for the Development Team.
The basic concept of supportingWindows Environment Variables throughPowerShell$env: facilities that ease access intoCMAKE, QMake and the MinGW compilerswill remain a cornerstone concept.
TheJTSDK64-4.0.0 cannot be installed over the top of previous kits.
A new, fresh deployment be considered with this release.
Should you try an upgrade, you may need to back-up/re-name yourX:\JTSDK64-Tools\tools\msys64 environment if you are performing an upgrade.
- Close any open JTSDK64-Tools and MSYS2 Terminal Windows.
- Before starting the upgrade, open a Windows File Manager instance.
- Navigate to *X:\JTSDK64-Tools\tools*
- Using the Windows File Manager, rename themsys64 directory to something likemsys64-orig
If you need to revert back to your old deployment then all you need do is rename that folder back to its original filename (i.e.C:\JTSDK64-Tools-orig back toC:\JTSDK64-Tools)
You should, after deployment, be able to recover anything that you need from your MSYS2 user profile to your new MSYS2 deployment.
It is recommended that kits are deployed into Virtual machines (see "Deployment" section).
Maintenance updates will be applied in the form ofUpdate packages when necessary. These packagesare designed to be deployed to an existing deployment within the same stream.
AnUpdate package can only be applied to a matching release. i.e. You cannot apply aJTSDK64-3.4.1-U1 package to aJTSDK64-Base-3.2.1 - based deployment without experiencing significant issues.
Update packages are updates to theMain Deployments.
Note: These steps assume that you have a deployed base environment.
- Download the latestUpdate packages fromhttps://sourceforge.net/projects/hamlib-sdk/files/Windows/JTSDK-4.0-Stream/
There are no current update packages available.
- Deploy theUpdate package (if it is available and if it exists)JTSDK64-4.0.0-U1 to your JTSDK install directory.
Updates may be required for theMSYS2 environment. Therefore the "profile" directory forMSYS2 may be deleted and re-created.
Before any updates (manual from "Tests" or from aTools package) you should backup yourMSYS2 Environment:
- Copy any folders stored underx:\JTSDK64-Tools\tools\msys64\home to a backup location. This should enable you to access previous work.
- Close any openMSYS2 environment terminal(s).
- Perform the system upgrade.
- Delete folders that exist underx:\JTSDK64-Tools\tools\msys64\home
i.e:PowerShell:Remove-Item "C:\JTSDK64-Tools\tools\msys64\home*" -Recurse -Force
- Re-openMSYS2 with theMSYS2 command inside thePowerShell terminal
Note: Thesrc directory in your backup should contain your previous work. Itis safe to copy this enture folder across to your newMSYS2 Profile.
You will need to pull down your Hamlib repository again and/or restore any custom workto folders created within theMSYS2 environment. See Step 3b below.
It is recommended to deploy the JTSDK into a fresh Windows Virtual Machine. For thoseunfamiliar with "Virtual Machines" and "Virtualisation Technologies" you shoud refer tohttps://www.redhat.com/en/topics/virtualization/what-is-virtualization .
Note: Almost EVERY CPU that runs Windows x64 these days has virtualisation support.
If you have concerns please refer tohttps://www.technorms.com/8208/check-if-processor-supports-virtualization .
There are lots of virtualisation environments available. Click on the links below toobtain details on how to deploy these systems:
- Hyper-V - Seehttps://gist.github.com/HimDek/6edde284203a620745fad3f762be603b
- VMWare Workstation - Seehttps://blogs.vmware.com/workstation/2024/05/vmware-workstation-pro-now-available-free-for-personal-use.html
- Virtual Box - Seehttps://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads
Trial Virtual Machine images for Windows (with Microsoft's Compiler Suite) may be available fromhttps://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/downloads/virtual-machines/ .These Virtual machines should have a lifetime of at least 30 days.
IMPORTANT: The Windows Login Account/Profile mustNOT HAVE SPACES IN IT.
- Valid user logins/profiles include HAMLIBSDK and HAMLIB_SDK .
- An example of an invalid user profile is HAMLIB SDK as it contains a space.
The following procedure (supplied by Joe K0OG) can be used to fix this problem:
- Delete any previous attempts at creating the user profile under X:\JTSDK64-Tools\Tools\msys64\home
- Press Windows key + X key.
- Click on Control Panel.
- Under view, select large icons.
- Go to User Account.
- Click on Manage another account.
- Select the User Account for which you want to select the password.
- Click on Change the username.
- Click on Change Name button.
- Reboot
- Log back in under the NEW User Profile (with simplified username)
- Restart JTSDK64-Tools / mingw64
This will recreate the new profile and should permit successful builds.]
Due to changes within CMake from version 3.28.0 onwards, it may be necessary to have a current deployment of WSJT-X and/or your JT-ware variant that you are working on deployed andIN THE SEAERCH PATH.
Obtain a current release version of your product from:
- WSJTX:https://wsjt.sourceforge.io/wsjtx.html
- JTDX:https://sourceforge.net/projects/jtdx/
- JS8Call:http://js8call.com/
Install it so that it can be found in the search path.*
As ofJTSDK 3.4.1 a folderextras now exists withinX:\JTSDK64-Tools\tools.
- i.e. x:\JTSDK64-Tools\tools\extras
DLL's and other components thta may be missing during builds can be placed within that folder.
The most common "missing" component needed to build WSJTX islibgfortran-4.dll .This DLL may be copied and placed into that folder, negating the need for deployment of latest supplied installers.
** Note that these instructions assumes a fresh Windows 10 or 11 Virtual Machine is used **
- Deploy theRelease installerJTSDK64-4.0.0 inside a FRESH, FULLY UPDATED WINDOWS 10 or 11 VM.
- Deploy the latestupdate Package, if it exists, to your deployment i.e.JTSDK64-4.0.0-U1
It is recommended to use all the initial default settings and file locations.
- Launch theJTSDK64-Setup environment from the link on your desktop.
A screen similar to the following should eventually appear:
------------------------------------------- JTSDK Setup v4.0.0------------------------------------------- Required Tools PowerShell ..... 5.1.22621.2506 VC Runtimes .... Not Installed Git ............ Not Installed OmniRig ........ Not Installed Qt Tool Chain(s) Deployed Qt: none Tools: none Optional Components VS Code ........ Not Installed Boost .......... Not Installed Post Install / Manual Setup Commands Main Install ... postinstall MSYS2 Shell .... msys2PS C:\JTSDK64-Tools>
- At the PowerShell prompt type:postinstall
The following information will be displayed:
------------------------------------------------------ JTSDK64 Tools Post Install/Redeployment Selections------------------------------------------------------At the prompts indicate which components you want to install or redeploy. For VC Runtimes, OmniRig, Git, MSYS2 and VS Code use --> Y/Yes or N/No For Qt Installations: Y = Default ( 6.6.3 ) N = Skip Installation Qt 5.15.2 must be deployed from Archive using the Qt Maintenance Tool. NOTES: VC Runtimes, Git, Qt & MSYS2 are mandatory to build JT-software. The Latest PowerShell is highly recommended for improved performance.* Enter Your Install/Redeployment Selection(s): (required) Latest PowerShell (Y|N) .:
- The latest PowerShell (i.e. PowerShell 7) is highly recommended as it has considerable performance benefits. Select 'Y' even if you already have it deployed.
Note: PowerShell 7 and PowerShell 5.1 (as supplied with WIndows 10/11) are not necessarily backwardly compatible.
--> PowerShell should be updated to the latest available version (quietly).
(required) VC/C++ Runtimes (Y|N) ..:
- The VC Runtimes are required. Select 'Y'
(required) OmniRig (Y|N) ..........:
- The OmniRig is required. Select 'Y'
(required) Git-SCM (Y|N) ..........:
- The Git-SCM is required. Select 'Y'
The display in the next option is dependent upon the version of Qt that you have configured to be script deployed inVersions.ini:
(required) Qt 6.6.3 (Y|N) ..........:
Since initial release Qt 5.15.2 is not avaialble except through "Archive"
As a result Qt deployments are no longer scripted. This means that, as a minimum, you will need to deploy the Qt toolchain and its recommended MinGW support packages.
i.e.Qt5.15.2 requires theMinGW8.1 toolchain.
There is a document athttps://hamlib-sdk.sourceforge.io/Qt/ADQT.html that is intended to be usedas a guide for Qt 5.15.2 from Archive Repos.
If you select "Y" the deployment is scripted. Some user input is required.
Deployments typically are made to x:\Qt .
A Junction is now placed into the Toolkit inx:\JTSDK64-Tools\tools to allow seamless access to the Qt toolkit from the JTSDK.
If "N" is selected then an additional option is made available:
(required) Qt 6.6.3 (Y|N) ..........: n --> Create link to Qt (Y|N) ........:
If "Y" is selected the system will search for Qt deployments and allow you to set up a link to acustom Qt deployment.
The kit will not function if a Qt toolchain and MinGW environment is not deployed.
- Select 'Y'
(required) MSYS2 Setup (Y|N) ......:
- You are required to set up theMSYS2 environment. Select 'Y'
(optional) VS Code (Y|N) ..........:
This is the only optional component. VS Code is an excellent tool for working withPowerShell scripts (if you need to customise these yourself).
Note that deploying VS Code is not mandatory for JTSDK operation.
- Select 'Y' or 'N'
You are then presented with the selections you have made:
* Your Installation Selections: --> Latest PowerShell .............: Y --> VC Runtimes ...................: Y --> OmniRig .......................: Y --> Git ...........................: Y --> Qt ............................: Y --> MSYS2 .........................: Y --> VS Code .......................: Y
During this phase some tools will require some interaction at the keyboard or via themouse (especially the Qt deployment as one MUST now have their own account and agreeto their licensing terms).
Follow on-screen prompts carefully.
Step 2a: Prepare theMSYS2 Environment
AMSYS2 environment window will open as part of thepostinstall process.
JTSDK64 Tools MSYS2 (MSYS)For main menu, type ..: menuFor Help Menu, type ..: jthelpCopyright (C) 2013-2025, GPLv3, Greg Beam, KI7MT and Contributors.This is free software; There is NO warranty; not evenfor MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.hamlibdk@jtsdk ~$ menu
- Type:menu
-------------------------------------JTSKD64 Tools Main Menu------------------------------------ 1. Set MSYS2 path to find Qt compilers 2. Update MSYS2 3. Install Hamlib dependencies 4. Install msys64 GNU Compilers 5. Install FL-app dependencies 6. Update MSYS2 Keyring (Deprecated) 7. Build Hamlib - Static Libraries 8. Build Hamlib - Dynamic Package 9. Add Hamlib to pkgconfig a. Clear Hamlib Source b. Select HAMLIB Repository h. List help commands v. List version information e. Enter 'e' or 'q' to exitEnter your selection, then hit <return>:
Step 2b: Update theMSYS2 Environment
- Select2. Update MSYS2 to update theMSYS2 environment.
The window may close on completion if there are updates.
If theMSYS2 Window closes reopen it within theJTSDK64-Setup environment by typingMSYS2 at thePowerShell environment prompt.
If the update process requests that you close the openMSYS2 terminal then close the window. Re-open the environment by typingMSYS2 at thePowerShell environment prompt.
Repeat these steps if neceessary until there are no more updates available.
Step 2c: Update theMSYS2 Environment (again)
***As ofJTSDK64-Base-3.2.3 these steps are now already performed for you. It is still recommended that you go through these steps just in case any dependencies have changed. ***
If theMSYS2 Window closes reopen it within theJTSDK64-Setup environment withMSYS2
Back at menu, select3. Install Hamlib Dependencies to deploy the tools and libraries needed to build Hamlib.
When Option 3 has completed, Select ** 4. Install msys64 GNU Compilers ** so that a msys64 POSIX-compliant build environment can be launched.
(optional) - Select Option Select ** 5. Install FL-app dependiencies (Experimental) ** so that a tools that can be used to experiment with the construction ofFl-Apps can be deployed..
Step 2d: Basic Deployment Complete
Once complete you can exit theJTSDK64-Setup environment (i.e. close theJTSDK64-Setup and anyMSYS2 terminal shells)
- Launch theJTSDK64-Tools environment from the icon on your desktop.
Step 3a: Upgrade your Qt Deployment
A Minimum Qt installation pegs atQt at version 5.15.2. If you did not use the "F" Full option forQt deployment or youwant to add additional Qt versions - i.e. test Qt 6.7.2 - you should do so now.
The use of Qt 5.15.2 is the Qt deployment for JT-ware. Qt6 streams are not yet supported for mainstream JT-ware compiles.
It is not recommended that versions of Qt below Qt 6.3.2 / MinGW 11.2 be used in this JTSDK
To Deploy Qt 5.15.2 from the "Archive" repository:
- For the latest documentation please refer to:https://sourceforge.net/projects/hamlib-sdk/files/JTware-Deployment/Deploying-Archived-Versions-of-Qt-via-Maintenance-Tool.docx
To add an additional version of Qt to the default Qt 5.15.2 version:
- Navigate to the Qt Deployment directory
- Run the Qt Maintenance Tool from your Qt deployment directory (i.e.C:\JTASK64-Tools\tools\Qt)
To add Qt 6.7.2 manually:
- Add Qt 6.7.2 MinGW
- Ensure that components Qt 6.7.2/MinGW 13.1.0 64 bit and Qt 6.7.2/Qt5 Compatability Module are added.
- Select Qt 6.7.2/All Additional Libraries .
- Add Developer and Designer Tools / MinGW 13.1.0 64-bit
- (Recommended) Add the OpenSSL 1.1.1x toolkit (it helps with a WSJTX download - if it is still available).
- (Recommended) Add the OpenSSL 3.x.1x toolkit (Future Enhancement).
On Completion:
- Adjust the maker file inx:\JTSDK64-Tools\config marker file to match the Qt version that you want to use
- i.e. renameqt5.15.2 toqt6.7.2
There must only be ONE marker file for Qt inx:\JTSDK64-Tools\config
If the system abends with a warning check thex:\JTSDK64-Tools\config directory and remove the unwanted item with the prefix 'qt'
Step 3b: Deploy Hamlib for our selected Qt Version.
- Launch theMSYS2 environment with:mingw64
- Type:menu
- Select8. Build Hamlib - Dynamic Libraries
Note: If you have difficulties packagingHamlib withJTDX and/orJS8CALL you may need to use the Thebuild-hamlib.sh script from theMSYS2 mingw64 terminal as follows:
- build-hamlib.sh -nlibusb -static
This will take time as it pulls from the master repository for Hamlib.
Source distribution repositories can be changed by changing the marker file inx:\JTSDK64-Tools\config
- Valid options are:hlmaster (default and recommended),hlw4mdb (legacy) orhlnone for no default pull and update.
Step 3c: Deploy Boost for our selected Qt/MinGW Version.
THIS IS SLOW. There are "dropins" available on the Sourceforge and GitHub sites if you are lazy. Yet the best procedure is to build your own.
Note: Using PowerShell 7 instead of the default PowerShell Windows 5.1 can speed up the download and decompress stages considerably.
This is adjusted using the keypss insideX:\JTSDDK64-Tools\config\Versions.ini
The section of theVersions.ini file where the appropriate key can be found is shown below:
File: Versions.ini
...# # next can be pwsh (PS 7+) or powershell (PS Windows 5.1)pss=powershell
- Changepowershell topwsh
- SaveVersions.ini
- Close and re-open the JTSDK64-Tools environment if you make any changes.
In the JTSDK64-Tools environment:
- Type:Deploy-Boost
Around 90 minutes later you should now have a deployment of Boost based at the recommended v1.82.0 (configurable inC:\JTSDK64-Tools\config\Versions.ini) that is suitable to build JT-software under your selected Qt version on your machine.
Pre-compiled drop-in Packages forBoost-1.74.0,Boost-1.82.0,Boost-1.83.0,Boost-1.84.0 andBoost-1.85.0 are available at the time of writing.
Each “drop-in” package has folders i.e. 1.74.0-7.3 forMinGW 7.3 (pre-Qt 5.15) and 1.74.0-8.1 (for post-Qt 5.15 including the 6.x.x streams).
The drop-in packages sinceBoost-1.79.0 now supportsMinGW 8.1.
- Extract the folder for the Boost version-package that you want to use intoC:\JTSDK64-Tools\tools\boost (create the directory if it does not exist) and then remove the -7.3 or -8.1 suffix !
A Windows symbolic link will work too: i.e.: Assume that both the 1.85.0-8.1 and 1.85.0-11.2 distributions have been unpacked fromBoost-1.85.0 toC:\JTSDK64-Tools\tools\boost . Assume that the command shell orPowerShell windows are positioned atC:\JTSDK64-Tools\tools\boost
- Cmd:** mklink /D 1.85.0 1.85.0-8.1 **
- PowerShell:** New-Item -ItemType SymbolicLink -Path C:\JTSDK64-Tools\tools\boost\boost-1.85.0 -Value C:\JTSDK64-Tools\tools\boost\boost-1.85.0-8.1 **
The preference is to build your own Boost package and NOT use these ! ** Warning: Boost does not build 100% properly and to full capability under MinGW/MSYS2 environments that we use – yet its good enough for our purposes !**
A scriptReset-Boost.ps1 is available to reset any failed attempts at building Boost.
Environments should now be complete for building JT-ware
Now that seemed a lot of work. Please dissect these scripts to see what actually took place !
Now we are ready to BUILD a JT-release.
The release-source-code pulled is for the latest JT-software release. The JT-source that you pull is configurable fromC:\JTSDK64-Tools\config. Rename the filesrc-wsjtx from a default pull of WSJT-X to eithersrc-jtdx orsrc-js8call if desired.
The "major" used JT-ware distributions are supported without discrimination or political comment.
In JTSDK64-Tools:
- Type:jtbuild i.e.jtbuild package
Options preferred are package (a Windows Installer package - the preferred "clean" way) and rinstall (just a static directory full of "runnable" files).
Both thejtbuild andbuild-hamlib- scripts now contain a number of switches that can be used to disable default features of the scripts.
Use the embeddedhelp facilities to discover the currently available set of switches:
i.e. 1: In ThePowerShell Environment:
PS C:\JTSDK64-Tools> jtbuild -h-------------------------------------------- Default Build Commands-------------------------------------------- Usage .....: jtbuild [ OPTION ] [[ SWITCH ]] Examples...: jtbuild rinstall : jtbuild rinstall -ng Options: rconfig Release, Config Only dconfig Debug, Config Only rinstall Release, Non-packaged Install dinstall Debug, Non-packaged Install package Release, Windows Package docs Release, User Guide Switches: Switches only work if an [ OPTION ] is supplied. -nc Do not run configure -ng Do not check/pull source * To Display this message, type .....: jtbuild -hPS C:\JTSDK64-Tools>
i.e. 2: In TheMSYS2 Environment (i.e.mingw64 at thePowerShell prompt):
$ build-hamlib.sh -h--------------------------------------------------------------- BUILD-HAMLIB - HELP---------------------------------------------------------------* Available Command Line Options: --> -h ........: Help --> -b/-nb ....: Process / Do not process bootstrap --> -c/-nc ....: Process / Do not process configure --> -g/-ng ....: Process / Do not pull/check source from GIT repository --> -libusb ...: Configure with LibUSB support --> -nlibusb ..: Do not configure with LibUSB support --> -static ...: Statically Linked Libraries built or .. --> -dynamic ..: Shared/Dynamically Linked Libraries built* Note: You cannot select -static with -dynamic If using switches you may need to combine options to over-ride default build behaviour: i.e.: build-hamlib -nb reverts to Hamlib default STATIC build behaviour build-hamlib -nb -dynamic over-rides this behaviourradio@jtsdk ~$
Please test these scripts and those in theTests folder. Report observations eithervia theJTSDK Forum or the email address where most most messages come from (ifyou cannot post). TheJTSDK Forum is used somewhat as as 'blog' as information inthere is too valuable for the general IT community.
The 'core team' behind this are notPowerShell gurus. This is a learning effort.If you are aPowerShell guru PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE jump in and comment to assist. Sendback BETTER SCRIPT.Teach us all.
We especially require people to make these README.md scripts better !
For submitting bug reports and feature requests, use theIssue Tracker.
Reports, suggestions and comments via theJTSDK Forum - or via the email addressesfrom main contributors there of late if you do not have post access - are essential.
The aim ofJTSDK64-Tools is to use an Agile delivery approach to create ahigh-quality, yet flexible build system.
Base ref:https://sourceforge.net/projects/jtsdk/files/win64/3.1.0/README.md Date: 2023-08-31
Hamlib SDK - Supports Hamlib Library and JT-ware Development