- Sart Tilman, Liège, Belgium
- @GHER_ULiege
GHER stands forGeoHydrodynamics and Environment Research. It is a research group of theUniversity of Liège.It is also part of the Freshwater and OCeanic science Unit of reSearch (FOCUS).
Our work is mainly focused on marine and environmental study and modelling.
We develop software tools for the spatial interpolation of in situ measurements and satellite images, based on variational methods and more recently on neural network.
We also organise theInternational Liège Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics (akaThe Colloquium) since 1968.
You can find all the information on the official webpage:
- drifter-raspberry-pi Public
gher-uliege/drifter-raspberry-pi’s past year of commit activity - EMODnet-Chemistry-GriddedMaps Public
Scripts for the creation of gridded products based on the Eutrophication datasets
gher-uliege/EMODnet-Chemistry-GriddedMaps’s past year of commit activity - EMODnet-Chemistry Public
Utilities (plotting, computing, merging products) related EMODnet-Chemistry.
gher-uliege/EMODnet-Chemistry’s past year of commit activity