- Inviting projects currently
- India
- https://ganeshkbhat.github.io/
- @_ganeshb_
💬 I am skilled in or I am a ...
- javascript, nodejs,typescript,python
- project and team management
- internal auditor - iso 9001, iso 27001, bs7799
- six sigma green belt candidate
💬 I’m blogging atmedium
- 🌱 I’m currently learninggolang
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on ...
- opensource projects
- commercial projects
🔭 I’m currently working on ...
- desktop-cgi [in dev] create hybrid apps using different ways (serving, running script files, proxies) to use mutliple interpreted language web apps or proxies
- [taskcontrols] ||py-taskcontrols |pypi [in dev] workflow automation library with support for concurrent or event based processes or activities in local/network automation tasks, including CI/CD activities
- cgi-js |npm [prod] run cgi/ interpreted language's script files, and/ or manage different processes/ executables. running php executable can be foundhere |npm
- require-urls |npm [prod] require remote urls from git (todo: gitlab, bitbucket, svn, remote ftp/store link)
- hasher-apis |npm [prod] create hashes or encrypt (one-way, two-way) of data, files, and/ or create keys using the crypto module of nodejs
- loadbalancerjs | [in dev] loadbalancer using different routing algorithms
- concurrency.js |npm [in dev] provide concurrency using threads, processes, and
- fastprimenumbers |npm |npm browser [prod] probably the fastest implementation since march 2021 of prime numbers creation and checks (indigenously made using modified vedic mathematics technique not available)
- taskcontrols | [prod, in dev] workflow, task automation library with concurrency, event management, data persistence, web hooks, security support
- ndarrays | [in dev] use numpy, pandas, and scipy in js
- pickler |npm [prod] js and default python pickle file imlementation
- jsparsers |npm [in dev] parse ini, csv, xml, yml, css, scss, less from and to json
- extenders |npm [prod] extend js objects with commonly used functions for arrays, strings, and objects
- queues.js |npm [prod] different types of variant implementations for queues
- request-apis |npm [in dev] make requests - get, post, put, patch, delete, options http/s requests
- get-root |npm [prod] get the root of git, svn, npm repos/ packages
- get-imports |npm [prod] get all the require, import packages in a js, cjs, and mjs file
- check-esm |npm [prod] check if the file is an js, cjs, or a mjs file
- mutables |npm [in dev] immutable stores
- traverse-fs |npm [prod] traverse, search, run opertations on the file system and/ or run your callbacks on the results
- fssys |npm [prod] module to read write folder/files, fs util functions, traverse files and folder using code, or cli, or use glob patterns
- fs-handlers |npm [prod] a simple interface and handler for streaming file handler using fs-handlers filehandler package
- issyntax |npm [prod] check if a item is a syntax in the javascript environment using issyntax using the isKeyword function
- safecookie |npm [prod] Wrap most of the cookie libraries with a safer encrypt - decrypt function - should work with most libraries
- which-platform |npm [prod] check if an environment (which-platform) is nodejs or browser environment
- which-istypedarray |npm [prod] check if an array or is a typed array or a buffer or simple array
- which-fileextension |npm [prod] check/ detect file extensions
- which-type-object |npm [prod] Use which-type-object to detect which type or javascript class instance or object tag an object of javascript is
- which-type-js |npm [prod] check/ determine which type of js is the object using which-type-js
- which-pkgmgr |npm [dev] detect default package manager in nodejs using detect-package-manager
- safefreeze |npm [prod] make a safe freeze object freezeobject - better usage [modified node internals] than as defined and used in node internals
- editablebrowser |npm [prod] make document editable in browser using inbrowseredit
- which-sort |npm [dev] which-sort provides different techniques present theoritically to do a sort. a package to dwell into different sorting experiments of techniques
- desktop-cgi/desktop-cgi
desktop-cgi/desktop-cgi PublicDesktop-CGI Application Tooling/Framework for Hybrid Desktop Applications. Desktop-CGI is a desktop executable tool that is created using electron, nodejs based server that serves - CGI files, embe…
- py-taskcontrol
py-taskcontrol PublicForked fromtaskcontrols/py-taskcontrol
Control, Create, Run named workflows & tasks with before/after middlewares support, data persistence, orm, authentication, logging, multi-threading/processing, events, network sockets, webhooks, cl…
- require-urls
require-urls PublicDeno and GoLang Mode in commonjs import (require) and ES import syntax: Replace nodejs require function with requireurls function or use loader.mjs replacing import functionality that can fetch rem…
- cgi-js/cgi-js
cgi-js/cgi-js PublicRun cgi / interpreted script files that supports command line execution, or connect to cgi / other server proxies : npm install cgijs --save
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